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Obama supporters applaud after police remove anti-candidate protesters.

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posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 11:07 AM

Belmont University and the Nashville Police Department stripped me of my right to free speech.

Notice how the pro-Obama people applaud this abuse of the 1st amendment. I don't have to point out the blatant hypocrisy. This type of injustice has been common place since Obama started running.

So, how are all the Obama supporters going to defend this one? It should be good.

[edit on 16-10-2008 by Marcus Calpurnius]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 11:34 AM
He already controls his party (at least he thinks he does), his supporters, Hollywood, and most of the media.

Why not add the police to the list?

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 11:41 AM
I flagged your thread because I want to make sure everyone can see what a completely naive person you are. Oh hell, this thread should just be deleted for stupidity.

THIS WAS NOT AN ANTI OBAMA protester. He said Obama and McCain ARE THE SAME! He was shouting and protesting about the bailout and the constitution! The police arrived to take him away because of complaints about his use of a megaphone. The others that were there have rights too, and could not be heard over this guy so they complained. Whose rights trump whose here? There are noice ordinances in place you know.

Please change your thread title to accurately reflect the contents within or better yet, mods, delete this altogether for the OP blantantly lying.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 11:43 AM
The point isn't necessarily what side the protesters were on , but the fact the Obama supporters applauded him being carried off. I've seen countless threads in this forum where the Republicans/Bush/Police are treated as fascist for shutting down left wing protesters. Nobody here ever rationalized it by claiming they were being too loud or obnoxious. now suddenly you have excuses for it. Why is that?

[edit on 16-10-2008 by Marcus Calpurnius]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by Cowgirlstraitup7
I flagged your thread because I want to make sure everyone can see what a completely naive person you are. Oh hell, this thread should just be deleted for stupidity.

THIS WAS NOT AN ANTI OBAMA protester. He said Obama and McCain ARE THE SAME! He was shouting and protesting about the bailout and the constitution! The police arrived to take him away because of complaints about his use of a megaphone. The others that were there have rights too, and could not be heard over this guy so they complained. Whose rights trump whose here? There are noice ordinances in place you know.

Please change your thread title to accurately reflect the contents within or better yet, mods, delete this altogether for the OP blantantly lying.
Why does it matter? Haven't you ever heard of free speech? Noise Ordinances almost never apply during certain hours.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 11:54 AM
I am not defending anything. I am saying that your title is a BLANTANT lie! This WAS NOT an anti Obama protester. Does me saying it twice sink in? The use of a megaphone is rediculous. Think Alex Jones and his stupid megaphone.

When people shout and scream they are less often heard than those that speak in a calm and rational way. I'm sure you've heard that before.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by Cowgirlstraitup7

A blatant lie? It wasn't a lie for one, the guy IS anti-Obama. For another, its been corrected to be more accurate. Hes anti-both candidates.

When people shout and scream they are less often heard than those that speak in a calm and rational way. I'm sure you've heard that before.

Oh yeah, because if there is one hallmark of protests, its the calm and collected manner everyone pushes their agenda in.

[edit on 16-10-2008 by Marcus Calpurnius]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 12:02 PM
Thanks for changing the thread title. Now we can discuss this in a reasonable manner. Free speech it apears was crapped on at this rally simply because he was too loud. Is that wrong? Probably. Does it happen everyday? Yes. What are we gonna do about it?

You see what you did there in your OP, you tried political baiting to get people to notice your thread. Didn't work. If you want to talk about free speech I'm all for it.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by Cowgirlstraitup7

Its simply a practice in showing the hypocrisy of the left and people on these forums. There isn't a thread about police and protesters less that 20 pages long on this forum, because its consonantly used as proof of evil Republicans/Bush.

Now that its Obama supporters that seem gleeful of this mans rights being trampled and an equally hypocritical response in this forum so far.

Its just like lies and smears being told about Obama that are quickly attacked and dismissed, yet lies and smear against Palin/McCain seem to linger and never really get addressed.

[edit on 16-10-2008 by Marcus Calpurnius]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 12:20 PM
Yes I agree the hypocrisy goes both ways. And I cannot attest to the other thread you are talking about because I don't engage in them. But I will defend something when it's a lie. But since you changed your thread title the lie aspect is a moot point.

