posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 04:06 PM
I woke up in the backyard and the time i remember when i walked in the house was around 12:30. I went to bed and have not spoken of this event.
Please understand that i do not remember every detail as this is NOT a normal experience.
Before i answer questions, i would like the forum to know that i did not post this to be attacked. I came here to know i am not insane and that there
may be others with a similar experience which i would like to know about.
In regards to me being a Dan? No sorry. Ned is short for Nedialko. Yes i speak very good english because i travel back and forth between Bulgaria and
Ontario, Canada. (Arrived in Canada just days ago). I lived in Canada 12 years and recently went to Bulgaria since i am originally from there. Now i
am back here and will be reurning in less than a month. I don't feel the need to discuss my personal life. Like i wrote if you think this is a joke
do not read or comment. I also posted i myself am having a hard time believing this myself. And i use ft because i used the system from Canada. That
is in fact why Kai communicated with me in English.
And yes it was broken english, i am sorry that that seems to be a problem, i cannot tell anyone why it was broken but it was.
I did post that they are able to communicate in all languages, not just English.
I was told that they contact some people simply to study their behaviours and our nature. Also with that they provided me with a bit of information
which i posted some of it.
They did communicate amongst eachother at certain points so i was able to hear their language, unfortunately i cannot compare it to anything i have
In regards to them being 10,000years technologically advanced than us, i am refering to us in the present yes. (So 10 000 from now we will be at their
level). They know all our systems and level of technology.
They do not communicate telepathically although they can. I was told that they will communicate with me again but was not told when.
I did not ask much i just listened.
I wasn't shown around the craft therefore i can only describe the two rooms i was in.
They briefly told me about their race, they have families , just like us. They said the food they eat is diffeent than ours. They do not eat animals.
They did tell me their planet has animals just different than our own. They use wormholes for space travel and i was told it takes them what in our
time would be 2hours to get here. They did say we already have hidden advanced type crafts that have been hidden from us, but our people have much
more to learn. They will make contact but no date was given. They are unsure how our race will accept another civilization as they have seen we are a
hostile race. I was told that when they or another race publicly make contact with us our lives will forever change and they want to be cautious
before taking that step. They told me the dont hide their craft while in our skies to slowly and gently show the public that they in fact do exist
and sighitngs will increase in the years to follow. Like i wrote another race may very well contact us first before this race i communicated with.
They do not know.