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Science fun (Are we vibrations?)

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posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 04:34 PM
A few little things to share with you and add to the mix.

I don't know if anyone else noticed the "celtic" pattern of the shapes produced by these experiments? Newgrange in Ireland, which was constructed 500 years before the Great Pramid at Giza has some extraordinary acoustic properties. It is suppossed these were accidental, but perhaps as accidental as the fact the sun only shines directly through the entrance passage on the morning of the winter solstice. The acoustics of the building have not only strange auditory effects but also visible effects on the dust carpeting the passage where the dust takes the form of a standing wave at certain frequencies. Some propose that the swirls of celtic art are connected to this phenomenon and that perhaps it was a knowledge known prior even to the construction of Newgrange - such as their knowledge of astronomy. There's an intersting, if brief description of this, and other places, here.

The second thing I'll add is from my (Christian) theology background. Sound plays a significant role in the Genesis creation story in that every moment of creation is initiated by "and God said." Also there is the interesting notion of the void of waters over which the breath of God passes as creation begins. It's no huge leap to see how people might have experienced the peaks and troughs on the surface of a resonating liquid and see it as an metaphore for creation.
The whole use of "sound" symbolism finds it's scriptural completion in the Prologue to John's Gospel where the Christ is spoken of as The Word "through whom all things were made."

I don't think you sound like a crackpot. I heard recently that if all the free space were removed from the atoms that make up each person the entire human race would fit in a space the size of a sugar cube - that's a lot of space for a lot of resonance. Perhaps matter is the peaks of this cymatic and dark matter the troughs. It's all a lot of perhaps but interesting to contemplate. We may be beginning to remember a lot of things that once known were dismissed.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by mikesingh

Thank you Mike.. Well said, and thats a very good topic to put forth to this guide of the Universe! Vibrations can branch off into so many topics and meanings that we are only starting to understand as a society.
This knowledge has been long held. But only few knew of the "magijks" of vibrations and sound.

Im wondering if this is Cymatics at work on Saturn?

Originally posted by Supercertari
A few little things to share with you and add to the mix.

Thank you for adding that knowledge Supercetari! This type of science can really cross over into religion. Which for a long time my spiritual nature and outlook has always lead me threw science to understand magick, energy, and the universe. However the religion part is a personal thing, and everyone should have their own song, their own way to look at the universe and what God is to them. Vibrations can be anything you want them to be..

[edit on 24-10-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 04:04 PM
Now that we have put some information in place and explained many different ideas of vibrations and our universe. Where are these vibrations comming from?
Why does everything spin, from our atoms to our solar system, to our galaxy and beyond?

Born in Geneva , Switzerland in 1962. As early as 9 years old, Mr. Haramein was already developing the basis for a hyperdimensional theory of everything he called the "Holofractographic Universe." This Unified Field Theory was developed based on a specific geometric array which he has found to be fundamental to creation. This theory has now been presented to the scientific community, and his scientific papers will soon be followed by a DVD and a book for the layman entitled "Crossing the Event Horizon."
E. A. Rauscher, Ph.D. (Nuclear Physics and Engineering, University of California at Berkeley). Dr. Rauscher was a nuclear scientist and researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and at Stanford Research Institute, Professor of Physics at John F. Kennedy University of California, research consultant to NASA (space shuttle program) and the U.S. Navy. Dr. Rauscher served on the Congressional OTA Advisory Committee, and has been Delegate and advisor to the United Nations

Grand Unified Field Theory: Nassim Haramein Pt.1

I have just recently been listening to Mr. Haramein, and hearing what he has to say. I wanted to share it with you all. As this is one possible source of those vibrations!

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 08:36 PM
Here is another look into what is called Quan Yin.
I like to take as many looks as possible into this subject.
As the subjects are as diverse as people ourselfs. There is so much to yet know and understand, that everyday we seek to understand ourselfs better.