I will be the first to say I never engage in those types of thread because I think the police abuse their power at these rallies, both republican and democrat, and it's scary. Makes me want to keep my trap shut save for ATS, but that's what the PTB want isn't it?

So, where are we now? The government abuses their power, we try to speak out about it, we get kicked to the curb or jailed. Vote third party or for the lesser of two evils. Just don't politically bait.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 12:28 PM
Ok 2 HUGE things are being overlooked because as usual on ATS people don't debate using facts...instead they complain and whine using assumptions and personal feelings.

1. He was on PRIVATE property...he has ZERO right to stay there shouting down others using a megaphone if the owner of the PRIVATE property want's him removed...AKA Belmont University...a PRIVATE school.

2. When you use a MEGAPHONE in public to say your peice, you are trumping other people, annoying other people and NOT giving other people the RIGHT to say their peice...hence the disorderly conduct citation THREAT...and oh if you DIDN'T notice...the cops even decided to NOT cite him, rather just escort him off the PRIVATE property at the OWNERS request!

Some of you seriously have no idea what you talk about...all you do is look to bash the police any chance you get...and the sad part is your blind to facts/reality...instead you just spew, and assume and make people with legitimate gripes look bad!

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by rcwj75

I love the police! My family has a long history of service in the force. The cops weren't even the thing I focused on. It was the Obama supporters applauding it.

If you're looking for anti-cop threads go look in breaking news and the conspiracy forums.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 12:38 PM
I hope you aren't directing your response to me, because as you will see, I said exactly what you are saying. Then I got accused of defending Obama.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 01:08 PM
No No...its the OP using the title he/she did. Thats where it starts. The title should be: Police Escort Protester Off Private Property During Protest.

Or something OTHER then trying to make the police look bad for doing NOTHING wrong..and egging on the "police state" lovers on this site. None of my post is directed to anyone who has the common sense to see past the police and see the REAL issue...which at this point you guys are...but give it a day..and you'll see why I pre-posted

[edit on 10/16/2008 by rcwj75]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 01:53 PM
Marcus, that was a class act move...thanks for making it the RIGHT title and focusing on the right people. Star for you my friend...

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 01:37 AM
If I was at any convention and some one came in with a mega phone blasting, and otherwise being disruptive to the event..

I would applaud when he was removed, I don't know how that can be the issue.

If he was outside or in an area where people were coming into or out of the event, (where it wasn't a direct disruption), then I would (at least in this case) be supportive..especially given where I stand on things (see below lol).

Edit: I did watch the video.. they asked him to stop using the megaphone, the police seemed pretty patient and polite (maybe because the camera was on lol). But in any event, there were supporters of both parties there. I think if they had kept their signs, talked to people without blasting a megaphone in their face...or even set up somewhere away from the 'main' crowd if they wanted to use the megaphone, they would have accomplished a lot more.

I commend him for giving it an effort, but I think he pretty much asked for any tickets he got, justified or not

[edit on 10/18/2008 by toepick]

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by Marcus Calpurnius
It was the Obama supporters applauding it.

So, you're upset because Obama supporters applauded?
Are you also upset when McCain supporters applaud?
It starts at about 2:45 on this tape. The McCain supporters are shouting, "Get him out of here! Handcuff him"! And then they applaud and cheer as Sam is dragged out. They yell, "Thank you"! Because the cops did their job...

What do you expect a crowd to do when someone who is interrupting the main event is taken away? At a movie, a concert, a play, a rally... if there's a troublemaker, ruining the experience for the other people, they get removed and the people are glad...

What was the point of this thread again? Obama people applaud? Okay.
Shame on them?

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 11:45 AM
And ps... lets compare.....

Shouters at a McCain rally cheering ''kill him''

Obama supporters applauding when someone with a mega phone on private property is escorted away...

Such striking similarities.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by bknapple32

Shouters at a McCain rally cheering ''kill him''

If you watched anything other than CNN or MSNBC, you would know that story has been debunked.. Are you surprised that your normal sources didn't inform you of that?

And ps... lets compare.....

How about the video that shows hordes of liberals flicking off McCain supporters and telling them "get out" and "you don't belong here"? How about the woman who got her face bashed in for having a McCain sign?

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 12:40 PM
yet we have it on tape. just because some news reporter from a local pa paper says so means we should believe it? lets go to the video tape.

at 14 seconds....

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