If I had evidence, we wouldnt be debating it, we'd be reading news reports.
Joe the plumber is the perfect poster boy for Mccain.
He's a hard working American
He's an average 'Joe' - boy what a coincidence
And he backs Mccain..
This man is meant to portray the everyday American, showing that the popular vote amongst average working Americans is to back Mccain.
Look at it, I watched that debate, and not ONCE did Mccain nail home anything on Obama.
At the most, he was on Par, but Obama shut down Mccain.
You could see how blatant Mccains ignorance was, he'd completely ignore anything Obama says, and just lambast him for ripping off average
Anyone with an IQ could see, Mccain was hoping people would listen, and not think.
And for 'Joe' to come out saying Mccain had great points and such, just shows me this man never actually cared about what was said, because if he
genuinely thought of the policies both were putting forward in that debate, and listening to the answers you would of seen that Mccain infact DIDNT
project anything positive or worthwhile.
Greeneye, fair call there mate.
You work hard, you expect to get the fruits of your labour.
I agree,
But, I also say once youve got enough anymore is for show.
Now, im sure these people who earn $250,000.00 worked hard, and are now living life a little easier.
But this type of person constitutes a massive minority, as in a few %.
Now, if the few % can take a pay cut, and still live very comfortable so that a massive majority, 90something % can actually survive instead of
struggle tooth and nail.. I think its in their interests, America's interests and humanity's interest to take that pay cut and help your fellow
For too long have billionaire's been given tax cuts, while low income earners get nothing.
Those Americans in the $250,000.00 have had it good for a while now, im sure they can take a pay cut to help their country.
on a side note, my typing may come acrss narky, but im not meaning to be like that.
I just like words!