I happen to belive one can not love unless they first love themselfs.
Hence. I belive that we can not understand the universe, until we first learn to understand ourselfs..

Quan Yin Source website

Have you ever asked yourself these probing questions? Like why do we suffer? Why can't I find fulfillment in life? Why do I feel there is something greater out there that I am endlessly searching for? Here at Quan Yin Online, we want to help guide you to those answers. We want you to find fulfillment in life like we have.

I hope to bring to ATS a level of understanding and fulfillment. Yet the whole time please understand this is only one way to think about this.
And the ways to think about this are endless!
Do not take my words and this site as absolutes! Its only 1 way to see things, and one way to feel the vibrations! One way to see what God is too you, and one way to understand yourself.

Why do we suffer?
Our only pain is forgetting that we are God. The only cause of suffering is ignorance of our own true nature, nothing else -- not poverty, not wars or disasters. Nothing else can bring us suffering. There are two levels within our existence. One is the so-called ignorance, the other enlightenment.

As with this, if I can help but one person then my aim is complete! I only desire to help and to open the minds of any person who takes the time to read my thread.. My hope is a passionate one, becasue I truely do care about everyone here.. ATS is like a family to me, and its extended nature allows me to show my love and vibrations threw words and written posts.
Sharing knowledge so that your suffering can become your understanding!

Why immediate enlightenment?
Enlightenment implies light. When anyone helps you to see Light from heaven immediately, that is called immediate enlightenment. When people can see Light or hear the Heavenly Music it means the message of God.

I think thats a beautiful thought.. And if we as a people could realize God has much to do with voice. and sound.. I think we would all be much happier people, and I think we could all finally agree on one thing atleast!
Wouldnt that be great, if people could all come to a point where they could collectively agree upon one thing when it comes to God?

What is the sound of God?
This Sound is the "Sound of God", the sound of our original nature, which existed even before anything in this universe came into being. This Sound is the "sound beyond this world;" therefore, it is inaudible to the hearing faculty of ordinary humans. However, all sentient beings can listen to it, except that they will hear different sounds according to their individual levels. Everything in the universe vibrates, and so they have sound - even stones have sound. But it is too subtle to be heard by the human ear; we can only hear it with our wisdom.

I will end this post here.. And if this said topic here, makes you think or makes you wonder a little bit more, by all means go to the site and do a little reading up on this.
However again, I don't and will not claim this is any absolute truth.
As it would be ignorant of me, and down right pushy..
I have no desire to push feelings, or thoughts upon others.
Even tho I have good intentions.. Pushy people can end up pushing people away because they get overly passionate about such things.

Such as some Fundalmentalists.. They get down right pushy when it comes to their God, and their church.. If you dont belive it.. They will shun you and do everything in their power to make you see it their way..
I have no such desire..
But I do wish to share with you what I find, and what Ideas that help me!


posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 12:05 AM
Hey the vibration pattern that looks like a swil from the inside out looks like one pice of that huge picture that repeats it sel no matter what magnification, kinda like paisleys, spelling? I saw the image in the esoteric agenda flick. Any one know what pic I mean. I have never been able to find it.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by zysin5
And my next list of question in statement form.
1. Life is basically a static.
Definition: A life static has no mass, no motion, no wavelength, no location in space or in time. It has the ability to postulate and to perceive.

2. The static is capable of considerations, postulates and opinions.

3. Space, energy, objects, form and time are the result of considerations made and/or agreed upon, or not, by the static and are perceived solely because the static considers that it can perceive them.

What are your personal thoughts?

You posted videos of the effects of resonance on liquids while providing ZERO evidence to support these claims. Baseless and rather ridiculous if you just take what evidence you've given (none).

Originally posted by mystiq
Even written word have vibrations, I've heard. I don't know where I heard this from, but they froze water in containers and the words "thank you" were put on one, and "I hate you, I will kill you" the other. There were others too. But for these two examples, the ice was examined and the first one had crystals like snowflakes that were beautiful, the other had really chaotic crystals that were all messed up. I frequently bring this up to my kids when they're fighting or being mean. That we are all made of water, and I just want to make snowflakes in all of you. Use only the good words please.

