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Snap Out of It - Obama is using Clinical Hypnosis on You!

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posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 09:12 PM
Twelve pages. so far, and you people STILL think you can be 'hypnotized' by someone speaking to you through your TV???!!!???

Jeeze!!! Put on your critical thinking caps!! (Or, just put aluminum fool on your heads)


Go out, and investigate what hypnosis actually is, and what it can and CANNOT do!!!!

Think logically, for a moment....IF, as the OP claims, some nonsense called 'clinical hypnosis' could be 'broadcast' at you, then wouldn't you think the GOP would have already been doing it???!!!???

Sheesh!!!! Get out, and learn!!!!

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
Twelve pages. so far, and you people STILL think you can be 'hypnotized' by someone speaking to you through your TV???!!!???

Jeeze!!! Put on your critical thinking caps!! (Or, just put aluminum fool on your heads)


Go out, and investigate what hypnosis actually is, and what it can and CANNOT do!!!!

Think logically, for a moment....IF, as the OP claims, some nonsense called 'clinical hypnosis' could be 'broadcast' at you, then wouldn't you think the GOP would have already been doing it???!!!???

Sheesh!!!! Get out, and learn!!!!

Indeed you are saying people here should "snap out of it." I agree, the article itself might be "hypnotic," however it also offers a way out into critical thinking. If you think people cannot be hypnotized to do things they do not want to do, then it would be good to study MKULTRA. Also you do not have to broadcast hypnosis and expect everyone to be hypnotized, however if a critical mass of people do go into this elevated state where critical judgment evaporates, then the rest of the people can go into harmony with it even while intact.

Public speaking has many examples of hypnotic speakers historically, mostly tyrants. Were Hitler and Mussolini hypnotic? If not they were so persuasive as to hypnotize at least some people. I do not think Obama is "evil," nor is he a "terrible person." It worries me however that he may get carried away with himself, in the very noosphere of his speaking.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 09:41 PM
Originally posted by SkipShipman

Indeed you are saying people here should "snap out of it." I agree, the article itself might be "hypnotic," however it also offers a way out into critical thinking. If you think people cannot be hypnotized to do things they do not want to do, then it would be good to study MKULTRA. Also you do not have to broadcast hypnosis and expect everyone to be hypnotized, however if a critical mass of people do go into this elevated state where critical judgment evaporates, then the rest of the people can go into harmony with it even while intact.

Public speaking has many examples of hypnotic speakers historically, mostly tyrants. Were Hitler and Mussolini hypnotic? If not they were so persuasive as to hypnotize at least some people. I do not think Obama is "evil," nor is he a "terrible person." It worries me however that he may get carried away with himself, in the very noosphere of his speaking.

MKULTRA is mind control. Much more, including drugs and sensory deprevation, goes into programming someone. It's apples to oranges, what you're proposing, and a FAR leap from conversational hypnosis and persuassion.

Please look into what conditions must be present to fall under tyranny and commit evil, even when you know it's wrong. Watch the documentary that I linked previously (it's only an hour, in total) . . . Research Milgram's experiments . . . Re-read your history and find out why Germany (et. al) fall under tyrannical rule. It has little to due with charisma or hypnosis. Much more to due with fear, redirecting blame, and nationalistic superiority.

You are reaching for examples and they aren't even in the same ballpark, as far as causality is concerned.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by SkipShipman

SS....OK, I'll grant you the MKULTRA reference....(I actually DO read and watch documentaries)...

But, MKULTRA (remote viewing, unless I got the wrong documentary) was, allegedly, discontinued.

To conflate 'Hitler' and 'Mussolini' to 'Obama' is, if I may be frank, a little pathetic.

You may as well try to compare FDR to 'Tokyo Rose'!!

Or, try to equate 'Palin' to a faction that wants to promote secession from the United States for the 49th state of the 'Union'.... Oh! Did I cross the line??? BECAUSE, the 'First Dude' of Alaska promoted 'secession'....not in 2000, not in 2004, but as recently as 2006!!!!! (Look it up!!)

((I can only imagine their 'pillow talk'))....

OK, that last sentence may have crossed a line....but it stays in because it's important to the discussion at hand.

If any rational Human Being can seriously believe that Sen. Obama is in some way using 'Clinical Hypnosis' on intelligent, thinking Human Beings ... if ANY normal person could actually BELIEVE this baloney, --- IF anyone, who is RATIONAL thinks that this could be a concept employed by EITHER Party, then I fear deeply for the aspect of intelligence of the Human Species.

