posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 05:00 PM
No matter how much the "intelligent" folk amongst us say that this is a bad idea, intelligent people are far outnumbered by idiots on this world. No
matter how hard you try, most will welcome such a system with open arms, believing the media and their leaders when they say that it is a "good
No matter how much you protest, no matter how much you resist, the idiots always prevail, thinking that anyone who views the world other than in their
narrow-minded, straightforward, stupid way, is a "crackpot", someone who needs to go "get a life".
Not if, but when there is a one world government with future generations having been sold out to the evil that is the NWO, these idiots
will be to blame. I'll die happy knowing I tried to resist by spreading what I've learnt about the NWO. Even if I couldn't stop it, I'll die happy
knowing I tried. You can't ask for much more.
It's incredible how stupid Humanity is.
Best thing you can do is inform as many people as you can. You may not be able to stop the inevitable, but you can sure try to adapt and resist as
much as you can to it when it comes.
[edit on 16-10-2008 by JasonT]