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This doesn't compare *A must See*

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posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 06:41 PM
On a previous thread I created about a McCain rally in Ohio I showed a bunch of ignorant people spewing off ignorant things, and even showing their racism in the process. The debaters in that thread said things like, "There is ignorance on both sides, and it goes both ways." Which I do agree. How ever, I feel as if there is s certain perspective that may being overlooked. I will post this video (which was posted at the end of the old thread) to incite discussion on a point I am trying to make.

Please watch first...

Okay, yeah, the so-called liberals were being very mean and rude. The supporters were just doing the best that they knew how, which I truly believe. But what is being missed is a few obvious points.

- 8 years ago there was a surplus
- Now there is a deficit of epic proportion, and USA is on brink of depression
- The arrogance of the administration has at times felt like a totalitarian dictatorship.

- Two Wars cost 10 billion a month
- Threats of Martial Law

- During JFK era it was about "Nothing to fear but fear itself"
Now we have Bush's Terror Level that raises our fears.
- The people in the video are mad because the advocates don't see what is plain as day
- Liberals don't want to see Armageddon
- Not one protestor claim a lie to be true, nor offered any false rhetoric
- We are in a time where some see the pink elephant, and others don't

It has always been this way, however now, THERE IS LESS PATIENCE FOR THE BLIND.

Why? Because it are those people that will obliviously draw us into the next world war.

Of course liberals love america, it's just that they seem to see the deception before the others. I compare liberals to atheists. Both see the absurdity, but both also neglect the unlined truth. There is a god, and there is a great nation left in america.


Btw, that video was nothing less than a NFL division playoff game. Innocent heckling by passionate people.

Fear of Martial Law is great!


[edit on 20-10-2008 by AnAbsoluteCreation]

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 07:19 PM
Another reason liberals are mad.

Where is the love for truth anymore?


posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by AnAbsoluteCreation

Great find on the videos; if only more people would open their ears and hear the truth around them. It is not hidden; just deflected.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 04:24 PM
Which ones were the liberals, where were the patriots and what was it about any of the people in this video that made them appear to be elitist???

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 04:47 PM
I'm not one to post much on ATS, although it seems to be happening more lately.

Ya know what though? As far as I'm concerned all you self proclaimed "liberals" and all you self proclaimed "conservatives" could ALL just take a flying leap for all I care! Both sides B#@$H and moan about truth this and truth that. It's all distorted BS to serve the purpose of the presenter, it's their 'opinion' of the truth = BS. "Wake up America!!", "We need a Maverick!!", "Hope & Change", "Trickle UP poverty". Ya'll make me sick to my stomach. There's 3 sides to every story, don't tell me it's rainin while you pi$$ on my boots.

I wish we as people, as a whole, as "Americans", could just do whats right for our country and whats right for our children for a damn change!

Oh and by the way....neither "party" is capable of doing whats right for either, they just do whats right for themselves. Anyone who thinks otherwise is the one who needs to wake up, open their eye's, add yet another cliche here etc.....

[edit on 21-10-2008 by wazar]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 05:23 PM
It's all well and good when you cherry-pick videos that support YOUR PERSONAL claims and views and when you say in one paragraph "Sure those so-called liberals were being mean and rude" and in the end of the post say "it was innocent heckling". You conveniently dismiss the actions by your own party.

The arrogance of the Liberal party is astounding, you in particular! You make the following statements:

"- The people in the video are mad because the advocates don't see what is plain as day
- Liberals don't want to see Armageddon
- Not one protestor claim a lie to be true, nor offered any false rhetoric
- We are in a time where some see the pink elephant, and others don't "

1. You say that the Republicans don't see what is plain as day? What we do see -

* Clinton started the economic mess by loosening restrictions on Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. The Bush administration didn't do a good job of monitoring the situation, but McCain DID address Congress in 2006, warning about Freddie and Fannie and his attempts to reel the situation back in were blocked by the Democrats in the Senate.

* Obama wants to nationalize health care, which Hawaii has just stopped doing after only 7 months because of the extreme difficulties.

* Spreading the wealth around - Obama's tax cuts are "tax incentives", meaning the 30% in this nation that don't pay taxes will still receive a tax "incentive" when they clearly don't deserve it. That is socialism, by definition! "Confiscation of resources distributed to the least productive members of society".

