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Area 51: Frantic Caller - 1997

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posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 06:54 PM
Hmm, glad I saved this text that was posted on Tool's official site some time ago. It basically explains why the band used this particular recording mixed in with other sonic elements for the last track on Lateralus. The most interesting part of this explanation is the revelation of the date it was recorded.....makes you reconsider some of the words this particular caller chose to use.

08 Jun 03

Shortly after the release of Tool’s ‘Lateralus’ CD, late-night talk radio personality Art Bell began to receive thousands of emails from listeners informing him that their favorite band had used a sound-clip from his show on their latest CD. A few days later, Art obtained a copy of Lateralus and for the next week or so began to express an interest in doing an interview with the writer of the band’s website (me) or any of the band members themselves about their experiences at the perimeter of Area 51 and the connection with the last track on Lateralus entitled Faaip de Oiad. Sometime later Art sent me an email asking if I "and perhaps another" would agree to do an interview on his Coast to Coast AM program. I suggested to Art that Danny do the interview with me, as he was the band member that was the most knowledgeable on the subject, and because Faaip de Oiad was his personal piece on Lateralus. Due to problems in scheduling (the band was touring at the time), and the personal problems that were soon to plague Art, the interview never occurred. Art has since retired due to medical problems, but had the interview taken place, this, the untold story behind Faaip de Oiad, is what Danny and I would have discussed. With one exception. We would not have made the 9/11 connection (in relation to the Twin Towers tragedy for the obvious reason that it hadn’t yet happened).


I still receive a lot of email about the live version of the ‘hidden’ track, Faaip de Oiad that was performed during the latter stages of the Lateralus tour which, as I explained sometime last year, would most likely be included on the new dvd (no release date yet, I’m sorry to report). I also still get quite a few questions as to the precise meaning of the Enochian title, Faaip de Oiad (Voice of God), and the strange circumstances surrounding the frantic, some would say paranoid, voice that can be heard on the track from the Tool CD. Rather than answer all the emailers individually, I have decided that it’s finally time to explain how the piece initially came about, how the original idea was aborted to better fit with the Lateralus concept, and the truly bizarre coincidences surrounding both the original version as planned by Danny and myself along with the recorded version in which Danny utilized the voice on the "Area 51 caller line", during which time a mysterious satellite outage abruptly knocked the ‘Coast to Coast AM’ radio program and various other broadcasts temporarily off the air on the night of September 11, 1997 (yes, that’s right: 9/11).


To Be Continued in next post

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 10:46 AM
I think this is someone pulling Arts leg! The supposed Intruder alarms from the ground are the same volume throughout, as is this plane engine. I think someone probably found area 51 on like microsoft flight simulator and is having a laugh.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 10:52 AM
This was exposed as a hoax, this same guy called back art bell and told him he was acting and then repeated part of his act to art. Such a shame these people prey on the group of people just trying to find some truth or facts.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by BeyondBelow
This was exposed as a hoax, this same guy called back art bell and told him he was acting and then repeated part of his act to art. Such a shame these people prey on the group of people just trying to find some truth or facts.

i always found it funny that people just believe it was a hoax cause he called back, nobody could have been "twisting his arm" to make him call back?

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by BeyondBelow
This was exposed as a hoax, this same guy called back art bell and told him he was acting and then repeated part of his act to art. Such a shame these people prey on the group of people just trying to find some truth or facts.

here is the call back audio

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