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Kerry Promises 10 Million Jobs in 1st Term.

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posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 11:22 PM
Kerry Promises to Create 10 Million Jobs

Kerry, speaking to Michigan voters who have seen unemployment spike during Bush's tenure, promised to create 10 million jobs in his first term.

Really? I think the man is full of Kerrycrap!
Let's see here, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, unemployment numbers for February were:

The number of unemployed persons was 8.2 million in February, and the
unemployment rate held at 5.6 percent, seasonally adjusted.

Employment Situation Summary
Huh?! Let me guess here, Kerry-mite was rounding-up?

Statistically speaking and with a little assuming, I would imagine that statistical unemployment is running around 4+/-%, which would imply that there is only enough US available workers to fill approxly....hmm, 2+ million jobs? Can the economy sustain 10 million jobs without raising inflation to the point of being untouchable? Let's go with this...if there are even 300+/- million employable workers in the US, drops in the employment rate numbers from 5.6 to say 4.0 would only amount to roughly 4.6+/- million available to work...that is not counting if they are employable.

Kerry is promising BS-economics and on top that, even if this is true, Kerry-economics 101 won't take effect nor come into play or have any bearing till 2006 at the least!! Within the next 4-5 years, the baby-boomers will be retiring at a rate that there won't be enough employable or qualified job-seekers to fill those spots opened up by the them! Huh? 10 million in 4 years, my arse!

Pathetic waste of words.

But hey, it'll draw those who know no otherwise right?


[Edited on 27-3-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 12:45 AM

friggin awsome post!

It just goes to show how he - or any democrat - will simply fabricate something that is a complete lie. I remember someone else who claimed they invented the internet.

Any ways, i'm sure that the liberals will find some other lie to try to explain this.

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 12:47 AM
Only way he can create 10 million jobs is if they legalize drug dealing and the Mafia.

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 01:00 AM
Great post, Seeker. Next will be his immigration policy, you see. Since we'll have more jobs than we need, we'll need to open the border to bring more workers in to fill those jobs!
2 birds with one stone: he gets the latino vote and the votes in the high job loss states.

If Kerry's ideas are so great, and he has this plan to create all these jobs, why has he waited until NOW to introduce this plan. He's a Senator, and all. He can, right now, introduce the "Kerry Jobs Bill" to the senate floor. It's not like he has to be president to do this. What a dick, he can create 10 million job but he's holding back on us.

[Edited on 27-3-2004 by Bob88]

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 01:05 AM
I'm still waiting for some liberal twat to try to explain this....i'm sure they have a GREAT explination.

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 01:29 AM
I'm in almost full agreement Bob...the trafficking of illegal aliens will become a brisk business....yep...I can envision Kerry-mite proposing a similiar to Bush immigration plan.
Hell, on top that, those Democrats are already crying the blues on the outsourcing of jobs! Huh? What the hell, what will the creation of 10 millions jobs do to deter outsourcing? Or even doubling or tripling corporate tax? There will be more outsourcing then the Democrats are willing to admit with such a promise as Kerry-mite is giving. Then we haven't even mentioned about that this will quite possibly push social secuirity retirement ages to what...hmmm....80!!?

The dude is going to trip over his nose here real

Journalist: Mr. Kerry-mite...
How do you propose to create 10 million jobs?
How will this economics101 plan create those 10 million jobs?
Kerry: That's none of your business! Are you a Republican? You part of the Republican-Attack machine? How dare you question my Patriotism! Your with the secret service aren't you? (Remember when Kerry was on vacation sking.....fell down but blamed a secret service agent for "tripping him" and subsequently called him a @$&#?)

Journalist: But Mr. Kerry-mite, you promised that you would create 10 million jobs.
Kerry: I never said that you Republican @$*&#.....! Am I off mic?
You folks aren't nothing but a bunch of liars! I am off mic, aren't I?!

But seriously and to stay on topic, Kerry-mite strikes again!


[Edited on 27-3-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 01:38 AM
I dont think Kerry would know how many family members he has....he never knows anything that he's talking about.
10 million jobs...loved that post man.
I just hope other people are smart enough to see through the 'promise' of Kerry. Sheesh. People and politics "blissfully ignorant".

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 10:28 AM
All the democrats and Kerry have to do is sabotage the creation of jobs and undermine current employment until after the election, If nobody catches them at it, they will have room to claim a success on what they themselves created in the first place.

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 10:34 AM
no no no, it's easy to figure out how there will be 10 million jobs...

maybe Kerry is also pro NWO and there will be a "police force" of 10 million.

