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New study shows McCain Gets Far More Negative Coverage From Media.

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posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by jibeho
I am just afraid that by calling him Barrack Hussein Obama that I may confuse him with Osama bin Laden

Jibeho, even you said it in a jest... It's just incredibly shallow. Do you expect to conduct any discussion at all in this fashion? Phew...

Apparently the McCain's campaing is oftenitmes stooping to [size=1pt]your level. That's one of the many reasons it gets negative coverage.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by jibeho

I'm just going to quote a very smart person on this....and leave it at that.

But what I find really interesting is how this thread about McCain's NEGATIVE press has turned into a "bash Obama fest". You guys can't even resist talking about Obama. He's so charismatic and magnetic, you can't even say anything nice about your own guy! How do you expect the press to speak positively about him if you can't?

(thanks BH)

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by buddhasystem

All of that and you never commented on my statements about Sarah Palin's wardrobe. My feelings are hurt. Sorry if I hurt yours and the other guys. I keep forgetting how sensitive lib-u-rulz can be.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by jibeho
reply to post by buddhasystem

All of that and you never commented on my statements about Sarah Palin's wardrobe.

Do I have a contractual obligation to comment on your statements? Frankly, after your Saetoro/Hussein/Laden [size=3pt]nonsense, I have an even lower level of interest in those than before.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Marcus Calpurnius
This is not a surprise to some of us, who have watched as our media transformed in to the propaganda arm of the DNC and Obama. Not that I beleive this will convince any of the left wing folks on this forum. As long as the media is spinning things for the left wing of this country, they could care less. They are only interested in shutting down the lone voices of the right.

But coverage of McCain has been heavily unfavorable -- and has become more so over time. In the six weeks following the conventions through the final debate, unfavorable stories about McCain outweighed favorable ones by a factor of more than three-to-one -- the most unfavorable of all four candidates -- according to the study by the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism.

Media coverage of John McCain has been heavily unfavorable since the political conventions, more than three times as negative as the portrayal of Barack Obama, a new study says.

Fifty-seven percent of the print and broadcast stories about the Republican nominee were decidedly negative, the Project for Excellence in Journalism says in a report out today, while 14 percent were positive. The McCain campaign has repeatedly complained that the mainstream media are biased toward the senator from Illinois.

[edit on 23-10-2008 by Marcus Calpurnius]

SOURCE of chart? WHO made the chart? Negative ads on POLICY Obama does, but he is not inciting crowds to cheer "Kill him" and "Terrorist" (of Obama). Mccain is running a campaign so dirty that EVEN when catching them in lies, the media gives them a second chance, or third (like when Palin keeps saying the VP controls the Senate and MAKES POLICIES if they so choose) and Nancy Pf (oil lobbyist) kept saying, basically, that it is right, lol, then gave that up and twisted it. Mccain is having phone calls that say "Nigger" in some places (immitate Obama, you talk to the voice, then it rants that word and other hate terms), outright lies, and when Guiliana and other ATTACK dogs tell lies and THEIR LIVES ARE TRUE JOKES, yeah, SOMEBODY has to call them out on it. Obama answers to anyone, will confront ANYONE (see him with Billo the clown, I mean Bill Orielly), and Palin won't appear without MCCAIN, and they keep repeating the SAME LIES. IF Obama were lying like that, and inciting violence and HATRED, then they (media) would be able to discuss it.

STOP crying, vote for Mccain if you want, but Mccain and his GOP puppeteers ARE THE party of Adolf Hitler. Lies, CHEATING, taking power, MAKING power, breaking the Geneva Convgentions, etc. DIRTY, DIRTY stuff. THEY NEED MORE coverage of their lies. IF anything, the media tries to be nice.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 03:07 PM
This is due to the Mirror Factor.
If you hold up a mirror to a negative person that negativity
is reflected. Just like if you hold up a mirror to an ugly person
the ugliness is reflected. You can't blame the mirror.
This is what Oliver stone did in his new movie 'W'.
You do not have to embelish his buffonery merely hold
the mirror up and voila, there it is.
It's the same with McCain-hold the mirror up and what is
reflected back to him is his own negativity.
Warmonger with limited Us vs Them philosophy, Easy to anger
with hellish expressions of anger on his face, ugly countenance,
no integrity, history of racism, Keating 5 greed, hatefull expressions of ugliness-it's the true McCain-REFLECTED.
McCain doesn't hold a candle to the high standards of personal
integrity that reflect of a glowing Obama.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 03:27 PM
started a thread on this last night...which includes the Palin videos where a quote is taken completely out of context...and also the guy admits to the media bias. CNN has made no i know of this.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 03:40 PM
Yeah, gets negative coverage because of a negative campaign. That's complete BS. Obama doesn't really have to go negative...not with an army made of media on his side to do all the dirty work for him. There is supposed to be honest journalism...but i guess that doesn't exist anymore and everyone seems to be fine with it.

It shouldn't matter what the tone of the freakin campaigns are....the coverage is supposed to be even regardless.

You only see it this way because u are all Obama supporters. He can do NO WRONG in your minds.

In context, i would hope that Obama becomes President just for the fact that you would all be proven how terrible he is at it. We'll have a Democratic Bush. Yay! It's only fair right?

Not worried about the Fairness Doctrine or second amendment rights? We'll be fine!! i'm not worried! It may or may not happen but it's worth the risk right? After all....Democrats have earned the right to F UP THE GOVERNMENT JUST AS MUCH AS REPUBLICANS HAVE RIGHT?


[edit on 23-10-2008 by David9176]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 04:23 PM

I am at a loss.