If you still don't believe me, then try believing the Wall Street Journal.

Title: Obama's Tax Plan is Really a Welfare Plan

Consequently, to say, as the campaign does say, that the candidate's tax plan is a tax cut on net -- and that it would limit taxes to 18.2% of GDP -- is grossly misleading. The Obama tax plan would sharply increase real taxes. It also would come nowhere near to paying for the massive increases in federal spending he has proposed, including the spending that is disguised in the form of refundable tax credits.


2. "Liberals don't want to see Armageddon". And you think Conservatives do??? What kind of an assinine statement is this? Hell, I have a two year old daughter. I don't want her future snuffed out in a mushroom cloud any more than the rest of you do, and I GUARANTEE you that a LOT of other conservatives feel the same way.

But you want to talk Armageddon? How about Joe Biden's remarks that if elected, he expects Obama's administration to be tested within the first 6 months? (Story:

Does this mean we can look forward to war with Iran because they decided to Attack Israel? Does this mean that the India-U.S. alliance that was forged under the Bush administration is now tested by Pakistan? What about Afghanistan?

3. "Not one protestor claim a lie to be true, nor offered any false rhetoric". Again, this is the video you've chosen to show in your post. You know there are JUST as many racist Democrats out there as there are Republicans.

Here's an example of a racist black Democrat Senator from Florida, Alcee Hastings:

How about Obama's wife during the Primary? When questioned about Hilary Clinton's lead over Barack Obama, she responded that "Black America would come around", meaning she expects blacks to vote for her husband. If that was true then, how could it not be true now?

How about the Democrat campaign's attacks on Joe the Plumber? No matter how much you guys want to discredit the guy, he had a valid question about Obama's tax plan. Even if HE isn't a licensed plumber or isn't really planning to buy a plumbing business, the question still applies to people out there and IS valid and IS worthy to be asked.

The Democratic machine didn't like that Obama's answer exposed his tax plan as socialist, so like a true defense lawyer, the Democrats sought to discredit the witness. They dragged Joe the Plumber through the ringer as it were, trying to ruin his life. All for asking a question.

How about voter registration fraud by Acorn going on in several states?

Like I said, you can cherry pick all the videos you want to try and prove your own personal feelings about something. Personally, I see Obama supporters as blind and uncaring about the well-being of this country as any group around and that's no joke. To support Obama, you support Liberal principals such as larger government, less power to individual states, markets that are NOT free and other liberal principals which I believe only hurt this great nation.

SO I would thank you not to accuse me of evil doing and ignorance, friend. I have thought long and hard throughout my life about the principals on which this country runs, ever since I was in college. My perspective has changed from time to time, but I have always been more conservative. Today, I am a conservative, tomorrow, voting Republican in this election and I am DAMN PROUD of it!

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 05:25 PM
what is this? If anything this video just proved a point in favour of liberals. You didnt see anybody make racial references about mccain, nobody shouted that he was too old, nobody mocked his family or heritage, you didnt see any of these folks shout out lies or rumors... I mean seriously now....

Just booing. psst.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by southern_Guardian

but there sure has been alot of trash talk about Palin.

No matter what, All of America needs to wake up. Democrat or Republican, Liberal or Conservative

these are just ways to divide and conquer. Turn the country against itself every 4 years, and watch as it gets progressively uglier and uglier.

Does anyone remember that we are Americans first and foremost?

This election year has people almost to the verge of civil war. Yes, there are extremists on BOTH sides willing to kill fellow Americans over this election.

How stupid have we become to allow this type of media manipulation to poison us against each other?

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 05:44 PM
Some good videos here

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 05:46 PM
On the subject of healthcare. Why can't the poor people who DO NOT HAVE ANY HEALTHCARE go to a socialized healthcare center and the rich people who have money to burn can go to the rich man's doctor and shovel out barrels of money?

To a poor man who has health problems and will probably not see a doctor until he is on his deathbed, socialized healthcare is a GODSEND.

Why deny poor people healthcare, just because rich people do not want to be inconvenienced by long waits?

Also why do rich people want to privatize their profits and socialize their losses?

