posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 03:43 AM
However, pretending that the question is current . . .
1. AA is a valid and powerful group experience for many folks. But one has to take on their values as one's own and earnestly apply them; call the
buddy when tempted etc.
2.Antabuse might be an option if you had someone in your life who would insure that it was swallowed past your mouth daily.
3. A residential treatment program for 90 days would be the most powerful choice.
4. In my experience of watching and treating folks with an alcohol addiction . . . or near it . . . anyone who chronically drinks 3 OR MORE
drinks/cans/glasses per 24 hours either already has a drinking problem or will have in relatively short order.
5. That means that alcohol is already causing problems in their personal lives, relationships, jobs, driving, etc. and it is only a matter of time
until it gets seriously worse whether that timeline is weeks, months or years.
6. Also, if anyone cannot forego alcohol 100% FOR SIX MONTHS--and NOT crave it; miss it--THEN THEY HAVE AN ALCOHOL PROBLEM.
7. There is evidently a genetic predisposition to alcoholism. For such folks, especially with other conditioning factors also having been the case,
such folks MUST forego alcohol 100%. "Contolling it" is a delusion. Doesn't happen. Well, in maybe 35 years or more I've seen maybe one person out
of several thousand control it and he only drank one glass of wine with his wife before bed for his heart. Never touched another drop outside of that
regimen. His wife was with him all the time.
8. A lot of the joking about alcoholism is a defense mechanism; a rationalization, a very sad, sick commentary on a chemical addiction which destroys
lives, families, jobs . . . and kills and maims thousands of people on a regular basis. If you are one of those people or a close family member, it's
not a laughing matter at all. Yes, I've laughed at alcohol jokes and likely will again. But I also recognize the hideousness of the problem.
9. Actually, truly, alcohol is not sophisticated, hip, cool, smooth, erudite, clever, funny, educated, alert, smart, rational, constructive,
worthwhile, . . . for millions upon millions of people.
10. The only difference between ether and alcohol is one water molecule. The effects are the same.
11. Take a computer typing test. Take one can of beer. Take the same test. Drink another can. Take the same test. etc. through a 6 pack. When you have
sobered up, look at the different tests in sequence. Ask yourself if you want to go driving by your little 4 year old girl on the street with your
fine motor coordination and judgment centers already put partially asleep even with one or two cans?
12. If you were chronically driving under the influence, in my neighborhood, I would turn you in.
13. Anyone with an alcohol problem who has read more than 3 of the above items . . . or even 1 . . . is likely protestingly screaming bloody murder
because of the DENIAL factor. The denial is one of the hallmark symptoms of alcohol addiction. Blame also tends to be a biggy.
14. Any treatment program without a group process component is likely inadequate for 98% of people with an alcohol problem.
15. Alcoholics tend to be brighter, more sensitive, relationally gifted etc. than the average person.
16. They are also extremely likely to be awash in co-dependant relationship dynamics. LOVE IS A CHOICE by Minirth and Meier is one of the absolute
best books on Co-Dependancy I know of.
17. Another book on root causes--ATTACHMENTS by Drs Clinton and Sibcy is a book I'd buy more or less every person alive, had I Bill Gates' money.
Any parent and anyone with less than perfect parents needs to read that book, imho. Thankfully, it has a section on correcting past deficiencies.
18. I wish you well. Your presentation of yourself in terms of your avatar and some of what I've read of you . . . would not leave me expecting a lot
of good-to-yourself behaviors by way of prognosis.
19. I don't know what it will take for you to decide at a deeply core level that you've had enough of alcohol. Usually it's 40 years or more of
seeing everyone close to you in a mangled heep under your heel; your health at death's door; no prospect of a stable job; etc. etc. Until then, most
alcoholics keep convincing themselves that they don't really have an alcohol problem . . . that they are doing just fine, thank you--that it's
horrible society and the do-gooders who are their problem, etc. etc. etc.
20. You COULD convince yourself that you want off that merry-go-round much earlier. I haven't seen a lot of people do that. But it IS possible.
21. Of course, you could also continue to worship alcohol and the ground you stumble and spill it on--whether figurtively or literally. But alcohol
doesn't care how much of your life it trashes. Alcohol doesn't care how much of a fool it makes of you. Alcohol is the furthest thing from a friend.
It's just a slowly deadly chemical.
22. IF you truly want help, help is available. But you may have to become AS PERSISTENT AND RESOURCEFUL IN FERRETING OUT THAT HELP--AND IN
PERSISTENTLY TAKING ADVANTAGE OF IT--as you have been in finding a bottle or can to feed your compulsive craving slave master.
23. Feel free to U2U me. Not sure what good I can help you with hereon but am willing to respond as caringly as I can. AS you might guess, I'm not
always one to handle you with foam and fur lined kid gloves on the topic. I'm full of compassion. But in this field, usually a 4 X 4 up-side the head
is one of the most compassionate things one can extend . . . figurtively, of course, . . . most of the time. LOL.