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If "First Contact" occurred, what would that do to mainstream religions on earth?

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posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 11:13 PM
Hey owl man it wasnt an attack it was just my understanding of the context because it wasnt until after he was dead and raised that the light bulb came on about what he said in john 2 and that what he was talking about in john 16 was his need to go to the father so the holy spirit could come.. ive just always took it as jesus trying to explain that his victory was not going to be in the form the jews thought..ive read your profile and youtube page and website i know youre a believer and i dont think i said anything that would have said otherwise.i was actually encouraged to see another christian not dismisive of these topics. im open to different ideas about the context because hes not specific, i just didnt ever relate it to aliens. I visited your site and liked it

[edit on 20-10-2008 by 8bitbreakfast]

[edit on 20-10-2008 by 8bitbreakfast]

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 11:34 PM

You mean like the time they (NWO "Scientists") found human footprints alongside of dinosaur footprints and they covered it up? (There are pictures on the web,it was real,and it was destroyed) Meaning that they existed TOGETHER at one point... Look up Dr. Kent Hovind and watch his videos... (Yes I KNOW that they put him in prison)...

Or do you mean like the time that they (NWO "Scientists") said that "Lucy" was the "Missing Link" which has been PROVEN to be nothing more than an "Ape" (Nothing to do with humans),and yet,it is STILL listed in the so-called "Science" books as "evidence" for "evolution"...

Or do you mean the t
ime they thought they had found a new species in Texas? and claimed that it was millions and millions of years old...Turns out it was a PIG that died like 80 years

Or how about that fish they found LIVING in the amazon that supposedly died out like 100,000,000 years ago?

All anyone has to do is watch "Expelled" by Ben Stein to see that there is an absolute CONSPIRACY even in "Science"...

Even The Word WARNED us about "SO-CALLED oppositions of science"...

There are two sides to every coin,and there is a BIG difference in saying that The Bible warned us thousands of years ago about "Fallen Angels" that came down to earth pretending to be the "gods" of old,and so called "integrating" something by saying as you said "Jesus had condos on pluto"... Point being you cannot "Integrate" what is ALREADY spoken about (Atleast to me),but I"am sure that you and "Others" will say that it's a matter of "Interpretation"
(An important point I need to add here is that the word tells us that these "Fallen Angels" would return again.And like I said in another post here.They won't say "Hey we're the angels that rebelled with Lucifer".No...They will say something like they did back then..."We are gods"...Or maybe they will change their tune a little and say "We are Aliens"...etc


ps.And I wouldn't
"Underestimate" the power of the Word of God that tells us that the WHOLE WORLD (Except TRUE Christians) will "Wonder after The Beast"...Revelation 13
All beliefs will stand,except for those who say Jesus said "I am the way,the truth,and the life,NO MAN cometh unto the Father,but by me"...
Those will be killed off...Revelation 20:4

As long as you (as an individual,or an institution) go along with all of this so-called "New Age" crap (That we are the "gods") then I agree,you will be just fine (Atleast until Judgment Day)...

Anyway...I know that most here would VEHEMENTLY disagree with me,and that's alright,it's what makes this country great,but we will see in the end who was right...

And I am here (and other places) to WARN you...Read my article...You may just say something like "Hmmmm.I never really thought about it (Aliens) that way before"...

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 11:45 PM

check out dinosaurs depicted by humans way before the first bone was ever dug out of the ground

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by 8bitbreakfast

I didn't take it that way,and I apologize if my response came across as an attack,I didn't mean it that way either...
It is good to see Christians speaking out on this topic,because it has grown FAR too big to (as the other commentor said) to "Ignore" it.I mean you have "The Disclosure Project","Larry King Live","Fox","Cnn","The Pope" and MANY others coming out about this...
I do keep an open mind about the existence of REAL extraterrestrials,and in all honesty,I think it would be about the coolest thing ever! lol I really mean that,and despite what some may believe,it would not change my beliefs at-all-whatsoever...
I just personally (and this is just my opinion) think there is so much evidence out there that all of this "could" be just one massive "Psy op".

Here's just a couple of examples...

You often hear on most of those "UFO" documentaries (which I watch and enjoy very much) that a "Craft" spotted HAD to be "Aliens",because it was pulling enough "G-Forces" to kill a human being...

What they fail to mention is that it "Could" just be a "Robotic Drone" (and I don't mean like the "Global Hawk",but something far more advanced developed here on earth),and THAT is why it could reach such speeds,and do 90 degree turns like that...But they never tell the viewer that...


You have all of these documentaries about how the Nazi's created things that we would call a "UFO" or "Flying Saucer",and I've read news stories from way back then how we had invented "Antigravity" technology (with the help of the likes of Nicola Tesla) but it was "Covered up"... But most of those "UFO" documentaries always seem to somehow leave all of that out in favor of "Aliens are visiting us"...

