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Why there has not been a revolt yet, and how it may unfold

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posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 08:10 PM
I've heard it over and over again. If the government did something that truly effected us, we would stand up. Really? Lets see..The Patriot act?! 911?! The bills just passed against the peoples will?!

Just got off the phone with a friend whom I consider to be bright or gifted or whatever. He is a student who spends most of his time at school, studying, or working. Because he has time invested in his future, he can't take the troubles seriously. Meaning that if this were really as bad as I try to show him, he would be wasting most of his time!

Same with my parents. They have worked to high level positions, listen to FOX News daily, and don't want to accept that their life will most likely change dramatically very soon.

This is the problem. The solution seems an inevitable outcome of the months ahead. Meaning that as TSHTF, and average people become seriously effected, their will be riots. Both chaos, and new orders will be established, correct?

So it's just a matter of time before those who are in the know get more of a chance to have their voice heard by the masses. Our time will come. I have heard more open minds lately, then in the past. I think this will continue to happen as time goes on. Some people are desperate to hold onto how things have been. I almost got in a fight (didn't even realize the situation was unfolding until someone warned me) over speaking the truth today, but it's what is necessary.

This is not a fear mongering thread. I don't see doom and gloom for the future. I think change is the only constant in this material existance. That the change will be extreme in the times to come. That it is long over due. I think that materiality and spirituality are intertwined, although inversely proportionate. Through the chaos, will come the potential to disconnect from the conditioning and listen to truth. Listen to your heart, and know what must be done.

Any thoughts?

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 08:23 PM
Sadly i agree and disagree.. yes there should be revolts, sadly there wont be most Americans dont give a crap and just want to be blinded by there rose colored glasses.. by the time there ready to fight they will not be in any shape to fight back or have any supplies to do so.

My outlook on the future year isn't rosy for the rest of america, for me they ont be to bad im in a rural location and i have lots of supplies and most importantly skills to actually grow my own food and hunt etc.. most people dont possess any of these skills and even if they try they will most likly fail or not have very good outcomes.

Realize that many large city dwellers don't even cook, and I mean actually cook, like make bread from scratch.. not microwave a TV dinner etc.

If something disrupts the food system for 3 days .. these people are going to become rather hungry quick. Cities are going to be death trapps.

I dont know if you noticed but quarterly earnings are comming in for companies and almost all are reporting declines in slaes and earnings layoffs are happingin droves.. this economy is tanking quickly.. and people are starting to see the reality of it , once people reallystart feeling it as there already doing to some extent there is are going to be some really pissed of people. Will they revolt, no they will ask the government to fix it , look at katrina for some insight into how people react in times of crisis, some loot and pillage what they want others sit and die as they wait for the government to help them.. they do nothing to help them selfs, they dont prepair and they trust the government to do it for them..

Thats the average American today.. face it

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 08:32 PM
Revolutions have always succeeded when the people didn't expect everyone else to fight their battles, but chose to do what they could to revolt in their own personal ways.

Another problem is lack of education. Oh boy, just wait until some of you see the Patriot Act II that is laying around just waiting for the next great opportunity to be passed. Have not seen one single post about that one yet and so my guess is no one is even aware... study!! look!! research!! the more time that you spend understanding where we are, the better equipped you will be to handle your own personal revolution. That will be the only revolutions taking place anytime soon.. the personal kind. Sad, but true.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 08:33 PM
I don't think it will be the same as katrina ,as the event will be national and not local. Katrina cost buku's of money, and they did a horrible job at that. Do you think the people will think the government will be able to help them when most people nationwide are in a crunch? I think people will realize that they must stick up for their selves. Not that a governing system won't work, but that the current government is not our ally.

Self-preservation will kick in when people become aware that something must be done, and it's not gonna happen without their being part of the change.

Is my high-ideals overriding rationality? Am I only left to just "face it". I think that anyone can change at anytime. What better time to do so, then when you have nothing to lose..