Democrats and Republicans are too busy mouthing slogans they do not understand to do anything that will benefit Americans as a whole.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by AnAbsoluteCreation

Keep em coming Absolutecreation. The amount of vile hate and racial attaks aka racism, are absolutly one sided. Arguments against Obama, who does not say these things, range from, "Blacks will vote for him because he is black - that's racism! to "He wants to improve the black community because he's black - that's racism!" Well, in these cases, the African American population has traditionally overwhelmingly voted Democrat and suddenly they are racists if they continue that trend? The other is that somehow living in a black community and being a dutiful citizen by working within organizations in those places is bad. Shameful the way true bigots and racists turn the card.


posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 06:00 PM
poor america

poor america

poor america

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 06:07 PM
I think your missing the whole point of the anger of these people. The anger comes through obvious to me. The disparity between the "Have's" and the "Have Not's" in this country, indeed, in this world, has reached epidemic proportions not seen in centuries. This country wasn't founded on such a basis. No one is accountable, the Republicans were fine with CEO's giving themselves 100-1000% raises, but only giving the workers that made them rich 3% (this in fact happened at one company I worked at, a hospital, when the CEO gave himself a 100% , $500,000 raise, but those of us that worked in the hospital and took care of people got a mere 3%.
And what are we told when we want things to be fairer? We are called socialist, and that we want to punish success. The fact is that that I don't think anyone has a problem rewarding success. I, for one, don't. If the CEO had actually "earned" his raise, that would be one thing. But he didn't. Instead, the company lost money, and in the end, the workers had to suffer, while those at the top took the money. Why? Greed? Sounds like Gordon Gecko to me.
You see, like I said, I don't have a problem rewarding success. I really don't. But for far too long, the rich have been getting richer at the expense of others. Gaining at the expense of others isn't greed, it's just plain ruthlessness and evil. This country has become an oligarchy, and I won't shed one bloody tear when these people's money dissapears. Unfortunatly, they have so much that even when half thier wealth dissapears, they still have more than enough to live off of. I'm not calling for a revolution, and sometimes I even think that this country has become too complacent to even have one, but if there was one, it wouldn't surprise me one bit.
Now the stock market is tumbling, and the fake wealth that people had is dissapearing. Suddenly, the stocks they had that, on paper were worth alot, are worth alot less.
Do I feel sorry for them? No. I feel sorry for those being told that they should work another 10 years, when they were going to retire within the next year. I feel sorry for the family of four who can barely make it, and are going to suffer even greater because thier children won't be able to go to college anymore because the money they had invested for it is gone. Yeah, I see how trickle down economics works. Give money to the rich, and they don't create jobs and spread thier wealth, the keep it, and want more. They want more tax breaks. The "War on the middle class", as Lou Dobbs called it, is very real.
But did the wealthy ever think that even though they may be breaking the spine of the very class that has helped create all that wealth?? Make the middle class dissapear in this country, and the rich will have no where else to get their money, because nobody will have any to spend.
Look at China. Just today, it was reported that thier have been massive layoffs. Why??? Because the middle class here in America can no longer afford to but the things they are making. We have been tightening our belts, cutting our budgets. One wealthy person can only buy so many toys, but when millions of middle class people cut back thier spending and don't buy toys.....even more people suffer.
I don't blame these people for being angry. Not one bit. Call them stupid, call them uneducated, call them what you want. I call them angry. I am too.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 06:14 PM
Let me add one more thing about the whole "racism" arguement.

