posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 04:19 AM
Im sorry everyone, i was up 2 days adrenaline overload syncing the audio and splicing it apart.(making vids smaller for youtube)
Below is all the info ive gathered so far, not for the faint of heart.
YouTube - zausuaz's Channel
link to channel, ive changed out the vids and labelled them accordingly. Had too many that were over the time allotted by youtube.
The album starts immediately after the famous 7 disney tones and plays through about one time and 5 songs, The Wall is cyclical, the ending words
being "this is where" and the beginning being "we came in". I dont have the credits up though they are in perfect sync as well.
OK, get ready, this is going to hurt. It's not a coincidence that pink floyd's the wall fits the movie perfectly, and given the name thE WALL
WALL E stands out a bit. not to mention the obvious corporate BS of APPL E and the ipod that plays "hello dolly from 1969" as pink floyd sings, "a
snapshot in the family album" and a moment later holds up his hub-cap hat in perfect time with, "father what did you leave behind for me". just
seconds later he holds up a rubix cube to "it was all just bricks in the wall" and properly sets it on the wall.
In the movie "The Wall" the scene where WALL E holds up the spork is the scene where the kid doesnt "fit in".
Also for some reason the female robots name is EVE, her design is based on a phone, and she carries a sun symbol plant with three leaves representing
the trinity in the christian cross. The song accompanying when she enters is "mother"(the first part of which is a dial tone) and she carries the
plant that saves the human's in space(fat lazy americans who live in chairs on a ship named axiom, the only two anagrams that make sense of these
five letters? Aim Ox, and I Am Ox)inside of her. In the movies soundtrack at this point... the stock sound for "a matrix glitch".
Trinity travels through a phone booth in the beginning of "The Matrix" to get to the REAL WORLD.
In the movie V for Vendetta, V was the roman numeral as it was explained in the movie.
Eve was the main female characters name...
A robotic arm types in a combination on her pod in the movement of a pentagram, i mean what is this stuff????
even crazier than that, the main characters design is even officially based on a robot from another movie named Jhonny 5, the title of which is
"Short Circuit"
Everyone ive shown personally either is a bit scared or absolutely angry that this notion is even possible, i understand though, they have to protect
their minds... Its a hell of a load.
50 years or so of programming, like this, THE WALL, a media creation, a literal psychological wall.
Im sure Hunter Thompson would something like HOHO, Welcome to the world as it is, not as it seems to be.