Then you have things like "Project Blue Beam" where as Alex Jones said "Parts have been declassified,other parts leaked" about faking an "Alien Invasion"...

Do you see my point? I would like for there to be "Aliens" probably just as much as anyone here (and I"am not just saying that),but...You have all of this...And something just seems "Wrong" to me here...

I appreciate the compliment about my page,and I apologize again for the misunderstanding... Even though I am "Open Minded" about the existance of extraterrestrials,I guess I could always be a little more open minded about it... It really would be cool! lol


posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by 8bitbreakfast

EXCELLENT point! I have seen those,and how in the world would they have known?

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 12:05 AM
All is forgiven owl man... THANK THE LORD lol. What do you make of people having "actual" contact with "aliens" not sure if you have seen this video but its a christian perspective on ufos by chuck play?docid=-2882205961187868836&ei=mWL9SPXZK4SKqQPfpc0B&q=nephilim+return&hl=en

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 12:31 AM
Thank you... I've been told before that using CAPS makes people think that I am arguing with them,so I think I will just use them in my articles and videos from now on,but drop them while on message boards or in

I tried clicking on that link but it wouldn't work,but I will look him up in google video...Til then,have you seen "Nephilim Rising"?

It's a good documentary on the topic of "Fallen Angels" and is listed in my "Playlists",but here is a direct link to it...

Enjoy...Peace and God Bless!


posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 12:35 AM
lol ya my girlfriend thinks im scolding her when i text in caps.. which is funny because i never scold her.. Ya just gpo to google video and look up chuck missler aliens ect ect. thanks for the link im going to check it out.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by OwlMan

I can only assume this is aimed at me, I assume that as you bashed the bejeezus out of your keyboard and your mouth filled with foam, you forgot to click the reply to button.

As long as you (as an individual,or an institution) go along with all of this so-called "New Age" crap (That we are the "gods") then I agree,you will be just fine (Atleast until Judgment Day)...

"I was condemned to a fiery death by Owlman, and all I got was this lousy quote!."

Before you start your judgement, I suggest you curb your religious table banging about what my religious beliefs may or may not be. They are NONE of your business, and certainly not the subject of this topic.

I wont bother replying to the rest of your Infomercials. I dont have my own articles or website since the NWO reduced my publishing budget.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 01:17 AM
I know this may sound silly to some of you, but we'll be fine and world religions will survive, they will only be truly understood for what they are.

There are people currently working on these issues and it will be okay. No reason to panic.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 01:43 AM
Half of the Christians would believe it was Satan's deception.

The other half of Christians would believe it was the Rapture.

Then they would kill each other in the name of Christ.

[edit on 21-10-2008 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 03:14 AM
--"If "First Contact" occurred, what would that do to mainstream religions on earth?"

I think that religion would be pushed to accommodate and resolve theological inconsistencies (percieved or otherwise) unless contact itself undermined theological understandings altogether. I don't think that it's an issue of contact itself, but the questions that are raised after the fact. That being said, I think that it's these reasons that will determine the impact on religions, which also leads me to suspect that some religions already know the answers already and are attempting to prolong having to answer them.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 03:17 AM
Frankly, I don't have the time for organised religion. It's the cause of most of the wars and other confrontations that have occurred throughout human history. I don't mind people believing in God or anything. I just wish that they wouldn't see it as an opportunity to "teach the world".

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 04:00 AM
The scientologists would probably be happy.

In general, I think many religious people would find a way to accommodate their beliefs with the new knowledge, however much it might appear to contradict them. For many religious people, including good friends of mine, cognitive dissonance is a daily concern.

However the real effect would be on future generations. Children would grow up in a very different universe to the one where religions had previously flourished, and I'd expect the traditional faiths to dwindle away. They wouldn't 'shut down', as such. But I think fewer and fewer people would take them seriously.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by ou_sooners_19

I don't think it would force people to change their religions, people are quite attached to their obsessive behaviours and they would just midify their beliefs/religions accordingly. We see this happening now, for example- the Goodchild fraudster, even though non of the predictions came to pass people are still defending her.

A more interesting question would be to ask of the effect on the true believers and alien abductees. Suppose we have a first contact situation and the aliens arrive, but they are nothing like what people have seen, moreover what if they claim never to have encountered and spieces that looks like the 'grey' and they inform us that they believe they are first to reach us?

In short, what effect on the believer when the aliens inform us that there's no such thing as our homegrown aliens!?

