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Sheeple of the world unite!

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posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 07:32 PM
How many others are sick of this term? Every time you don't agree with someone, you're either a sheeple or an idiot. I thought that people had the right to make up their own minds, and have their own opinions. Since when do others have the right to call names and insult those that disagree with them? There used to be a time when ATS was a wonderful place, and I could have some wonderful debates with someone, and when we had great discussions.

We still have great discussions, and you still see the OCCASIONAL wonderful debate, but how quick people are to call names now. I realize ATS is growing, and not everyone will agree with it. I personally do, because we can use new blood around here, and the new people will have new ideas, and spark new directions to threads. However, we are also seeing the downside of growth. Now, if you disagree, you are instantly a shill, a sheeple, an idiot, etc.

I've been called shill by people that I have never even had discussions with, just based on the ideas that I've posted on here. I've been called sheeple just for thinking differently than the "enlightened, open minded" people. There are still the inspired threads, and the debates we have had in the past that made this a wonderful site, but they're fading.

I hereby issue a challenge to all ATSers. Enough of the name calling, the shills, the sheeple. Let's bring back the respect we used to have, even among people that we don't get along with, or that we don't like. Let's bring back the great threads we've seen before, and bring back the discussions that we had before. Let's step up and make ATS even better than it has been before.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 07:33 PM
You're my favorite.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 07:45 PM
Aren't the sheeple the ones that are NOT on ATS? Please tell me we're still allowed to make fun of the unwashed hordes of the general public who wouldn't get it if we published "Conspiracy Theories for Dummies?"

There are still some of us who prefer to debate and discuss issues, facts, and ideas rather than people. Oddly, though, I've noticed a disturbing trend .. when someone posts a reasonable, calm, logical post that covers points of fact and logic, the heated debaters who are busy mudslinging and name calling and trying to make each other out to be idiots ignore them! What does that tell you?

But take heart, there are still some of us around that one can have a great discussion with. There are still people who will consider other points of view, accept facts, follow logic, and even (gasp!) allow their opinions to be swayed if the other guy is right.

We just have to dig a little harder to find each other.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 07:51 PM
haha... i wish i could give you applause... can't could the number of time's i've seen "Wake up sheeple!" as a consession that someone's run out of argument.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 07:51 PM
Hear hear!

I'm with you on this one Zaph, all the way..

It's a sad state of the world, indeed when people are so quick to write off alternatives to our concerns with a casual laizzez-faire attitude.

Sad, but true - you can't save everyone.

Remember, I'm just a U2U away if you ever need me.

Peace, man.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 07:57 PM
Anyone that doesn't tow the predominate board ideology is labeled a "sheeple."

The irony, I'm sure, never fails to amuse those of us who don't often find ourselves with the band wagon majority.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 08:28 PM
Personally, I think the reason that most people on here nowadays call people "sheeple" or "shill" is that most people just do not want to actually take the time to read the threads from the beginning of each thread. I think that people should have the right to express one's own opinion. I think it's the ones that have either an attitude problem or a short fuse that pose more of a problem. People do have the right to have their very own opinions. I also think that the people who resort to name calling and insulting members they do not agree with is because they cannot accept the fact that someone will and can prove them wrong.

The sad sad fact about a majority of people these days is that they just can't handle being told something that goes against what they believe. Most people have the mentality of "I'm right, you're wrong no matter what you say." I think that it is great that we think opposite from the "enlightened/open minded" people. Here's the deal, if I've got something to say, I'm going to say it no matter if you agree with me or not.

There's my $1.25 worth of opinion.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 08:43 PM
I think it was Lord Byron that said "He knew not what to say - so he swore"

Pretty pertinent quote that one.

Personally...when I see someone resort to swearing, abusive and insults/attacks...I consider them without retort or rebuttal. They have lost, they know it, so they just go for a cheap parting shot.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 08:46 PM
No *snip*. I am with OP on this. Just seeing or hearing that word makes me want to cringe. It has become a very hypocritical term to use. Nothing like watching sheep making fun of the other sheep. hahaha But someone always has to go throwing in the word "sheeple".. *shudders*

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 08:58 PM
It is so easy to be brave and call someone a name online. But try calling someone out in person, then we would see many more wusses!

It is also a good venue to release pent up emotion while it may not be safe to do so in the outside world.

There are many young ones that are still in the: na, na, na, na, na, stage! I won't tolerate it and have decided to "ignore" a couple of irritants!

I was guilty of using sheeple once on ATS and won't again. But perhaps it is better than using the NWO term: "useless eaters!"

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 08:58 PM
Right on zap, Im so sick of the word "sheeple" its so stupid. People throw that name at any one who disagrees with them. I find that silly.

Why is it not okay to disagree with people anymore? If you disagree you are automaticaly a disinfo agent, a sheeple or one of the many or a sock puppet for the government. Cant people see how ridiculous that is?

There was a similar mentality in america. Its still around but not as strongly. Alot of people had this idea that if you didnt suppor the war then you were unpatriotic or that you hate america. And that is silly too.

