posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 05:15 PM
With elections a mere few days away, all the speculation and mudslinging is getting more intense. But ultimately I am sure that a majority of ATS
members have already sifted through the resulting mess and have tried to make sense of it all...
I have looked at all the policies recently and I don't like some of McCain's policies but tend to lean more toward the Obama camp but in saying that
there is something about him which makes me uneasy. If I had to put my finger on it, its probably is his media savvy ways and more specifically his
use of NLP. I don't believe there is anything wrong with it - i use it all the time in my line of work. But to use it on such a grand scale is
slightly unnerving....
So my question is out of the two candidates, who do you trust leading up to the final week and a bit before you cast your vote?