posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by JustMy2Cents
Thank Just! I certainly appreciate your input. I don't have any particular information or knowledge, but I have a knack for knowing when things are
going to go wrong - and things about to go seriously wrong.
I have been following Sollog and Ronald Weinland for a long time. There is very definitely a subconscious voice if you pay close enough attention. I
wasn't challenging your "knowledge" as much as I was looking to corraborate it with what I've been feeling in my gut for years - and you have!
The only place that I can find disagreement with you is in the area regarding preparation. NOW is the time for some basic preparation! NOW is the
time to stockpile at least a few basic essentials - food, clean water, basic medical supplies and clothing to keep you comfortable in your climate.
Guns and ammo wouldn't hurt either, although I suspect that those will be the first things taken from you.
A great disaster is most certainly coming and it will have unfolded by the end of February 2009. Don't ask me what it is, I DON'T KNOW! This will
result at first in total chaos and anarchy - be armed and ready to defend yourself, your family and what little is of importance, food and water.
After a few weeks martial law will be in full effect. Rationing will begin and those unable to take care of themselves will be moved to camps for
their "protection." Anyone seen as a threat to the order will be either shot on sight or sent directly to a prison.
The reason I say be prepared is because when the entire fabric of modern society unravels, you are going to need to provide for yourself for a few
weeks. You will not be able to run to the grocery and pick a few things up.
I have felt for my entire life that this would come to pass in my lifetime. As I have aged I have felt the deadline approaching and feel in my heart
that the time is upon us.