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 08:42 PM
I've started a thread to try to get something going in the way of a large group willing to protest, resist, whatever you want to call it.
The thread is here, and we need ideas:'
Please stop by with any ideas you have.
We need to stop talking and ACT.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 08:43 PM
Like I mentioned before what we the ppl need is an international petition. One that lets another country(ies) know we need them to break down the problem with weaponry, and that they have our uttermost permission to straight up attack and bomb where in this country we petitioners are clear away from since knowing what we signed for.

The U.S.'s enemy is then become our ally apart from the very U.S. we live in.

Hmm. Give Russia, China, etc the international petition with strong consent, and see them stand up when they see the U.S's own citizens wanting liberation from the U.S.

I mean, hey, other countries ppls were in distress, and the U.S. went and helped liberate them. So more than one can play at that game.

[edit on 22-10-2008 by Mabus]

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 08:53 PM
If you played Elton John constantly and loud over American cities, there would be a revolt. Just sayin', he is awfu;.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 09:12 PM
posted on wrong thread!!
[edit on 22-10-2008 by unityemissions]

[edit on 22-10-2008 by unityemissions]

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions
This is not a fear mongering thread. I don't see doom and gloom for the future. I think change is the only constant in this material existance. That the change will be extreme in the times to come. That it is long over due. I think that materiality and spirituality are intertwined, although inversely proportionate. Through the chaos, will come the potential to disconnect from the conditioning and listen to truth. Listen to your heart, and know what must be done.
Any thoughts?


A) I am not exactly sure what you mean by “revolt”. If you mean revolution, an uprising that overthrows the government, etc…. That only happens when the pain seriously outweighs the gain. And we aren’t anywhere near that point (sure some segments of society may riot but they do that on occasion anyways, and honestly I doubt if this situation would even inspire riots, the people that riot are not worried about jobs they are mostly on welfare anyway).

People do not risk jail, they do not risk homelessness, they do not risk the security of their family because they are “not happy with how things are going”. History has proven that, if the masses have a reasonable level of comfort (i.e. food for their kids and basic needs met) they will not overthrow a well entrenched government with a strong military presence. Even dictators like Saddam can stay in power quite comfortably because the pain outweighs the gain. (Governments an ocean away are a different matter -- our current situation cannot be compared to the revolutionary war, the american revolutionaries knew it would be difficult for the Crown to deploy an army across an ocean and they were correct).

B) If you are truly in tune with the nature of the changing universe, if you are truly spiritual, you would realize in the long run none of this matters. This stuff happens, it always has and it always will. It is a split second of fleeting drama and that does not mean much when you have an eternity.

[edit on 22-10-2008 by Sonya610]

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 09:26 PM
Could be off to a good start here...

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by Sonya610


A: As things are now, it would not happen, agreed. I differ in that I don't think we are too far from that point, at least as far as time is concerned. In my mind we are months away from TSHTF, as in worse then GD.

B: I am as spiritual as anyone else. Of course this doesn't matter in the long run, but what does that have to do with what we are facing right now? I know that if I die, the universal essence that flows through me will continue on. Doesn't mean I give into apathy and just say, meh, heck with it. Nor does it mean that I get all egomaniacal and think I have superpowers. I'm just playing my part in life like everyone else.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions
I'm just playing my part in life like everyone else.

As long as you realize you are playing a part, or a role so to speak. I get fired up by things too, truly, but from a spiritual perspective I realize it is all divine. I don't mention spirituality when I am ranting. : )

That is not a criticism, but when you mention spirituality you appeal to the eternal essence in those of us that have a clue, and it makes us reply from that perspective, and say " is all fine...quit worrying".

[edit on 22-10-2008 by Sonya610]

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Sonya610

Originally posted by unityemissions
I'm just playing my part in life like everyone else.

As long as you realize you are playing a part, or a role so to speak. I get fired up by things too, truly, but from a spiritual perspective I realize it is all divine. I don't mention spirituality when I am ranting. : )

That is not a criticism, but when you mention spirituality you appeal to the eternal essence in those of us that have a clue, and it makes us reply from that perspective, and say " is all fine...quit worrying".

