posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 03:29 AM
For good or bad, for the last 50 years or so, America has pushed itself on to the world's centre stage. Certainly for the last 20 or 30 years,
America has been the dominant cultural factor across the world. You asked for honesty, and personally I don't appreciate this. Not in a 'I wish that
was us' sense, but because I don't actually like much of what's imported/exported. This ranges from 'gang culture' and all that surrounds it to
the idea that 'American values' are the only way to go and should be spread across the globe like cultural missionary project.
Unfortunately, for various reasons, one of the big American exports of recent years is war. Your recent governments at least give the impression
that America is big on war. Sadly, when America goes to war, it means that due to various treaties and agreements, other countries also get
dragged in and that includes mine. The next American President's attitudes to foreign relations is a serious issue for the rest of the world, and
that's not just the 'enemies' of America but also America's 'friends'.
As for who you'd vote for if you lived in Britain: I have no way of knowing as you don't really give much indication of what your present political
beliefs. However, Britain also suffers from the same flawed voting system as America as it's an ostensibly 2 party system that is actually more a
see-saw than a legitimate choice.