This is a farce. I remember this bull# study from a while ago, it was posted on ATS and was all faked.

Originally posted by ElectroMagnetic Multivers
IMO, it's not sound, sound is a product of vibration, it's vibration that I believe shapes our universe, light (energy) is the clay, vibration are the hands that mould everything, would it get too trippy if I said vibration is a product of energy?!? The clay moulds itself?!?!?

I think that you should learn what sound and "vibrations" are before you make statements like this.


posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by Johnmike

Hi Johnmike! Thanks for your input! I knew it was only a matter of time before my thread was met head on with ridicule.
However you offered what I asked, your thoughts, and Im glad I could come in to find someone who belives this is complete non sense.
I mean, sounds and vibrations, how silly of an idea right??
How could anyone think that with all the beautiful music we humans create could have anything to do with energy, and how our universe was created.
I suppose you have all the answer in which I seek.

Thats great! I egarly await your next post with some substance to what you said. It would be great to see you back up your post with some sources, or with some ideas and enforcement why you feel the way you do.

As what you said in essence is just as out there as my posts, or anyother posts in this thread. You see we are all walking in the dark.
And you seem to have the answers! So please by all means share with me and the rest of the folks who put some time to come in and offer their ideas, source links, and other ideas.

I would also like to know what makes you an expert on this subject.
I never claimed to have the answers, as I feel you didnt read the whole thread, or you wouldnt have said what you did.

No I feel you saw a video on the front page, didnt bother to read into this to far, and decided it was all crazy talk! And hence wrote your post in a way that would shut this down, or someone make me feel as if I am crazy for stepping outside the box.

Please do offer me something more than just your own words. Please offer me something from other sources that debunk my videos, and expose this hoax, as the lies they are..

I am waiting, and I will keep an open mind to either side..
As I knew it would be long before I had someone like you come in here and say what you did.. It was expected, and Im honestly shocked it didnt happen sooner.
Impossible ideas, and Impossible methods. only prove to me, that people are trapped with in their small parameters, and refuse to step outside of themselfs for any amount of time.
They only want to point out that proof is in the eye of the beholder!

And with proof comes those who opose such truths, and those who go out of their way to make myself and othes seem like fools for thinking that what we know about the universe is not all that much. And what we know about vibrations may not be as much as we think we know.

So please! Since you claim to have the answers, by all means Johnmike enlighten us all on your knowledge and your grand theories of how this universe functions.. Is it light? Is it gravity? Your saying it has nothing to do with sounds and vibrations.. So I would honestly like to know.

Or prehaps you dont know, like me and will only offer up a theory which you can provide source links, and proof, only to find I will reject that proof because it does not suit my needs, or follow the path I take in life.

Such is life, on such a grand scale. The polar vs negtively charges particals, to the people who have postive and negtive ideas, can never meet somewhere in the middle, we are charged, to deny eachothers feelings and ideas.. However that doesnt make me think any less of you as a person.. I just feel you could have been much more open minded, And you could have atleast backed your claim up with something other than your own words.. And to totally reject what I had to offer is well, what I expected from many people!
And its all good, as it helps me understand more about my ideas and theories.. If one man can take them apart, prehaps I need to go back to the drawing board.. But you hardly took anything apart here.
But I give you another chance to come back and counter my ideas and claims, and my back up souces, with your sources, and why you are lead to belive the things you do!
And not just your own words, I would like to see where you are getting your ideas and feelings from!

Many thanks~

This is a farce. I remember this bull# study from a while ago, it was posted on ATS and was all faked.

show us these links.. And show us this is a farce, and its BS..
By all means show me what is faked!!

I think that you should learn what sound and "vibrations" are before you make statements like this.

