posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 06:54 AM
I'd like to start this thread in order to gather as much information about people's experience of reading of experiencing nature's code. For
example I had an experience the other day of a moth communicating with me very fast and I understood everything it was trying to communicate!
I believe the first step to reading code is to control the mind through meditation. Once this is done the mind does not become distracted when 'in
the zone'.
What do I mean by in the zone? - I mean experiencing a transcendental moment or moments where the individual is the receptacle of something
extraordinary, angelic, harmonic or whatever you want to call it.
Reading code is very directional and unless your mind can filter out fear, erroneous energy, and distractions (which are often orchestrated by hostile
forces) you will fall out of the moment/zone. Natures code is holographic and timeless in nature. It is imprinted in the template of creation which
filters out into the various species in existence. The programming for these species comes from the source, the whole, the everlasting energy that is
Reading or experiencing the code with an open mind allows the individual to participate in what I call 'The dance'. The individual can only
participate in the dance if they are truly free and move and think without fear. Participating in the dance can only be done whilst reading code. It
is almost like translating the input and reacting accordingly. The reaction is actually timeless and part of the template of nature, to clarify what
I mean here, your reaction is part of 'the dance'. Some may even recognise or feel a familiarity with the euphoria that 'the dance' brings along
with the etherical information.
Programming takes place during the highest levels of the dance where the individual participates in contributing to natures code and desires which
ergo are transported to the higher dimensions.
Back to reading code. - Reading code can start for example by observing a crowd of people and watching how they move and react to their environment.
Reactions are for the most people preprogrammed responses so by observation you will soon see patterns, and understand how to control or influence
these patterns. Your environment over time will start to respond to your frequency mostly through sound, movement and energy. You have to be very
astute mentally to be able to sense these things, so it's just as important to understand the body and its programming as well as the mind.
By the way the moth isn't the only example I can give of reading code, I can read fire, wind, water, animals, music, conflict, noise and more. A bit
like Neo in The Matrix. So yes I would consider that I an Neo-human.
Reading and interpreting code is key to the evolution of the individual (the species is too far behind to catch up). When enough of us who have this
skill unite we will be able to call on energies that will open up the gate to a higher destiny.
Shine on.