[edit on 22-10-2008 by Sonya610]

I'm there with you, except I don't see how someone could leave spirituality out of anything after having an experience of it. It reminds me of the 'spiritualists' who deny the body, the world...basically nihilists...blows my mind! seems an oxymoron...although after thinking about it, it's probably like how I don't like to mention the word "God" because of all it's negative connotations. Okay I understand now. I could have made the same point, and been received by more people, if I would have left the spiritual aspect out.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by justamomma
Another problem is lack of education. Oh boy, just wait until some of you see the Patriot Act II that is laying around just waiting for the next great opportunity to be passed. Have not seen one single post about that one yet and so my guess is no one is even aware... study!! look!! research!! the more time that you spend understanding where we are, the better equipped you will be to handle your own personal revolution. That will be the only revolutions taking place anytime soon.. the personal kind. Sad, but true.

Reading about the PA 2 now... That is some f*n scary s*t!!!

The ACLU sums it up here...

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by unityemissions
I'm there with you, except I don't see how someone could leave spirituality out of anything after having an experience of it.

If you are here with me realize it is all divine. Every thought, every action originates from one source. Sure, debating is fun, and pain inspires anger, but ultimately nothing is broken.

Love it or hate it, it is all from the one mind. If (when) you catch me ranting you are free to throw it back at me. : )

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:36 AM
Sadly, by the time Joe 6 Pack wakes up to what is going on, the US Gov will be in full blown bankruptcy.

Once the food stamps don't buy food, the WIC doesn't buy formula, the Social Security checks bounce, the welfare doesn't come, the Medical cards don't work - then many people will wake up and pitch a fit.

But, by then it will be too late to make any change, except in the way you live through the rough times.

As long as Pro sports are on the TV, and beer is at the grocery and gas is in the vehicle, and a job is what you wake up in the morning to go to, Old Joe aint gonna wake up.

He may beech and whine, but there aint gonna be any uprising until the level of comfort and security has been forcefully and permanently removed

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:43 AM
Reply to Redhatty:

Very very true! People do not rise up unless their basic needs are threatened (i.e. food, shelter, security, survival of offspring)

And while I rather doubt if the government is going to stop funding the lowest class (welfare) anytime soon, if it does come to that lets hope Joe 6 Pack has a clue and a shotgun handy.

And to further illucidate, I am not going to sacrifice my dependant loved ones for the betterment of the masses. Seriously, I will not. I am not going to do something crazy so the rest of the masses can benefit "eventually" when it comes to sacrificing the security and survival of that which I love.

[edit on 23-10-2008 by Sonya610]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:52 AM
Okay then, taking a chill pill, stoping the ranting, accepting reality. While my intuitions kicked in a long time ago, most people are still just sheeple. Not gonna waste my efforts any more just seeming like a crazed fool. I know that we have the power, but most would just deny it. BS, but reality. I really dislike admiting this. If I am to keep my sanity, I must accept as many perspectives as possible. Even the most foolish.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by unityemissions
Okay then, taking a chill pill, stoping the ranting, accepting reality. While my intuitions kicked in a long time ago, most people are still just sheeple. Not gonna waste my efforts any more just seeming like a crazed fool. I know that we have the power, but most would just deny it. BS, but reality. I really dislike admiting this. If I am to keep my sanity, I must accept as many perspectives as possible. Even the most foolish.

Were you directing that at a specific person? And the power, the power to overcome what? The government?

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 01:00 AM
No, just a general reply after seeing all the posts and re-thinking things through now that I don't have a buzz from alchohol. However, in reply to you, I was definately ranting. Sorry! Not usually that, um...outgoingly dumb and flipped.

Power is influence. Every individual has (the potential for) equal influence (materially), so being the vast majority, it's in our reach to create whatever country we want.

Oh right, you said ,"the power to overcome what". Yes I was referring to the corpogovernment entity.

[edit on 23-10-2008 by unityemissions]

[edit on 23-10-2008 by unityemissions]

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