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by American Mad Man

friggin awsome post!

It just goes to show how he - or any democrat - will simply fabricate something that is a complete lie. I remember someone else who claimed they invented the internet.

Any ways, i'm sure that the liberals will find some other lie to try to explain this.

You mean like telling us that Iraq had WMD, was trying to buy uranium and had links to Al Queada?

They all lie, they all tell you what ever is neccessary to get what they want and to push their agendas through.

The only thing you need to do is look at the impact of the lies and decide who is the lesser of two evils.

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
The number of unemployed persons was 8.2 million in February, and the unemployment rate held at 5.6 percent, seasonally adjusted.

PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that number reporting those both eligible for and collecting unemployment? Which lasts about 6 to 9 months max? I've been unemployeed and inelligible for benefits quite a while now, and know many that have been unemployed now pretty much since 9/11 (well over a year). They aren't counted either are they?

That 8.2 million, 5.6% bullcrap is supposed to make us feel good. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't double in a shrewd accounting of reality including underemployment (working full time in poverty).

I promise you there are many millions more underemployed on top of unemployed. The IT Director that use to make six figures now working at RANSTAAD temp isn't counted. The millions of underemployeed Wal-Mart employees getting only 35 hours per week in permanent part time aren't counted. Is 10 million ENOUGH jobs??? Come on.

Laugh if you want at someone offering some hope to this dismal situation (meaning Kerry), but to hell with Bush. I'll take someone that over promises over someone so out of touch he thinks outsourcing is a good thing because Wall Street likes it.

This is like the third of fourth thread in a row I've read with nothing offered but a gaggle of die hard, unapologetic, "anything but Dems" Republicans cackling and backslapping like everything's just hunky dory and Bush hung the freaking moon.

Well I'm glad someone's paying your damn bills, or you have tenure, or you're still in college or whatever the hell put the gin in your juice on this issue...but job creation is pretty god damn important to me and no laughing matter.

Laugh, cackle, and poke fun at Kerry all you want. Those of us with the common sense to vote AGAINST BU$H have made our minds and really have little else to say on the subject.

Over and out.

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 12:37 PM
Sorry to bust your bubble there RANT, but take your grevience up with the Bureau of Labor Statistics, eh?!

Over and out....Roger that? :up;


posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 12:47 PM
Thanks for posting that. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw that yesterday

Yeah, Kerry will create those 10 million jobs, just like Bush promised to create whatever-million number of jobs, then downsized that number each year.

(Elevated One:
no no no, it's easy to figure out how there will be 10 million jobs...

maybe Kerry is also pro NWO and there will be a "police force" of 10 million.

Bush and Kerry have the same agenda, just different ways to the end. With the new "drafat" we could well have at least a million new military members!!

I also agree with you about the UNemployment matter. Both sides lie-lie-lie-lie about the figures. I'm never sure how they get their numbers, but they do not reflect labor reality in many states. Like Michigan. And the other states that are outsourcing jobs, because the states are not making it profitable for companies to stay

Man, I sure hope you catch a break soon.

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Phoenix
All the democrats and Kerry have to do is sabotage the creation of jobs and undermine current employment until after the election

Creation of jobs

That's good stuff

Before Bush can "create" jobs he must regain all the jobs lost under his watch.

Also...Kerry is BS (just like Bush).

As an Independent I say... GROWUP DEMOS/REPUBS... both parties are FULL of grade A BULL#.

Both parties have and still are FUBARing this nation.

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 01:05 PM
Hmmm................I've been gainfully employed without interruption through FOUR economic downturns, never once have I taken any government assistance and have always paid my own bills including rapacious taxes to support the shirkers even though I do not earn whats considered a high income - hmmm.....was it just dumb luck? - No it wasn't, I went to the effort develop skills that are and will be in demand rather than a passing fad - In essence I benefit from my own good decision making rather than lean on (or blame) others to bail me out of bad decision making. If your skill set is not in demand you have to change it, don't expect society to. Sorry I don't feel for ya.

As an aside - After analysis of the Kerry proposal one can obviously see that it benefits a select few fortune 500 companies but does nothing to help small business what so ever - the job creating engine of the U.S. economy - All of you Kerry hags should review this and your stance.
On the otherhand Bush's proposal specifically gives small business the tax breaks they need to give you the job your looking for.