By all means Johnmike.. Why not enlighten us on what vibrations really are at the base root, and where do they come from?
As you are hinting that you have all the answers! I cant wait to learn more from someone who knows everything there is to know about sound and vibrations!

You posted videos of the effects of resonance on liquids while providing ZERO evidence to support these claims. Baseless and rather ridiculous if you just take what evidence you've given (none).

The first video used Sand sir. not liquid.. Did you even read the whole thread? Im guess you didnt. As you say there is ZERO evidence to support my claims.. Yet you offer Zero evidence in your rebuttle, you only come in and lash out of at us here for thinking beyond what we are taught, or told to say..
You can deny what I laided out and claim it as ZERO evidence if you like.
You can ignore everything I said, and everything I posted.
This happens all to often.. But I dont mind comming in to defend my thought pattern.. And to defend those who have done their best to help me out with this thread! Zero evidence? I hardly think so man.. We offered much substance in here.. You are simply throwing that aside.. To make yourself seem better or smarter than us here..

[edit on 29-10-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by Johnmike

Hey, do you have a link to the thread. I'm curious how this experiment was debunked, or "faked". After you wrote this I did a search for something about the actual experiment. This is a fairly good description of it:

In 1994, Dr. Emoto and his colleagues at the MRA Research Institute began taking photographs of frozen water crystals. These photos are taken inside a freezer that is at a temperature of -5° C.

The photos above are examples taken from Dr. Emoto's book Messages from Water, which documents his groundbreaking research into the effect of human consciousness on water. The book illustrates how water quality is reflected in its crystalline structure and how the consciousness of water can be affected by exposure to pollution, words, music, photos, and even prayer. When we reflect on how our bodies are primarily made of water, the implications of Dr. Emoto's work are staggering.

Since its suddenly a controversial study, I'm actually trying to find out exactly how they performed it and what they "faked".

Edit to add: To be fair, I just found this and now have many questions, because this would be very interesting if the results were repeatable in a double blind procedure. But until they are, this seems to be a rather subjective experiment:

[edit on 29-10-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by mystiq

Thanks for the links and the info on that mystiq! I have honestly questioned his work for some time now myself personally. ( And alot from the movie, "what the Bleep do we know.") Alot of that stuff is telling us more so what we want to hear.. And not so much what we NEED to hear.

But that still doesnt change how I feel about the universe and the role that vibrations and sound play as a key part into understanding more about the universe we all live within.

Thus I keep an open mind, and a critical eye out for faking, frauds and other such things! We must be critical about such things, as we dont want to be lead down a path blindly following anything that sounds nice, or convenient for us at the time..

However I will give Johnmike a few days to come in and offer some other things in light of what you found..

As I stated this thread is not directly about Dr. Masaru Emoto's ideas and theories, but it sertinly adds to this guide for some other ideas and branch topics to all this..

This is just a guide to the universe! And I speak of the tree as the base,
and all the branches that spawn from the main topic..

Thanks for your time, and for keeping a skeptical mind for such things.
I agree we can not go blindly into this..
However we can not simply deny all things.. As sounds and the vibrations I still highly belive to hold the keys, aswell as the doorways to understanding more about this experience!

Thus take your time in gathering your sources, and I will listen to what you have to offer.. I wont blow you off just becasue you dont agree with these ideas, nor would I deny that theres many people looking to make a buck or two to say what ever we want so much to be real.. when its hard to honestly have solid proof right now to say 100% for sure either way..


EDIT-- Never mind this post.. I will not be brought to this other posters level.. I tried my best to be nice, and open minded on his claims.

Yet he wants to make a post.. When I asked him to take his time, to offer us sources and links to why he feels this thread is a lie..
WEll instead he posts, and overquotes my remarks, and has to wonder if Im 12 years old.. NICE! Last ditch effort by a troll who has his back to the wall here.. Oh but wait he is a scientist

[edit on 30-10-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by zysin5
I mean, sounds and vibrations, how silly of an idea right??

Actually waves describe a LOT of things. But only when you use them in a way that they...actually exist.