Look at people's voting trends. People tend to vote for those they think will help them the most. Bottom line. I'm going to do it, and I'll bet you will too. You may be wrong about who is going to help you the most, but the bottom line is, I'll bet your not going to vote for the guy YOU think is going to take your money!!!!
I'm voting for Obama and I'm white. I could care less what race he is, or religion. What I care about is returning my country to a time when we had a federal surplus. I care about someone not giving tax breaks to those that already have millions of dollars and are getting them anyway. I care about voting for someone who is going to help me!!! bet!!! I'm human!! But I'll bet all those business people, McCains "base", are voting for him because they want him to give them thier tax breaks. WHy??? They don't need them!!!
It won't matter anyhow, it'll be totally up to the electorate, like in the last two elections, especially 2000, when the people's will didn't matter. It mattered not who the majority of Americans voted for, but who the electorate wanted.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 06:24 PM
My wife just got home from her job at a retail store and told me about two well dressed older ladies and an older man that she spoke with about the election..... The first one was upset about Obama's middle name and wanted her to know that he was a Muslim and would side with them in a war against Christians. .... The other told her he was black, and hated white people..... The man said that Obama was using a false name, and that his real name was Barry Sanders.....They all said they were supporting McCain. ...I think that the Democrats should step off of the planet and watch what happens to our country when it is up to these kinds of people to choose leaders. I surely don't want to suffer what's in store.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 06:32 PM
I don't think you have a choice...we are all going to suffer what is coming. Some are calling it the "coming Greater Depression".
We can all argue about whose at fault, how it happened, etc, but the bottom line's coming. I don't think there are many places on earth that are safe from it. Maybe Brazil, they seem to be doing a good job of exporting foods, have an abundant fuel source, and don't have the debt that we do. They may not feel it as bad as we do.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 06:37 PM
I could be wrong but it doesnt seem to me as these people were just walking through a general area. It looks like they are walking through somthing that is currently going on and I imagine it has somthing to do with obama and thats why so many people are booing.

Again I could be wrong but it just seems like the description of the video is not telling us everything about it. They also dont show all the people that are walking and what they are wearing. For all we know the camera man could be in a KKK outfit.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 06:58 PM
Yeah, if the intent was to win an argument for a Republican I think all you did was help the lefties.

No racial slurs, no hate speech, just booing and some dude mocking them by saying "More war More war" which isn't wrong at all when McCain presents himself as a war mongerer.

I don't have a dog in this fight, this fight is lost and has been lost to Americans for a long time and this kind of bickering back and forth is why. That being said, those videos from racist/backwoods Ohio shows a lot more ignorance and lack of education than this video. You either have an old white guy talking about Negroes being "second stringers" or you have a middle aged white guy using sarcasm to mock McCain foreign policy? One is hateful and ignorant, the other is just hateful (anyone against war and stupidity has a right to be angry). But the underlying issue is the same, really. Divide the sheeple, conquer the sheeple! That's it, hate your fellow Americans! Ohhhh yeahhhhhh



posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by Bizmark35
I feel sorry for the family of four who can barely make it, and are going to suffer even greater because thier children won't be able to go to college anymore because the money they had invested for it is gone. Yeah, I see how trickle down economics works. Give money to the rich, and they don't create jobs and spread thier wealth, the keep it, and want more. They want more tax breaks. The "War on the middle class", as Lou Dobbs called it, is very real.
But did the wealthy ever think that even though they may be breaking the spine of the very class that has helped create all that wealth?? Make the middle class dissapear in this country, and the rich will have no where else to get their money, because nobody will have any to spend.

will you feel sorry for the family of four who is barely making it now when they have to start paying higher taxes to take care of those who arent making it? keep adding government, implement a universal healthcare system. keep doing this and someone has to pay for it. taxes will rise, then these "barely making it families" will no longer be barely making it. they will not be making it and will have to rely on the same benefits and programs that the rest of the "not making it families" rely on.

you said you are selfish. you want someone who is going to help you. I agree. I too am selfish. your definition of selfish seems to vary from mine though. I want to keep my money. I dont want it wasted on programs and govt that i will get nothing out of. Your definition sounds more like jealousness. You want people who make more than you to pay more just because they have more. (im not trying to be mean here in anyway so please dont take it that way). heres your quote,

"I care about someone not giving tax breaks to those that already have millions of dollars and are getting them anyway"

why would it matter to you if they have millions of dollars and get a tax break? the rich pay the majority of the taxes anyways. dont they deserve a break now and then? If I were you I would be more concerned about "MY" money than other peoples money. i dont want my money going to someone who didnt pay a single penny in taxes, but that is what obama wants. i could use that money too ya know.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by Bizmark35

You got that right Biz, the "people" of this country haven't been in control of who actually sits in the White House for a long time. Which is why I find it so amusing to see these people of different 'parties' attacking each-other. It's really all very futile. It doesn't matter who you or Joe the plumber votes for, as the winner was most likely chosen a year ago, by the PTB. The person they want to win will be the next president, and there isn't a whole lot anyone can do about it. All we can do is what we always do, whine about it, then bend over the barrel like good little serfs.


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