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 07:19 AM
Regarding world religions, Judaism and Christianity will definitely collapse, especially Christianity (I'd rather not clarify on their beliefs like the Earth being 12,000 years old, and the millions of contradictions for now).

Islam, I believe, will remain relatively intact. Why? Well, in the Quran, it repeatedly says, or points to God being the "Lord of the Worlds":

- The very first Surah says: "In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds; the Beneficent, the Merciful; Owner of the Day of Judgement. Thee (alone) we worship, Thee (alone) we ask for help. Show us the straight path: The path of those whom Thou hast favored; Not (the path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray. (Quran 1) Ameen.

- "Say "Shall we call those things besides God, which can neither harm us nor benefit us, and shall we turn back after God has guided us - like one possessed by the devils, who has companions (sahaba!) Who invite him, saying "Come to us?" Say, 'The guidance of God is indeed true guidance and WE ARE COMMANDED TO SUBMIT TO THE LORD OF THE WORLDS (wa umirna li nuslimn li rabbil aalameen)" Sura 6:71

- Say, (Muhammad) "I am forbidden to worship those whom you call besides God, since there has come to me clear proofs from God, and I AM COMMANDED TO SUBMIT TO THE LORD OF THE WORLDS (wa umirtu un aslima li rabbil aalameen) Sura 40:66.

- "When his Lord said to him (Abraham) "SUBMIT" he said, "I SUBMIT TO THE LORD OF THE WORLDS" (Arabic: Aslamtu Li Rabbil Aalameen) Sura 2:131

The Quran says that God is the creator of every living creature, and is Lord of everything in the Heavens and the Earth.

I also believe that the Bible was, at one point, the true word of God in some shape or form, but that was lost probably a few centuries after Christ (And the true meaning of worshipping the One God, not a "Son of God", hence why God had the need to introduce one final religion of God in the form of Islam, and has promised that He Himself will protect the essence of Quran from all forms of attack, manipulation and injustice until the Day of Judgement. Muslims generally believe in the old and new testament, and Islam is need as the final piece of the puzzle that clicks into place with the previous two religions, thus is called the Final Testament.

If Aliens came in peace, invaded, whatever - Islam will remain pretty much intact. Simple as that.

Like a guy said earlier regarding Christians - They'd probably kill themselves, and any that remain would stop believing in Jesus as Lord etc. Regarding the Jews, they probably see the Aliens as the Messiah, and worship them.

[edit on 21-10-2008 by JasonT]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 07:50 AM
If "First Contact" occurred, what would that do to mainstream religions on earth?

Absolutely nothing.

I am not certain why so many uninformed people seem to think that the existence of other sentient life would nullify religions like Christianity... but it is as persistent as those who assume the evidence of evolution negates religion, specifically Christianity as well.

Immature nonsense, really. And I suspect driven by agenda, of some sort.

Evolution is how God made us, and other beings in this universe.

Where's the problem?

I know to some, it would be "kewl" to see the Pope's head explode if an alien expedition landed in Rome, but rest assured the Pope would be just fine.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by JasonT

Islam, I believe, will remain relatively intact. Why? Well, in the Quran, it repeatedly says, or points to God being the "Lord of the Worlds":

and when these aliens fail to recognise this mohammad or allah?

interstellar jihad!

dont forget, allah of the koran insists that the earth is flat and the sun orbits the earth, to name but a very few things allah didn't know about his creation.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by feydrautha

Originally posted by JasonT

Islam, I believe, will remain relatively intact. Why? Well, in the Quran, it repeatedly says, or points to God being the "Lord of the Worlds":

and when these aliens fail to recognise this mohammad or allah?

interstellar jihad!

dont forget, allah of the koran insists that the earth is flat and the sun orbits the earth, to name but a very few things allah didn't know about his creation.

What are you on about? They're obviously aliens, so why the hell would they pray to a prophet that originated on Earth for the people of Earth? Stupid comments like that really annoy the hell out of me.

However, reading the Quran, as well as various Hadith leads me to believe that every world will have had various "messengers" and "prophets" sent to them to enlighten them about the One God, similar to the course of human history in light of Judaism, then Christianity, then Islam. Obviously, those aliens species won't have their holy books called the "Quran", or the "Bible", but I'd be most interested in finding out whether the text is similar, methods of prayer etc.

And regarding the last paragraph - Try reading it in Arabic, not an "English translation", which I've noticed can deviate wildly from what was originally meant, the example you gave as being the perfect example. On the other hand, you can read the Bible in whatever language you like - The contradictions and other various problems remain.

Thank you. Now kindly piss off.

[edit on 21-10-2008 by JasonT]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 09:35 AM
World wide religion would collapse and the aliens would be viewed as demons.

We'd also see the forming of religious cults demanding war with them.

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