posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by EclipseReloaded
I am sure he would like to know that just as much as anyone else. I can tell you this.. they seem to go hand in hand. I say this from personal
Not all of us seek publicity or money from our experiences.
I have seen various UFO's some similar to those he has photo's of, and others quite different but I have had similar poltergeist problems and also
woke up with the same marks he had on the back of his wrists. I have no recollection of any of the beings he has drawn.. but I did wake up with those
marks and no idea how I got them some 5 or so years ago.
That doesn't mean he is for real. I honestly don't know but I find it an odd coincidence that much of what he has experienced is similar to my
Stans marks
only woke up with marks on the one wrist not both. 2 puncture wounds about the same distance as you see on him.
Two UFO's posted on his site we saw on the same day this summer.
Saw one like this moving back and forth behind clouds and in open sky while we were moving into our new house.
And on the second trip that evening we saw a couple of these moving oddly in the sky just before we got to our home with that final load of
I posted about it at the time.. was early july. Might try to find it for you if I can.
[edit on 22-10-2008 by NephraTari]