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CIA’s Robert Baer Knows 'Guy' Who Cashed Out Day Before 9/11

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posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 02:23 AM
We Are Change L.A.
October 20, 2008

On 9/11 prior knowledge, and perhaps a clue towards the put options on the day of 9/11: “I know the guy that went into his broker in San Diego and said ‘cash me out, it’s going down tomorrow.’”

He then went on to say that this man’s “brother worked in the White House.”

The guy drops many truth bombs, from israeli Mossad involvement to the war games being used as cover for the attacks to occur.

On October 16, 2008, Robert Baer, who was a CIA Case Officer in the Middle East over the course of almost two decades, participated in a discussion at the Hammer Museum entitled “A Third War: The Threat of War with Iran.” Dr. Trita Parsi was part of the discussion which was moderated by Ian Masters.

Baer was briefly interrupted during the discussion by Jeremy Rothe-Kushel for clarity’s sake, after he brought up 9/11 and reaffirmed his recently aired belief that Osama bin Laden is likely dead. That part went something like this-

Please read the rest of the transcript and article here --->Mossad, Israeli 911 connection.

[edit on 21-10-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 03:39 AM
Here is a transcript of the part of the conversation I found most interesting.

In a preamble, Baer says that "we" have been hiding information from the public about Iran for thirty years. He says that he does not advocate going to war with Iran, but that he is disturbed that the evidence of Iran's participation in 9/11 was never given to the 9/11 commission report.

Alex Jones asks for the evidence.

Robert Baer: "In June 1996, Osama bin Laden sat down with an Iranian intelligence officer and they discussed a comprehensive plan to attack the United States. These meetings went on for several years. What disturbs me is that that evidence is not weighed inside the 9/11 commission report."

Alex Jones: "What's the proof of that, uh, I mean where's the proof?"

Robert Baer: "Well, the intelligence community has it. They just never gave it to the 9/11 commission report."

Alex Jones: "So we have a Sunni working with the Shi'ites?

Robert Baer: "Yeah. Anything because, uh, you know, in the middle east, keep in mind, it's my enemy's enemy is my friend, and that is a rule. It's an iron clad rule.You know, and especially, we're so militarily dominant that Iran is not afraid to ally with anybody. When I was in Lebanon, in the 80's and 90's, the Iranians were allied with a Christian group, the Lebanese forces. I mean it's just totally unlikely. It goes against them, understanding we have in the middle east, but they look at themselves as militarily inferior and they'll ally with anybody. Now, I'm not saying, I don't do conspiracy theories, I'm not saying they were part of 9/11. I'm just saying this evidence was never weighed."

Imagine that, a spook who doesn't do conspiracy theories.

What concerns me about this conversation is the dragging of Iran into the 9/11 discussion. The logistics of it have, after all, been fairly well explained without recourse to a major Iranian involvement.

I'm wondering if the Iranians didn't see through bin Laden and just prolong the talks with him in order to get an idea of what was coming down the pike, in terms of US covert action, from a long time operative of the US, bin Laden. Maybe in failing to sucker the Iranians, bin Laden put his own head on the platter as a necessary patsy for 9/11.

In the game of musical chairs, bin Laden was the last one without a chair, because the Iranians probably smelled a rat and ducked out of the game early.

Is Baer trying to further lay the groundwork for future action against Iran? Is he trying to direct people to look carefully and deeply into these manouverings, with a view to directing people to the truth, and thereby prevent a military strike on Iran? It is very hard to tell.

He's a cagey guy and of course "doesn't do conspiracy theories."

[edit on 21-10-2008 by ipsedixit]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 02:01 PM
good post ip

I had the same thoughts in watching Baer, my reaction was that he dragged in Iran out of the blue to push the attack agenda.

I didn't like him one bit and wouldn't trust a word he said. A hustler/operator of the first order, out for number one, with no compunction about lying whenver it would suit his purposes.

The entire conversation was frankly bizarre--wtf is this Iran connection? Tons of innuendo--"do the is all hiddden...the alphabet agencies know but won't say...I don't do conspiracy theories..."

