posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:54 AM
In the USA, it is quite comment to use the word "American" to mean a citizen or resident of the USA, excluding Canada and Mexico. That is just an
idiom of USA dialect. No offense to Canadians or Mexicans.
Being an "American" means subscribing to certain specific ideals, expressed in the US Constitution, we are born with specific grants of freedom,
including the ability to obtain and permanently hold property. We cannot be forced into a particular religion. We have the right to defend ourselves
by owning guns. We cannot be imprisoned or punished for something we say or write or publish. We cannot be imprisoned or punished without a trial, and
only with a jury of our peers. We cannot be tortured into a confession. Our personal papers, property, communications, life-style cannot be examined
by the government arbitrarily, and we can demand total privacy in our personal affairs. Our main officials are elected by the people, and they serve
for a fixed duration of time.
I don't know what "Unamerican" means, other than it refers to someone who refutes all of the above, or at least most of it.
By that standard, Obama is clearly Unamerican. Obviously.
(No. Just joking!)
[edit on 23-10-2008 by Buck Division]