However, we already KNOW who can vote....anyone who is at least 18, and can read and write...and that scares the BeJeezus outta me!!!

PS....REGISTERING to VOTE and actually being ALLOWED to VOTE are two hugely different things.

Just so you know....

One final point....if you're reading this, then you can 'Google'. Look for the HBO Documentary titled 'Hacking Democracy'. It should open your eyes.....

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 12:45 AM

The typical Obama-praise is paired with an immediate statement of Obama-fear:

(See prior post above.)

Here are some examples from prior posts on this thread:

e.g. #1: (solomen's path) "....thus, making sense of the support Obama receives. Obama receives his support through the beliefs of his followers . . . Just as McCain or Bush or Hitler."

e.g. #2 (S) "The only difference is Obama is instilling feelings of hope and McCain/Palin are instilling fear. Hence, the fainting at Obama and the mob mentality and anger at McCain functions.

I'm sorry you seemed so concinved of the nefarious nature of Obama's speech,....."

e.g. #3 "....Obama's intent, first off. If he's attended Dale Carnegie training . . . he's been shown these techniques. Just not under the guise of "World Ending Manipulation"

e.g. #4 (PuRe EnErGy) " if Obama knows this material that is an amazing thing as EVERYONE should know this material the world would function much more smoothly, and we'd all be much more respectful of others too.... Ugh, where to start? this planet seems so screwy sometimes."

e.g. #5.(JohnnyElohim) "...this concept of Obama being a brilliant hypnotherapist practicing the art on a scale never before seen. Well, it's been argued that Hitler's use of phrasing, music, and other elements had that effect, but you know what I mean."

e.g. #6 (PuRe EnErGy) "Obama master hypnotist? .. I dunno but this looked and sounded pretty sly itself."

e.g.#7 (EarthCitizen7) "The truth really hurts don't it?! And it must be even more embarrasing having a black man beating the # out of a republican. Boy I am enjoying the show big time, just hope he don't suffer any unusual accident before January. That would suck!"

Examp. 8 (Horus1) "...why is he the man for the presidency of the United States?

All I see is negetivity from you against Obama, your actually playing the same game as Mcain. As in dont vote for Obama because of such and such."

e.g. #9 (Leo Strauss) "Is the charasmatic black voodoo doctor gonna whip you up in to an ecstatic frenzy and force you to do something you dread?"

"... to the best of my knowledge Obama does have a pulse and therefore should win in a landslide!"

e.g. #10 (Lucid Lunacy) "Or maybe he is just so much better of a public speaker then any Candidate we have seen in a while, and it is shocking..."
"That he is trained in hypnosis and mind control!?! Maybe he got his training from being a Professor of Law? Maybe? You think? Ugh.

Dear Jesus, the time is now..."

e.g. #11(Anonymous ATS) ".. the image of politician who seeks to bring about change to this decaying society."

e.g. #12(solo32_98) "Obama is an EFFECTIVE speaker and orator. He is inspired during his speeches because he is passionate about what he believes in. he genuinely believes that he can lead America away from the madness that engulfs it..."

e.g. #13 (Harman) "Obama is just better at it. He has a honest face and a calm dignified posture, presidential (this is not saying he will be a good, honest or able president)"

Link to above quoted article:
Edit to add spacing for easier reading.

[edit on 21-10-2008 by ballast]

[edit on 21-10-2008 by ballast]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by SkipShipman

THANKS. Important post.

I love Milton Erickson stories.

But using his techniques for political etc. manipulation is about as evil as it gets.

They've certainly trained Obamma well.

Just imagine an administration of his. There'd be no end of the use of NLP.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 10:47 AM
Oooo, wouldn't it be great to have a hypnotist on America's side? Obama could hypnotize the terrorists into peacemakers! The Chinese into fairtraders! All of America unite and love each other, whether democrat or republican! What a wonderful idea, a hypnotist for President! I'm totally voting for Obama now.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by SkipShipman

THANKS. Important post.

I love Milton Erickson stories.

But using his techniques for political etc. manipulation is about as evil as it gets.

They've certainly trained Obama well.

Just imagine an administration of his. There'd be no end of the use of NLP.

The problem here is that NLP does necessarily fit itself well to sound policy, but rather public persuasion. Is policy here an empty shell resonating from the campaign? Well in reality any campaign raises a government all its own. It manufactures consent, but to what? Again look at the advisers he has, and whether sound policy emanates from them. Such techniques are not necessarily evil in themselves, but can become so over time when there is no critical thinking and the public feedback of mindlessness reinforces that lack of critical thinking. That is why I have posted this as a caveat for everyone. You would warn someone wouldn't you, if there were possible dangers? If in their best judgment there were no dangers, then watch and learn.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 03:17 PM
The Compromise of "decision-making power"

"Noted psychiatrist and author Robert Jay Lifton defined the process often used to compromise “decision-making power” as “thought reform.” His lauded book Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism became a seminal classic and the guide used by deprogrammers to define and determine “cult brainwashing” techniques.

