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A new media offensive on Mccain/Palin.

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posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 08:39 AM
As the left and their media complain about McCain asking about Obama's past relationships and dealings, the same people have launched a major offensive on the duo. Last night's Family Guy featured a Nazi with a McCain/Plain button. Imagine if Fox showed a cartoon with a terrorist wearing an Obama button. Of course, its ok since they are white/Republican.

Also, the AP is again calling Plain a racist. Thats about 10 times now that they have done stories smearing her as either a racist, nazi, neo-con or terrorist.

"She has no sensitivity to minorities," said the Rev. Alonzo Patterson, a Baptist minister and president of the Alaska Black Leadership Conference. "She's really inciting a lot of African-Americans to get out and vote.''

Since taking office in December 2006, Palin has had a sometimes tense relationship with black leaders, who say they've been ignored in their efforts to get more minorities hired in her administration.

There are sure to be several more stories over the next few hours/days that I will make sure to post in this thread.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 09:16 AM
Ok.... your point is...

If being republican was considered "cool" there would be cartoons and Daily shows making fun of obama, race is not an issue (white trash NASCAR fans don't have access to broadcast equipment) This post isn't surprising or necessary, I'm taking back a flag and a star for this one.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Marcus Calpurnius
Imagine if Fox showed a cartoon with a terrorist wearing an Obama button.

Imagine? I don't have to imagine. I've seen cartoons of Obama himself dressed as "a terrorist".

Cartoon Depictions

Be sure to check out the FOX coverage in that video. Not a cartoon, but the actual "NEWS".

Also, the AP is again calling Plain a racist. Thats about 10 times now that they have done stories smearing her as either a racist, nazi, neo-con or terrorist.

You have no idea how hypocritical this charge comes across, do you?

There are sure to be several more stories over the next few hours/days that I will make sure to post in this thread.

I can't wait...

So, you're saying basically that the GOP can dish it out in spades, for months, but then starts crying like a big baby when they have to take their own medicine? Have I got that right so far?

So, the left has launched a "major offensive" on McCain and Palin, huh? You do realize that we're in the midst of an election, right? And that the right has been tossing bombs at Obama for MONTHS, right?

Obama has been portrayed as unpatriotic, a foreigner, anti-American, a terrorist, a Muslim, a cult leader, a Socialist, a sexist, a racist and a gay drug addict by the right...

What is it that you're complaining about again? A cartoon? Honestly! :shk:

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by JaneFonda

So your assertion is that since it's perceived as being "cool" to be a Democrat, that it's perfectly okay for people to associate being a McCain-Palin supporter with being a Nazi? It's also just fine to label all Republicans as ignorant racists right?

All because Democrats are "cool" right now?

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 10:13 AM
I liked the videoclip.
It still doesn't amount to any kind of "new media offensive".
As Freud would say, "sometimes a cartoon is just a cartoon".

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by nyk537

ok then... didn't actually say what I believed in... I'm a conservative and I attend a university and, yes, it is considered "cool" to be a dem and It's retarded to stamp such ridiculous associations on republicans (just because they are so fanatically anti-bush and/or people who live in BFE and never saw a black guy before). Lets just say there's enough ignorance to go around. and just for good measure...

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Imagine? I don't have to imagine. I've seen cartoons of Obama himself dressed as "a terrorist".

Cartoon Depictions

Be sure to check out the FOX coverage in that video. Not a cartoon, but the actual "NEWS".

Yeah and the media went crazy about it. They dont seem to mind this though. what a huge surprise!

You have no idea how hypocritical this charge comes across, do you?

No, I don't. What does what the media does have to do with me? Why does the media constantly assault McCain/Palin, but constantly defends Obama? If anyone here is hypocritical here, its you.

So, you're saying basically that the GOP can dish it out in spades, for months, but then starts crying like a big baby when they have to take their own medicine? Have I got that right so far?

There has been a media assault against Palin specifically, for the last 3 months. Remember all the investigations and lawyers sent to Alaska to smear her? When did they ever do that to Obama? No, instead we get smear tactics against private citizens who dare question your lord Obama.

You say "the GOP is dishing it out in spades", but who ever hears about any of that? The media has all the power and their the ones attacking McCain non-stop.

So, the left has launched a "major offensive" on McCain and Palin, huh? You do realize that we're in the midst of an election, right? And that the right has been tossing bombs at Obama for MONTHS, right?

The left MEDIA. Do you understand that the left wing controls most all of the major media in this country and has the ability to dictate what the American people see and hear? Yeah, THOSE GUYS have been launching attacks FOR Obama for the last 5 months. What comparable power does the GOP have?