[Edited on 27-3-2004 by Phoenix]

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by Phoenix
Hmmm................I've been gainfully employed without interruption through FOUR economic downturns, never once have I taken any government assistance and have always paid my own bills including rapacious taxes to support the shirkers even though I do not earn whats considered a high income - hmmm.....was it just dumb luck? - No it wasn't, I went to the effort develop skills that are and will be in demand rather than a passing fad - In essence I benefit from my own good decision making rather than lean on (or blame) others to bail me out of bad decision making. If your skill set is not in demand you have to change it, don't expect society to. Sorry I don't feel for ya.

Egads, the perfect Republican. No empathy. And a complete inability to understand any circumstances other than his own. Happy as I am for you that you've maintained your own personal security through apparent mediocrity countering 4 economic downturns as you say, some of us took risks and trained for better jobs or started companies and attempted to improve both ourselves and our communities by employing others. It's called taking a risk. Investing in your country. You know, actually doing all that rhetoric Republicans claim to support.

If only I were less qualified and unambitious as you seem to be making the case for as Bush proofing your career from economic woes... then I might be employed now, but I assure you I would not be near the ass you appear to be to others less fortunate than you.

I only wish I could muster the contempt you demonstrate for the sincere plight of an increasing number of honest struggling Americans to return in kind, but your thoughtless accounting of thier predicament renders you unworthy the effort.

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 02:02 PM
Phoenix congradulation on making it this far. Let me speak from experience. While my own downfall was related to an illness I can tell you that I was responsible for letting go well over 400 highly qualified people, with skills still in demand because my corporation discovered they could save money by outsoucing jobs. What money did they save? Healthcare, that was it. The only cost difference for us was healthcare.

So you fault these people who lost their jobs because they did not retrain themselves? When did they have time, as salaried employees scheduled to work at least 60 hours per week there was no time to retrain. Most of them don't fall in the labor statistics since they have gone well over the time to gain assistance. Many I speak to now work at minimum wage jobs, which means they have no money to afford retraining, have lost their homes and any savings they might have had.

I am happy you have made it. But it is nasty for you to look down upon those who have not. God forbid anything unexpected ever happens to you and you need help. I thought as you did years ago, then I got sick, went on disablility which got me released from my job and now I am just rebuilding my career.

Be careful of who you slam or put down, fate tends to challenge us with those same challenges later on.

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 03:34 PM
Oh, let me just say I have empathy - for people with a demonstrated inability to change their circumstances. Such as the mentally or physically disabled.

I will admit I find little sympathy for sound- minded and physically able people that sit around and blame others about not having a job, how do we support the level of illegal immigration currently in progress, Simple, Americans don't want a job where physical work might be involved and that does'nt pay at least 50 grand a year with stellar benefits to boot, they'll just stay home instead.

My circumstances are what I've made of them, if something happens you won't hear me blaming the democrats about it, I will take personal responsibility and get that job at Wal-Mart, McDonalds or the local landscape company until I can once again improve my own position. I can assure you all it won't be by sucking money out of your pocket.

Making bad bets on the Clinton tech stock bubble is not something that elicits my sympathy.

[Edited on 27-3-2004 by Phoenix]

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 05:56 PM
I would like to see the specifics of Kerry's plan. What he is saying sounds good - who could argue with the idea of 10 million new jobs?

However, when pressed, he will say "take back the tax cuts from the rich". Not too much more than that.

All of this is sound-good political year rhetoric. I have to agree with the poster who asked, why did he wait till now to talk about it?

I can see both Rant and Phoenix's point of view. If you relied on the dot com bubble without looking at the inevitable burst, then that's your fault. Clinton had very little to do with the dot com boom, BTW; he just happened to be occupying the Oval Office at the time. The boom was just a matter of timimg. Also, don't wait for somebody in Washington to solve your problems, or you will be sorely disapponted

But Rant, things must be really tough wherever you are, for you to be unemployed for so long. I can understand being overqualified and not being able to move laterally into the same type of job - I know people who have had the same problem. Sometimes you have to start at a lower rung on the ladder, though. I'm not being unsympathetic to your plight. I thank my lucky stars to have been gainfully employed long enough to get my kids out on their own. I wish you luck.


posted on Mar, 28 2004 @ 02:03 AM
I don't think it's so much about not wanting to help people, which I like to do since I am doing pretty good.

It's more about the how than the why.

I can't tolerate federal social spending for the most part. That includes welfare (and underlying programs), and even unemployment.

There was once a time when things were done in the community, or at least on the lowest level possible.

Now people look to the federal government to solve their problems, which is possibly the worst way to do things in effeciency standards. Churches, private companies, and even individuals help one another. I say let them and take the burden off of the average joe working to feed his own kids.

Social spending is misappropriation of federal power, taxation, and just makes the government more invested in people's lives.

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