Psychologist Margaret Singer

, the preeminent cult expert of the 20th Century, defined “deprogramming” as simply “providing members with information about the cult and showing them how their own decision-making power had been taken away from them.”

Now the families of terrorists, such as the followers Osama bin Laden , say their loved ones are also the victims of “brainwashing” and thus became terrorist pawns.

An article recounting such stories and reviewing the parallels that can be seen between terrorist training and thought reform has been archived for some time at Cult .

It is interesting to observe that Islamic countries are now largely leading the way in an effort to effectively adapt deprogramming as a response to terrorist indoctrination.'

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by solomons path
reply to post by ballast

What is your point and how does it relate to the topic?

The POINT is, their doesn't seem to be any reason to vote for this guy other than warm fuzzies he gives us when we hear him speak. Other than that, their is no reason most of us would consider hiring a guy for a position in our OWN field, much less the highest office in the land. Especially when it is critical we hire the right guy in our field but all he has for a resume is his mysteriously financed training schools and a $12,000 a year job as the only experience he can draw from and all his referances are either convicted felons, radical terrorists, or some Rev. Racist named Wright.

BUT his resume is so mmmm oooh aaah ooh la la Inspirational!

Pathetic is a decision like that

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by MAINTAL

What is sort of sad is your use of the word 'their' (at least you spelled it correctly, even if used out of context).

Just for the audience, some will likely know this already..... there is a whole World of something known as 'homonyms'.....this refers to words, in English, that 'sound alike', but are spelled differently, and also have very different meanings.

Great example...."They're", "There" and 'Their".

Three 'words' in the english language....all three 'homonymns'....beacuse they are, all three, pronounced the same, (hence 'homonym') but they each have truly different purposes.

The first one is, obviously a contraction. It is the English language way of combining two this instance, the words 'they' and 'are'...."are" being the verb. Sometimes French or Italian do this, as well....

The word 'There' is pretty is a declarative, or descriptive is ALSO some other thing, I forget my basic English lessons.....

The word, as spelled..."THEIR" obviously a pronoun. It is the English equivalent of 'more than one', when it comes to pronouns.

WHY, oh WHY would anyone who wishes to contribute to a forum as erudite as this not know the difference, before posting????

I've been accused, by someone, of being the 'professor'.....I AM NOT a professor, I just happen to know how to spell, and what words mean.

I wish others would pay close attention.....

On topic...."Clinical Hypnosis" is a NONSENSE term, and, as I've pointed out in an earlier post, this entire concept is ludricrous.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 04:01 PM
"...A basis for answering the ever-recurring question: "Isn't this just like 'brainwashinG'."

"A discussion of what is most central in the thought reform environment can lead us to a more general consideration of the psychology of human zealotry. For in identifying, on the basis of this study of thought reform, features common to all expressions of ideological totalism, I wish to suggest a set of criteria against which any environment may be judged - a basis for answering the ever-recurring question: "Isn't this just like 'brainwashing'?"

The most basic feature of the thought reform environment, the psychological current upon which all else depends, is the control of human communication. Through this milieu control the totalist environment seeks to establish domain over not only the individual's communication with the outside (all that he sees and hears, reads or writes, experiences, and expresses), but also - in its penetration of his inner life - over what we may speak of as his communication with himself. It creates an atmosphere uncomfortably reminiscent of George Orwell's 1984."

(subject/victim) "Having experienced the impact of what they consider to be an ultimate truth (and having the need to dispel any possible inner doubts of their own), they consider it their duty to create an environment containing no more and no less than this "truth." In order to be the engineers of the human soul, they must first bring it under full observational control

Ideological totalists do not pursue this approach solely for the purpose of maintaining a sense of power over others. Rather they are impelled by a special kind of mystique which not only justifies such manipulations, but makes them mandatory. Included in this mystique is a sense of "higher purpose," of having "directly perceived some imminent law of social development," and of being themselves the vanguard of this development. By thus becoming the instruments of their own mystique, they create a mystical aura around the manipulating institutions - the Party, the Government, the Organization. They are the agents "chosen" (by history, by God, or by some other supernatural force) to carry out the "mystical imperative," the pursuit of which must supersede all considerations of decency or of immediate human welfare. Similarly, any thought or action which questions the higher purpose is considered to be stimulated by a lower purpose, to be backward, selfish, and petty in the face of the great, overriding mission. This same mystical imperative produces the apparent extremes of idealism and cynicism which occur in connection with the manipulations of any totalist environment: even those actions which seem cynical in the extreme can be seen as having ultimate relationship to the "higher purpose."