Originally posted by zysin5
How could anyone think that with all the beautiful music we humans create could have anything to do with energy, and how our universe was created.
I suppose you have all the answer in which I seek.

I don't know how? Music is great (I have a personal love of music theory and play some brass myself, though relatively poorly), but that also has nothing to do with this. I'm starting to wonder if you're twelve or something.

Originally posted by zysin5
I would also like to know what makes you an expert on this subject.
I never claimed to have the answers, as I feel you didnt read the whole thread, or you wouldnt have said what you did.

I'm nowhere near an expert, though I do consider myself a bit of a scientist.

Originally posted by zysin5
No I feel you saw a video on the front page, didnt bother to read into this to far, and decided it was all crazy talk! And hence wrote your post in a way that would shut this down, or someone make me feel as if I am crazy for stepping outside the box.

Okay. But all I did was tell you that you made stuff up.

Originally posted by zysin5
Is it light? Is it gravity? Your saying it has nothing to do with sounds and vibrations.. So I would honestly like to know.

Depends on what you want to know? I can explain classical physics up to some of the more basic properties of light or general chemistry until I'm blue in the face. I'll get to modern physics soon.

Originally posted by zysin5
And its all good, as it helps me understand more about my ideas and theories.. If one man can take them apart, prehaps I need to go back to the drawing board.. But you hardly took anything apart here.
But I give you another chance to come back and counter my ideas and claims, and my back up souces, with your sources, and why you are lead to belive the things you do!

But you didn't really claim much. You just said a couple random statements and linked to a video that contained a bunch of, well, scientific errors (if you call intentional misrepresentation of facts "error" and not something more descriptive of a violation of scientific ethics).

Originally posted by zysin5
By all means Johnmike.. Why not enlighten us on what vibrations really are at the base root, and where do they come from?
As you are hinting that you have all the answers! I cant wait to learn more from someone who knows everything there is to know about sound and vibrations!

Depends on what you mean by "vibrations." I'll probably get a little more into modern (ex. post 1900's) physics next year, but as for sound it's just a pressure wave moving though air. Your body makes vibrations in your throat when you talk as you breathe, causing the air to vibrate. You end up with waves of pressure moving through the air. Not rea

Originally posted by zysin5
The first video used Sand sir. not liquid.. Did you even read the whole thread?

Yeah, it works the same way. Should have said fluid, though sand isn't a fluid either.

Mod edit: Fixed tags.

Mod Edit: Civility and Decorum are Required

[edit on 30-10-2008 by Gemwolf]

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by mystiq

I might be able to find the specific thread for you later. It's been a while, but basically, he fabricated evidence to support his claims. Meaning, well, he lied.

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by Johnmike

Okay Johnmike, you didnt post 1 link, not one source.. And I did my best to try to be nice to you, and keep an open mind.
I have nothing further to debate with you. I have no time to be bothered with someone who is going to be like that, and assume my age based upon a thread that I made to help open peoples minds, and help promote a little something outside the box.
As by the time this goes down, Im not going to be baited into into a match with someone who doesnt want to debate at an adult level. Being back into a corner results in one thing. Name calling.. When you can no longer find anything to attack about the topic, you attack the poster.

So thanks for the input, however I have nothing else to add to your statements. Its fruitless to get into this with you.
Infact its very annoying, as with my above post I honestly tried being nice to you, and was giving you room to breath in here.
Yet you seem to think you are somehow more intelligent becasue you are a scientist..
You have called me a lyer, and say everything I post in here is none sense.. And the only point you have made.. Is that the argument you hold is not worth my time, nor will I sink to your level of tatics being used by you in this thread..

Best of luck to you Johnmike..
You decided to make that post, without any sources, without anything other than being the type of Troll on ATS that will do your best to bait and try to get me to come down to your level.. No thanks..
With commets like this why bother talking to you?

I'm starting to wonder if you're twelve or something.

Why not check out Springers Sig..