Egotistical blowhard, not to be trusted as far as you can throw him.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 02:53 PM

posted by IvanZana
On 9/11 prior knowledge, and perhaps a clue towards the put options on the day of 9/11: “I know the guy that went into his broker in San Diego and said ‘cash me out, it’s going down tomorrow.’”

He then went on to say that this man’s “brother worked in the White House.”
The guy drops many truth bombs, from israeli Mossad involvement to the war games being used as cover for the attacks to occur.

posted by ipsedixit
Here is a transcript of the part of the conversation I found most interesting.

In a preamble, Baer says that "we" have been hiding information from the public about Iran for thirty years. He says that he does not advocate going to war with Iran, but that he is disturbed that the evidence of Iran's participation in 9/11 was never given to the 9/11 commission report.

Imagine that, a spook who doesn't do conspiracy theories.

What concerns me about this conversation is the dragging of Iran into the 9/11 discussion. The logistics of it have, after all, been fairly well explained without recourse to a major Iranian involvement.

I'm wondering if the Iranians didn't see through bin Laden and just prolong the talks with him in order to get an idea of what was coming down the pike, in terms of US covert action, from a long time operative of the US, bin Laden. Maybe in failing to sucker the Iranians, bin Laden put his own head on the platter as a necessary patsy for 9/11.

In the game of musical chairs, bin Laden was the last one without a chair, because the Iranians probably smelled a rat and ducked out of the game early.

Is Baer trying to further lay the groundwork for future action against Iran? Is he trying to direct people to look carefully and deeply into these manouverings, with a view to directing people to the truth, and thereby prevent a military strike on Iran? It is very hard to tell.

He's a cagey guy and of course "doesn't do conspiracy theories."

Likely he had to divulge some facts to enhance his veracity. The Iranian connection to 9-11 is bogus. It is possible that bin Laden had something to do with providing the patsies for the Bush Regime/NeoCON 'New Pearl Harbor Event'. But he likely had no clue what they would be used for until after the event. Or they were all immediately executed and replaced by Mossad agents, except for those patsies who had their identities stolen and were still alive and kicking over in the Middle East.

Isn't it amazing how many former (retired) intelligence agents have openly joined many others in demanding another investigation into 9-11? Just peruse this website to get an idea of how many highly qualified individuals want another investigation into 9-11.

140+ Senior Military, Intelligence Service, Law Enforcement, and Government Officials

Pilots and Aviation Professionals Question the 9/11 Commission Report

Seven CIA Veterans Challenge 9/11 Commission Report

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by gottago

He's the kind of guy that you walk away from, mapping out a decision tree in your head. This guy could walk across the Niagara gorge on a piano wire, eating a hot dog and reading the paper all the way. Lock up the silverware!

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by SPreston

There are very good reasons why professionals of any sort might ask for a re-investigation of 9/11, but particularly good reasons for intelligence professionals to ask for one.

You should check out the thread linked below and if you can, try to view the PBS documentery, The Dark Side. (There is a link to it in the thread.)

I personally believe that the CIA is being scapegoated in some quarters as a way of diverting attention from people high in the Bush administration, who are truly responsible for 9/11.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 07:37 PM
more Baer
alex jones has a 3 part interview...
seems this world crisis maybe a Iranian plot to take over the mid east..

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by BornPatriot

I watched all three parts. Baer is a slippery character.

To hear him talk one would think that the US had no interests in the Middle East at all and that either they (the US) were attacked by Iran on 9/11 (and at other times) because Iran wants to control the entire area or that the Arabs attacked the US because they want the US to attack Iran so that they can maintain their independance from Iran.

He says he doesn't know if Iran has a nuclear program and then complains that Bush has given Iran a pass despite it's nuclear program, because Bush can't put enough troops on the ground to go after Iran.

Very hard to figure this guy out. He says that Iran wants to recreate the Persian empire. I'm sorry. I can't swallow that one.

One interesting thing that he did say was that the US can't go after Iran without reinstating the draft and that it can't reinstate the draft without another 9/11 event.

Hang on to your hats folks!

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 04:41 PM
Very interesting interview,Ivan Bear did seem to drag Iran into the discussion outta the blue.He may well be trying to push the attack Iran idea he is a former CIA operator after all.

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