When trust gives way to mistrust (or when trust has never existed) the higher purpose cannot serve as adequate emotional sustenance. The individual then responds to the manipulations through developing what I shall call the psychology of the pawn. Feeling himself unable to escape from forces more powerful than himself, he subordinates everything to adapting himself to them. He becomes sensitive to all kinds of cues, expert at anticipating environmental pressures, and skillful in riding them in such a way that his psychological energies merge with the tide rather than turn painfully against himself. This requires that he participate actively in the manipulation of others, as well as in the endless round of betrayals and self-betrayals which are required.

But whatever his response - whether he is cheerful in the face of being manipulated, deeply resentful, or feels a combination of both - he has been deprived of the opportunity to exercise his capacities for self-expression and independent action.

In this manner, the universal psychological tendency toward "projection" is nourished and institutionalized, leading to mass hatreds, purges of heretics, and to political and religious holy wars.

The totalist milieu maintains an aura of sacredness around its basic dogma, holding it out as an ultimate moral vision for the ordering of human existence.

The assumption here is not so much that man can be God, but rather that man's ideas can be God: that an absolute science of ideas (and implicitly, an absolute science of man) exists, or is at least very close to being attained; that this science can be combined with an equally absolute body of moral principles; and that the resulting doctrine is true for all men at all times.

Since the distinction between the logical and the mystical is, to begin with, artificial and man-made, an opportunity for transcending it can create an extremely intense feeling of truth."
Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism
The University of North Carolina Press/Chapel Hill and London
By Robert Jay Lifton, M.D.

b-Facinating excerpt from book

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by MAINTAL

Then you are mind reader . . . Because NO WHERE in his posts or the examples does the poster state this or offer evidence to support that point. A few talking points, from an article, about the duality and polarized support for/against Obama does not make that point or support it. Beside that, the topic is hypnosis and if it is a factor in Obama's support . . . which the poster's entry doesn't support/refute . . . However, you seem to think it's a post about qualifications and the propaganda that goes along with any campaign (McCain's black child, Swift Boat Vets, etc) . . . if that is the case, then his post is off topic . . . and yours is supporting propaganda unrelated to the topic and biased.

SO . . . since we've concluded this is off topic . . . I expect your post to be deleted, as it doesn't serve the current conversation. I won't stoop to partisan media hype for either candidate, as I don't support either.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by ballast

More quotes and links? I agree it's interesting info, but how does it relate to this topic. Could you please take a stand and tie it in to the current discussion. How does the extreme polarization of your first post support or refute the claim that Obama is some sort of Manchurian-Svengali? How does your programming and brainwashing info support or refute one side of this debate? Are you posting this as general info? Do you have knowledge of how these phenomena work or did you simply google psych terms based on things being discussed here?

I'm not asking to be intentionally obtuse . . . I really want to know what you are trying to get at because on the surface, your info is just that . . . more info.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by solomons path
reply to post by MAINTAL

Then you are mind reader . . . Because NO WHERE in his posts or the examples does the poster state this or offer evidence to support that point. A few talking points, from an article, about the duality and polarized support for/against Obama does not make that point or support it. Beside that, the topic is hypnosis and if it is a factor in Obama's support . . . which the poster's entry doesn't support/refute . . . However, you seem to think it's a post about qualifications and the propaganda that goes along with any campaign (McCain's black child, Swift Boat Vets, etc) . . . if that is the case, then his post is off topic . . . and yours is supporting propaganda unrelated to the topic and biased.

SO . . . since we've concluded this is off topic . . . I expect your post to be deleted, as it doesn't serve the current conversation. I won't stoop to partisan media hype for either candidate, as I don't support either.

This one I have seen a thousand times, and if you or anyone else responding to my first post which IS regarding the OP doesn't like what I say when you or anyone else asks additional questions that I am willing to furnish my best answers for when I can, then I suggest you advise THEM not to ask questions that in effect end up derailing the thread.

That includes THIS attempt to use your disagreement with my posting answers which you apparently can only argue with behind the guise for your "genuine" caring concern the OP thread doesn't get derailed going as far as leading the MODs hinting they should remove them.

