posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 08:22 PM
The hell and hellishly ppl we come across are deep inside the lake of fire being tormented. Which of you will hear the messages? Continue
What you see is just a faint remnant message that the hellish person is in the lake of fire right there even though they humanly stand before you.
Everything you hear those human bodies saying or see doing is FALSE. As in it aint them though they can only watch through the eyes. In other words,
imagine being still a person in a human body, but the body is remote controlled with an assignment to deliver the messages that the hellish person is
watching through the eyes, but is in the lake of fire, sreaming and wailing in a way that can not be heard 'as is' at the face value we see.
The lake of firing is servering the life that is damned with continual hot heating. The names that are not written in the book of life are already in
the lake of fire experiencing it with watching through the human eyes they are commanded to watch with. What are they watching for if they are kept
from operating the human body they are in their grave with? The answer is for the reason they are in the lake of fire from a single messenger Who is a
single witness to the False Prophet's message. The False prophet controls what their graves say and do for a testimony against the Truth.
In the lake of fire is death (living and dieing) and hell (hellish persons). And also an addition is a HELL beyond what is written is pouring into
them who are damned in their lively human looking graves. The eagles are feasting flesh how so felt in the human graves. You can not see the feast
with observation on this plane, but you can recieve the message that it is so taking place.
So if some body acts hellish toward you in any way, it is just the False Prophet trying to give you a letter with a message that the actual hellish is
in the lake of fire and that what you experience is a FALSEHOOD with a story to tell in such the only way. The False Prophet is working 'for' us
with a testimony 'against' us so that the message is told other than just by a written way so we may read it when we seek it.
What those in the lake of fire are made to do is watch through the graves eyes. So those in the lake of fire do see this version of us. Keep in mind,
this version of us is not the actual original us.
Any questions yet? Anyone see the messages other than I?
They wont even know it was you--Makaveli
^^Translate: I and I will and willing "the distant and distancing" even and evening "know and knowing" it (I) was and yet is you (this betrayer
body which is not our actual body material).
^^The it (I) is actual us who are not ever in the lake of fire. We are each II (a look and manner). The I and I is the False Prophet (the Destroyer)
encassing the distant (hell the persons) and distancing (hellishly the persons). The even and evening, as in, getting even against us is way out of
the hellish persons reach remotely.
The would-be hellishly persons never shall have a oppurtunity against us actually. And the would-be our hell thought even meets defeat with
measures into the beyond.
So there comes a time the remanant so far away in torments get dislodged from even the watching period from the human grave. They are actually put
another plane so when disconneted from these graves they still experience all the torments I mentioned into the beyond. But! Then once disconnected
from watching, they have total darkness consuming them.
Who are the hellish? The devil, the astral projection with the devil, and the betrayer. So whenever you get a hellish Sign of someone acting hellish
toward you, it's just the False prophet giving you a message that the hellish person in the particular human grave who is temporarily watching is in
the lake of fire already being tormented in torments.
Any thing any of you wish to say who are not in the lake of fire?
You wont suffer putting there bodies down like a mong dog that tore a baby up with this way, but we will disconnect the evil eye all that is left
watching a not actual us material.
Now the 3 woes are saw over. Coming is the actual paradise joy apart for each who are not in the lake of fire. Our new names we have recieved here
already tell this world is not our actual original world.
Those in the lake of fire dread seeing a messenger with insight since it tells the watch dislodge is near which shall deepen their punishment darkly.
Besides, it is even punishment in knowning your subduer will be entering paradise. Also even because it is known then it is no hope any will remove
you from the lake of fire once you know you are forgotten with measures how the messenger told.
And do remember, they shall be distant and distancing watch. Implying, they shall go away from watching. They wont be able to watch their standing how
commanded for much longer and they wont be able to watch the not actual us how commanded for much longer. All soon enough!
[edit on 18-10-2008 by Mabus]