Never argue with an idiot, he'll only bring you down to his level and beat you with experience!

[edit on 30-10-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 01:35 AM
The back and forth bickering stops now. No more name calling! If we can't be civilized then we'll have to resort to penalising.

Civility and Decorum are Required
General ATS Discussion Etiquette – Please Review This Link.
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posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 06:52 AM
No you not mad for thinking we are vibrations......we are not just vibrations but a series of vibrations that vibrate at the ressonace frequnecy of strings which which makes them have a certain connection becuase they are vibrating off each other so kinda like sharing each others energy. and when something has a slight field and resonates with something else with a slight field (electro/magnetic/gravitational/energy) something strange happens.

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 04:54 PM
The videos presented at the beginning seem to be an example of cymatics, which has been coined the physics of sound. They are repeatable. I didn't find critiques of the following information while searching. Though even in the above experiment with ice crystals, failing to follow a certain procedure does not negate the experiment if its repeatable, and I could only find criticism. I'm trying to find repeats of the experiments with the same results, or even a less pronounced, but still significant result and havn't. Of course any of us can freeze ice, but I sure don't have the equipment to get my kids to explore this as a learning lesson. It would be fun.

The word cymatics (from the Greek kyma, meaning wave) is of fairly recent origin. The technique is not. It was Ernst Chladni who conducted the first experiments and published his findings in 1787 in a book called: Entdeckungen ueber die Theorie des Klanges (Discoveries Concerning the Theory of Music). This and other pioneering works by him laid in effect the foundation for that part of physics that we now call acoustics....

Hans Jenny, the Swiss medical doctor and researcher who coined the term cymatics did little more than to adapt Koenigs membrane to modern technology by using loudspeakers and crystal oscillators instead of resonators. That way he could produce precise wanted frequencies at will. He then photographed and filmed the emerging patterns using the latest photographic techniques.

Some of the photographs and films he produced are stunning....

In spite of the many excellent ad readily repeatable experiments he documents one gets the feeling that his writings and his experiments serve a different agenda.

He cannot help himself to foray into religion with his explanations and elucidations and appears to advocate the idea of "Intelligent Design" only thinly veiled in scientific jargon. The idea of Intelligent Design of course is simply an attempt to make Creationism palatable to a modern society.

The following quotes (in italics) are from an article by Peter Pettersson, translated by Yarrow Cleaves entitled "Cymatics - The Science of the Future?" which is an excellent and accurate précis of Jenny's work and more suitable here than direct passages from his book.

Jenny noticed that when the vowels of the ancient languages of Hebrew and Sanskrit were pronounced, the sand took the shape of the written symbols for these vowels, while our modern languages, on the other hand, did not generate the same result! How is this possible? Did the ancient Hebrews and Indians know this? Is there something to the concept of "sacred language," which both of these are sometimes called? What qualities do these "sacred languages," among which Tibetan, Egyptian and Chinese are often numbered, possess? Do they have the power to influence and transform physical reality, to create things through their inherent power, or, to take a concrete example, through the recitation or singing of sacred texts, to heal a person who has gone "out of tune"?...

It is a pity that the good doctor did not investigate complex sounds such as chords. This is an area I feel that needs looking into.


Cymatics is the study of wave phenomena. It is typically associated with the physical patterns produced through the interaction of sound waves in a mediu. The term cymatics was coined by the Swiss scientist hans Jenny..

Cymatics was explored by Jenny in his book by that title in 1967. Inspired by systems theory, the work of Ernst Chladni, and his medical practice, Jenny began an investigation of periodic phenomena but especially the visual display of sound. He used standing waves, piezoelectric amplifiers, and other methods and materials.

A simple experiment demonstrating the visualisation of cymatics can be done by sprinkling sand on a metal plate and vibrating the plate, for example by drawing a violin bow along the edge, the sand will then form itself into standing wave patterns such as concentric circles.

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[edit on 31/10/08 by Jbird]

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