No body likes a thread derailed and I apologize for answering opinions contrary or requests that insist I elaborate.

Another thing I will suggest NOBODY likes, is tantamount to something most of us have seen or done when we were 6 years old but learned rather quickly by the disdain people have for it, even those compelled to enforce it or in this case the mods albeit their duty to obey such a person asking the violator be prosecuted or rule be enforced.

I think I can safely say even they would agree that Nobody, but nobody,,

likes a Tattle tale.

[edit on 21-10-2008 by MAINTAL]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by MAINTAL

What is sort of sad is your use of the word 'their' (at least you spelled it correctly, even if used out of context).

Just for the audience, some will likely know this already..... there is a whole World of something known as 'homonyms'.....this refers to words, in English, that 'sound alike', but are spelled differently, and also have very different meanings.

Great example...."They're", "There" and 'Their".

Three 'words' in the english language....all three 'homonymns'....beacuse they are, all three, pronounced the same, (hence 'homonym') but they each have truly different purposes.

The first one is, obviously a contraction. It is the English language way of combining two this instance, the words 'they' and 'are'...."are" being the verb. Sometimes French or Italian do this, as well....

The word 'There' is pretty is a declarative, or descriptive is ALSO some other thing, I forget my basic English lessons.....

The word, as spelled..."THEIR" obviously a pronoun. It is the English equivalent of 'more than one', when it comes to pronouns.

WHY, oh WHY would anyone who wishes to contribute to a forum as erudite as this not know the difference, before posting????

I've been accused, by someone, of being the 'professor'.....I AM NOT a professor, I just happen to know how to spell, and what words mean.

I wish others would pay close attention.....

On topic...."Clinical Hypnosis" is a NONSENSE term, and, as I've pointed out in an earlier post, this entire concept is ludricrous.

Hey I agree with the Opinion you have that the hypnosis is a nonsense term and OH MY GOD I think having a "Fetish" or perhaps in this case it is a pet peeve and one I may pet quite often seeing the absolute over kill you go to to point out someones spelling errors. Are you ok? did you have a canniption fit or is it Conniption? I don't know and I don't really care. I think your attempt to not just correct a spelling error can and would have been appreciated but that isn't good enough for you is it?

Noooo you see them deserving of punishment!

Punishment worthy of public humiliation!

I see it as someone with such a bad case of obsessive compulsive disorder they are screaming it. you know something as personally humiliating as you are hoping this might have been for me, would have best been appreciated in a u2u but something like that I guess I can only expect from those having more class.

Gee,, I am so sorry I spelled their wrong or what ever the trivial reason you justify making such a mountain out of a mole hill and again I suppose it is ME derailing the thread by answering this but my God man,,

Lighten up

I've been accused, by someone, of being the 'professor'.....I AM NOT a professor, I just happen to know how to spell,

Oh and by the way it's "ludicrous" NOT "ludricrous" and homonyms NOT 'homonymns' and "because" not "beacuse" but I won't make a "big deal" out of it, I mean we all make mistakes, DON'T WE

[edit on 21-10-2008 by MAINTAL]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by solomons path

More quotes and links? I agree it's interesting info, but how does it relate to this topic.

Snap Out of It - Obama is using Clinical Hypnosis on You!


The subject is Obama using Hypnosis. It is An examination of Obama's use of hidden hypnosis.

In addition, is the implied assumption that there are victims of Obama using hypnosis and the effect this hypnosis has on his victims.

SNAP OUT OF IT represents a warning to those victims of Obama's hypnosis.

Implied is the subject of "how?" to help the victims of Obama's hypnosis.

In order, to help the victims of Obama's hypnosis, we must recognize the signs and evidence of the effects Obama's hypnosis has on his victims.

Lastly, is the subject of hypnosis techniques, hidden hypnosis, conversational hypnosis........................

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 05:56 PM
I think I get it:

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
I think I get it:

awe I seen that speech, that was taken when someone was asking Obama about his relationship with Bill Ayers and he put his arm out and said,

Talk to the hand

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by solomons path

How does the extreme polarization of your first post support or refute the claim that Obama is some sort of Manchurian-Svengali?

Please take note of your own phrasing of "Obama is some sort of Manchurian-Svengali?"

Articulate to be sure, but there are other less dramatic terms that would do. A statement that brings to mind, mystique, a powerful perhaps omnipotent, but evil person.

A messiah is omnipotent. The subject of messiah appears very frequently in relation to Obama. The google trend indicates the popularity of these search parameters, Obama messiah. The graph also indicates particular spikes of such searches in relation to Obama. Hence, it is very relevant.

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