I grieve for the plight of the enlightened.

Have you people not been around the corners of the internet that explain to you QUITE CLEARLY that both these candidates are only an ILLUSION of choice, in a process that has already been predetermined????

You have been sucked into the classic Hegelian Dialectic. If you are not familair with this concept, it is the one that has made every war possible.

The sad truth is that you are looking at a voting process that is fixed. You can exercize your rights to vote, but exercize in futility is probably more accurate a phrasiology.

Your best option is the candidate with the least backing and involvement with the CFR. If you don't know what that is, you need to make it your business to find out.

You are watching puppets on the stage, and you are engaging in dialogue about the actors, when it is the true puppetmasters that have just decimated your entire economy, that should really have your attention.

Hegelian Dialectic. Classic. They keep using it, because it keeps working. Divide and conquer.

If you do not understand the above, I beg you to research these concepts, as this is the true cancer eating away at the democracy we all love.


posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 04:27 PM
The problem is that the media has so many stories that they could talk about on Obama, but they won't. His background play"s a big part in who he is and how he will react. So the fact that the media isn't talking about, all his buddies should really make you wonder what they are doing. As for Biden, they haven't even notice that there are no stories on him. Even when he says some of the stupidest stuff. Like how many letters are in the word "jobs" had that been Palin it would have been 24/7. There are never any negative stories on him. If you would pull up CNN right now I am guessing there are at least 3 negative stories about McCain/Palin, and several more good stories about Obama. The left leaning meda is really making me sick. CNN,NBC,CBS,ABC oh and lets not forget the leftist of all MSNBC
What ever happened to just reporting the news without an agenda? There is a story on Drudge right now about a woman that was robbed and when the robber found out she supported McCain he carved a "B" in her face and beat the crap out of her. Why doesn't that hit the airwaves. Geez, there have been multiple shootings and property damage done to people who support McCain and yet nothing is being reported.

Just in case you are wondering I do not support either candidate. The media chose McCain for us. He is not even close to a Conservative. There were several better choices than that. Anyway I think this election is going to get really ugly because the left is spinning numbers that aren't really there. This race is going to be very close. The riots will be huge.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by midwestmama
There are never any negative stories on him.

That's entirely not true. His past plagiarism and similar incidents were in the media. Well, he also doesn't resort to idiotic mantras like "we know who the bad guys are... and we know who the good guys are" used by Palin, or that certain small towns are more pro-American than others. And he's not shielded form the press... So there is less fodder for negativity.

It's that simple. He's no angel but he's not a frontier hockey mom who is cramming before the test, on politics and economy... while still finding time to spend 150k on outfits!

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

That's entirely not true. His past plagiarism and similar incidents were in the media.

Man, some quick blurb about it at the end of Anderson 360 is not attention. When the MSM pays attention to something, you know it because its wall to wall coverage for days. Along with front pages exposes in the NYT and LAT! There has been nothing comparable launched on Obama/Biden, that has been perpetrated on McCain/Plain. By that I mean days and weeks of non-stop negative attacks form the media. You can point to know similar thing being done to Obama.

[edit on 23-10-2008 by Marcus Calpurnius]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 04:44 PM
While I don't like either one of the candidates I think it's pretty obvious that the MSM picked their winner (obama) a couple weeks ago.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 05:00 PM
Did ANYONE actually need a study to believe this? The MSM is even inventing stories to make negative stories, admitting to it, but not apologizing or correcting it.

CNN’s Drew Griffin Warps Quote From National Review in Palin Interview

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Marcus Calpurnius
When the MSM pays attention to something, you know it because its wall to wall coverage for days.

I agree! Next time I hear the name "Ayers", I'm gonna puke. Same about bespoke Joe.

Look, in fact Obama got tons of negative coverage, and McCain and Palin basically got a reflection of that... What goes around comes around.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

I agree! Next time I hear the name "Ayers", I'm gonna puke. Same about bespoke Joe.


Try not to puke too much..... May your dreams be full of Ayer's and Joe's

McCain is and has been getting the short end of the stick and it doesn't take a study to determine that.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 06:51 PM
Poetic justice, I suppose. You blackball the only true Republican, Ron Paul, then your party will in turn be blackballed. Not that I condone dishonest journalism, but what do you expect from the MSM?

[edit on 23-10-2008 by Viral]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

You fail to see the difference between the media reinforcing negative criticisms and dismissing negative criticisms. When its Obama, with the exception of Fox, everyone else down play and deflect his criticisms. Wile McCain is smeared and attacked by the media. See the difference? CNN wasn't attacking Obama when they talked about Ayers. Instead, they deflected the criticisms and convinced you that there is nothing to it.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 07:21 PM
Hey, why don't all of you grow up!

Left-wing, right-wing, who cares? I'm a moderate... but still... I think it's hilarious all the name calling that's in this thread.

I think you should look for the candidate who has the best policies. Spot BS claims about each candidate, and, stop being so ****** ignorant. So many Republicans are in denial about Bush. It's getting crazy.

There is liberal and conservative media. No conspiracy here.

People lean to one side?

John McCain created a lot of negative news by saying negative and dumb things. Obama has kept a relatively positive attitude.

I have yet to see a positive thing from McCain supporters here to prove that the negative ads are unfair to McCain or Palin.

The burden of proof lies on the McCain supporters.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

John McCain created a lot of negative news by saying negative and dumb things. Obama has kept a relatively positive attitude.

Not really, you just have rose colored glasses I guess. Obama doesn't need to attack anyway, hes got ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, the NYT and PBS to do that for him. Thats the point....

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