Originally posted by baburak
Well ... i dont' believe this story but even if it's true ... Can you tell me how did you came up with idea that the reallity is a dream? Maybe you
just changed the reality through the dream .... Person can make thosand of theorys with this story ... It's like Zeitgeist was made .... You have the
christmas tree but you decorate it like you want and it will be different from other c.trees. Same thing is with reporters when they have a story
they will adjust it the way it becomes more interesting even if it loses the meaning of the main story.
Even if this story is true, it's not the evidence of "Reality is a dream" , it's the evidence that you made something through your dream. And i
don't see the connection for you statement that reality is a dream in this story
I believe there is commonality in everything we experience, know and believe.
Let me try to address the question, how I came up with the idea that reality is a dream. It's a very good question, and deserves an answer based on
my theoretical musings.
A lot of what I believe today, actually stems from my childhood, and beliefs I had as a child that I dismissed for a more scientific orientated belief
system. In that, as I grew up and took a moderate interest in science, physics and the lot, I dismissed a lot of my childhood musings as simply
nonsensical childhood fantasy.
Science was providing the explanation of physical matter that I enjoyed. It taught me that the world was made of matter and energy. That energy and
matter where intertwined and matter could be converted into energy, and in theory energy back into matter.
One day, when I was 15 years old, I would have my first encounter with a dream that came true. Meaning, at night in my many dreams, out of that mess
came this odd quirk that I easily dismissed, and rightfully so, as coincidence.
As time progressed, more dreams would occur that would come true. And I would have to address this odd quirk. Logically, it didn't make sense with
my belief in linear science, in that all things future haven't happened yet, and therefore should not be known. My dreams however, where countering
that logic with evidence, albeit anecdotal evidence that a dream somehow was predicting the future.
That was my crossroad. I had an experience, that I knew was clearly outside my norm, and I needed answers for it.
At that time, I didn't think reality was a dream, that connection was not made.
Fortunately, I was still young, 16 by the time I accepted this elephant growing in my closet, and decided to have a closer look at it.
You might not accept it, or have had the experience, but we can actually become awake and fully conscious in our dreams when we sleep at night. So
exactly as you are now, as you know yourself as a self-realized awake and lucid person, this very same state of awareness, knowing and consciousness
can transfer into the dreamstate. I am sure you know about it, hopefully you have expeirenced it, and further experience it through your life.
Having learned to lucid dream, and poorly in my opinion, I started to use that skill to see if I could observe a dream before it would come true.
And over time, through many sessions I was able to do so. It was at this crossroad, that I suspected, but was not convinced that reality was a dream.
I needed more proof and personal evidence.
The final step was a need to prove it by changing a dream, in theory one that was precognitive, and see if that change happened here.
Eventually, with many more years ahead of me, when I was 26 years old. I finally was able to bridge that theory and affect a precognitive dream,
change it in a phenomenological way, that is, impress a shape on it during a phase I called mapping. And had those shapes appear here, in addition to
the lucid awake knowing I had prior in the dream itself.
Finally, I had the proof that I was looking for. I may not have liked the answer, but ultimately the proof was:
What I dreamed "there", became "here".
That there was this "there" that somehow becomes "here". However, when I am "there", what that "there" is, is a dream.
Now we can expand on dream the word by saying it is a very organized pattern of thought energy. And please note, like energy is to matter, in a
dream, thought is to energy.
Which brings us to today, and my desire to just put this information out for debate, as we are doing. And enjoyably, I like where we are going with
Now let me ask you a question, have you ever dreamed something that one day layer came true? Like deja vu, but your remember clearly, that it was a
Please share if so.