Obama has been portrayed as unpatriotic, a foreigner, anti-American, a terrorist, a Muslim, a cult leader, a Socialist, a sexist, a racist and a gay drug addict by the right...

Hes never been portrayed as a terrorist. Thats one of those things you guys just made up by yourselves. The rest of it was his own doing. You know, going to a racist church for 20 years and hanging out with guys who wished they had bombed more in the 60s.

It doesn't matter though, because Obama has 2 huge shows on comedy central to downplay any criticisms of character and he has a dozen media channel to dismiss and attack anyone who made the claim. Be it a private citizen or someone in the GOP. The Republicans have no such power. Instead, the media does all the attacking for Obama.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 08:35 AM
Some more assaults on Palin from the media. Damn, it must be nice to have such a powerful propaganda machine to do your attacking for you.

Download video here!

Apparenlty, Washington Post editorialist Jonathan Capehart thinks Palin is huilty of child abuse! He actually emailed in to MSNBC this morning to rip Palin some more!

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Our friend, the very well-dressed Jonathan Capehart, who always comes in here very dapper, you know he spends $150 thousand --


BRZEZINSKI: -- in one day on his clothes.

MIKE BARNICLE: One of this ties --

BRZEZINSKI: One of his ties --

BARNICLE: Costs more than my entire wardrobe.

BRZEZINSKI: Here's what he says --

DYLAN RATIGAN [of CNBC]: He's a handsome fellow.

BRZEZINSKI: Capehart, of the Washington Post:

Now Mika, if someone told a third-grader that 2 + 2 = 7, wouldn't that be akin to child abuse? Besides, if Dan Quayle can catch hell for potato with an 'e,' why shouldn't 'Shop-a-Long Palin' --

GEIST: Oooh, oooh --

BRZEZINSKI: Wow! From a guy who shops --

Could you ever see the MSM doing this to Obama? Of course not...

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by Marcus Calpurnius

Thanks for the link! Indeed, there are issues with Sarah spending 150k of public finance to stock up on designer cloth.

A review of similar records for the campaign of Democrat Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee turned up no similar spending.

But all the spending by other candidates pales in comparison to the GOP outlay for the Alaska governor whose expensive, designer outfits have been the topic of fashion pages and magazines

Who's a freaking "celebrity" now, huh? I don't think media spends enough time talking about this travesty of McCains campaign.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 08:57 AM

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 09:05 AM
How dares Palin to call herself a frontier hockey mom when she goes on to spend 150k public money on a new outfit? This is disgusting.

Hockey moms and abuse-fighters don't do that. Hockey moms clip coupons. Palin is a uber-hypocrite.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by Marcus Calpurnius
What does what the media does have to do with me? Why does the media constantly assault McCain/Palin, but constantly defends Obama? If anyone here is hypocritical here, its you.

Hold on there, little fella. I didn't say YOU were a hypocrite. I said it was hypocritical to complain about Plain being called a racist, nazi, neo-con or terrorist.

Obama has been called that and worse.

Remember all the investigations and lawyers sent to Alaska to smear her? When did they ever do that to Obama?

They went to Kenya. And Obama had nothing to do with the media going to Alaska.

No, instead we get smear tactics against private citizens who dare question your lord Obama.

BS! They have been questioning him for 2 years now!

Do you understand that the left wing controls most all of the major media in this country and has the ability to dictate what the American people see and hear?

No. Corporations own the media and some outlets lean to the left and some lean to the right. Even on MSNBC, Joe Scarborough is very critical of Obama and Lou Dobbs of CNN HATES Obama. I think the government has actually been controlling what we see as regards the war. If we knew what was really going on there, we would probably revolt. But no. It's not as simple as "the left controls the media". That's a total victim stance.

What comparable power does the GOP have?

Another totally irrational victim position. The GOP has had power in this country for the past 8 years. They have no one to blame but themselves for the foul job they have done.

Hes never been portrayed as a terrorist.

Oh, please! How can you say that? You must be totally blind!

The Republicans have no such power.

FOX News.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by Marcus Calpurnius
Could you ever see the MSM doing this to Obama? Of course not...

Again, we don't have to imagine...


GIVE ME A BREAK, man! You'd have to be asleep not to see this!

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

How ironic that you post two videos from Fox News. The ONLY news organization out there thats seems to think its necessary to question Obama.

Thats one channel BH, compared to a dozen that tow the Obama talking points as fact. A dozen more that cover, attack and lie for him on a daily basis.

You do the math.

[edit on 22-10-2008 by Marcus Calpurnius]

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Marcus Calpurnius

You clearly didn't watch both videos.

I'm done going in circles with you.

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