If you would like to fly along please see my signature.
During all the hassle with the Space Craft from GFL I too became obsessed with errors in cloud data and have indeed posted to that effect. In any case
something good did come out of all this: I found NASA World Wind thanks to member alphabetaone pointing it out to me.
Ofcourse I started fiddling with it right away because it is so much better than google earth with regards to accuracy. It is a beautiful piece of
software with all sorts of goodies plugged in like Geofysical data for elevation, weather, temperature, etc. Most importantly: it is as accurate as
can be.
Then I found that they even had the Moon mapped in there with satellite data, elevation and lighting features.
So, I, who always wanted to flip the moon over to see what is on the DARK SIDE (the one side that is not reflecting sunlight because of the relative
position of the Moon towards the Earth and Sun) was thinking "Hmmm..."
IF there is something there as legend has it (Ancient base or new structures made by covert projects from Earth) it is quite sure that those parts are
censored as missing data, i.e. the famous "Black Patches". Simple missing satellite data as so well explained by knowledgable members on this
What if they missed something?
Let´s fly & find out.
If you choose to fly along, here are my config instructions (Broadband only)
Use a fair chunk of cache, I recommend default + 50% i.e. 15Gigabytes, hopefully you have it. If not, default is fine.
After installation you will see Earth. Goto File->Moon to see the moon.
Activate Moon (File->Moon)
Enable Sun Shading
Activate compass
Double click left = Zoom in or Move To depending on tilt level
Double click right = Zoom out
Click & Hold left & Move = Pan
Click & Hold right & Move = Tilt
This is your view when selecting moon with the parameters above.
Between every move you need to let the program load the information from the NASA servers, so please be patient.
I apologise for the low quality of the screenshots, I had to find a quality/size ration suitable for upload.
So here we start at a nice altitude some 4000 km. Tools->Compass to switch on the compass.
View->Sun Shading to see the sun position and lighting. Click and we´re dark on this side.
With the left mouse button spin the moon left till you see Mare Nectaris and Mare Fecunditatis
Double click to zoom in.
Position yourself in the middle of Mare Nectaris and Mare Fecunditatis and double click to descend. The Magelhaens crater becomes visible.
Center on Magelhaens with left mouse button and drag, and zoom until it fills the screen
It´s a bit dark here View->Sun shading or Shift-S to disable shading. Better.
Now drag the crater just adjacent to the middle of the screen. Hmm. Some static here.
Use right button and drag to tilt between 70-75º. Goclenius crater becomes visible. Let elevation load, be patient.
Use right button and side drag to swing around to a heading of 156º, keep tilt as steady as possible. Colombo crater becomes visible.
Adjusted title.
[edit on 16-10-2008 by MoonMine]