The american way of life and the way here on ATS is that it is ok to have differing opinions. infact its very acceptable. Its unavoidable even.

If someone has a different opinion then you that does not make them a sheeple. It only makes them human. I challenge anybody who reads this to find two people who agree 100% about every single thing. You will fail if you try. I garuntee

Let me ask this, If everyone who disagrees with you is a sheeple but no two people agree about everything what does that mean? Does that mean everyone is a sheeple? Or does it mean that no one is a sheeple and they just have a different opinion.

Think about the logic people. Just because some one disagrees with you does not make them a sheeple. it does not make them pro elite and anti citizen. It does not make them wrong. It does not make them against the world. It only means that they have a different opinion.

Simple as that. Resorting to name calling and insults does nothing other than show your inability to have a civil and reasonable debate. It only makes you look bad to call some one a sheeple. So call me names all you want. It only makes me and my argument look that much stronger and make yours look that much worse.

Thanks zap for giving me this chance to vent. I appreciate it.


posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 09:22 PM
Thanks for raising this point!

I'm sure the best thing to do is just ignore name-callers, but it does get irritating to be called "sheeple" for having the audacity to consider two sides of an argument.

Whatever. If I'm the only person posting one side of an argument on a thread where five people are holding up the other end, who's the sheeple then? If check on how someone's favorite "alternative" source has used spin control and statistics juggling, how does that make me sheeple?

I'm here at ATS because I question sources. Not personal stories; that's different. But sources, absolutely. Left, right, pro-religion, pro-science, I am an equal opportunity skeptic about the media. Sometimes that means I'm not convinced by the prevailing opinion here. So be it.

Or maybe I'm just a wolf in sheeple's clothing

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Heike
Aren't the sheeple the ones that are NOT on ATS? Please tell me we're still allowed to make fun of the unwashed hordes of the general public who wouldn't get it if we published "Conspiracy Theories for Dummies?"

That was what I thought... I never thought of Skeptics as "Sheeple" only misguided.
And that's what we are here for right? To share 'correct' opinions in the hopes the Herds of Sheeple (what you get when Sheeple unite-- herds) outside might catch the message and learn something?

Besides I prefer Lemmings

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
Right on zap, Im so sick of the word "sheeple" its so stupid. People throw that name at any one who disagrees with them. I find that silly.

But on the other side of the coin are those in the skeptic realm that use terms like 'nutcase' or 'lunatic' with the same gusto as 'sheeple'

Works both ways... Ignore and laughter are the cures

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 09:36 PM
Some people may merely be comfortable in their own reality.
It is their right to feel so.
Someone can say whatever they want.
You don't have to listen.
Labels are for merchandise.
People are not merchandise.
Some people are comfortable thinking they have a good bead on things.
All "we" can do is encourage thinking and share what "we" can.
No one needs to listen.
A wise person listens to all sides before making a judgment.
9/10ths of what people believe is their perception of things.
The other 10th must be discovered for one's self.

We are individuals. Like it or not, everyone is going to think whatever they like.

Some people are just not cut out to try and understand a larger picture.
Who is to say that anyone is right anyways?

[edit on 17/10/2008 by reticledc]

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Yes, there are those on the other side of the coin as well that throw "nutcase" and worse around too. This thread is meant for both sides of the coin. I chose sheeple due to the fact that it's seen more. People on both sides of the argument need to take a step back and do more to prove their points instead of calling names.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 10:42 PM
i'm still new here but i absolutely see what you are saying.

i lurked from time to time and it was actually what made me decide to join. i mean sure, every message board i've ever posted on has always had their share of nuisance members but this place seemed a lot different.

then the oct 14 stuff happened lol

well i mean i only joined like a few days prior to that but it was on those threads that i really saw people showing their butts.

that and the religious threads...well actually every topic this past week has been burdened by it. it makes me wonder why they even joined if all they are going to do is be offensive, rude and obnoxious. part of me is convinced that there is a cross-section of our society that loves nothing more than seeing how many websites they can get banned from lol

anyway, to bring this to a close, i just want to say that although i may not always be the expert on a subject people are discussing i have a long fuse and an open mind so you won't have these problems from me. i feel it's everyone's right as a human to have their own view of reality even if they are the only person in the universe that feels the way they do. they also have the right to let others know how they feel about it

as long as the people who are truly here to have peaceful and open conversations with others stay unified in their effort and in their goal to keep these forums to a higher standard of quality then the others will either jump on the sheeple wagon with us or they will bore and leave.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
Right on zap, Im so sick of the word "sheeple" its so stupid. People throw that name at any one who disagrees with them. I find that silly.

But on the other side of the coin are those in the skeptic realm that use terms like 'nutcase' or 'lunatic' with the same gusto as 'sheeple'

Works both ways... Ignore and laughter are the cures

You are absolutley right. That is why I stated I have a problem with name calling and insults in general in my post.

Sheeple is just one of many words that ATS could do with out.


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