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Congress Org. Poll have McCain winning

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posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 09:05 AM
Congress Org, is running a poll call PLEDGE YOUR VOTE so far McCain is ahead on the poll, I find this interesting, as they show the states that are giving the majority to McCain.

This surprises me because I always visit congress org and for the complains of the people that write letters to congress it seems that they are angry at the government and the Republican party, but their polls shows different.


posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
Congress Org, is running a poll call PLEDGE YOUR VOTE so far McCain is ahead on the poll, I find this interesting, as they show the states that are giving the majority to McCain.

This surprises me because I always visit congress org and for the complains of the people that write letters to congress it seems that they are angry at the government and the Republican party, but their polls shows different.


I think it's something I brought up a while back that no one wanted to talk about or entertain the idea of ...

You have not ONE but FOUR third party candidates and one major WRITE IN candidate that are splitting the vote FIVE ways away from the two main parties.

As of today - 10/17, the vote is 48.8% McCain, 39.1% Obama.

Now look at the third parties -

4% - Chuck Baldwin
3.4% - Bob Barr
.3% - Cynthia McKinney
1.3% - Ralph Nader
1.1% - Someone Else (Mostly Ron paul I would assume)

and then 1.4% undecided and .6% none of the above (no confidence).

If you added those third party percentages to Obama's votes, the tally would be much closer.

Now I'm not saying that this poll is even valid at this point - because I don't know anything about it or who the main audience is. But I think you are going to see similar results on election day.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by marg6043

I looked....

I don't think I will be giving this poll too much credit. I don't believe it to be slanted....just not too many young voters, or people that are not specifically interested in government...are voting here. I am betting they are accurately representing the cross section that are visiting the site.

How many 18-35 year old people are going to these days? Not many I would wager. Those are the votes for McCain to watch out for....

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 03:45 PM
I would think this poll isn't as accurate as people would like to believe. Like mentioned before, you're only polling the people who visit the website, which is different than a telephone based poll like the major networks use.

Fox news, the station slanted about as far right as you can get, even has their candidate losing.

Even though CNN is a little liberal biased (I believe, your opinion may differ), I do trust their poll of polls. They take the a whole slew of polls, over 100 if I remember right, and average them together.

it seems like a better way than just a single poll...

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 03:52 PM
Online polls on websites are about as useful as online petitions.

Edit to add: To prove that, I just voted twice.

All you have to do is clear your cookies for and you can vote however many times you want.

[edit on 17-10-2008 by davion]

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 04:25 PM
Well I have been a member of congress org for two years and I will have to agree that the majority of members are actually in the mature adult older generation of voters as like a member said they are more into politics like me and more vocal and not afraid of writing letters a and neither writing complains.

I believe that the very young to young adult ration will not bother to visit the site.

But still I am very surprised with the results.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 04:49 PM
I believe what the majority of these polls fail to sufficiently reflect is the 65+ voter dynamic.

Old people dont spend all day voting on internet opinion polls, they simply show up on election day like the Mongol horde and sway an entire election.

Those useless states in between New York and California are filled with them, millions of them.

And guess who the vast majority of these AARP soldiers are going to be voting for?

Here is a aint Obama

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 04:56 PM
Yeah, a person can vote twice and you have to leave your email addy. Many may not want to do that.

Hi marg! See my new avi sticker?

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 06:56 PM
I see Benevolent Heretic congratulations on taking advantage of early voting

That is the best way to vote without the hazards of election day.

BTW here in my neck of the woods in GA is been a record of new voters registration for this year elections, many are upset because the many of the new voters registration has not been process yet and elections are very close already, the people in charge are arguing that they don't need new personnel for the job.

But then again the scare is that this is always been a Republican state and the new voters are registering in majority Democrat.

I wonder.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 03:02 AM
Hey "Marg", this is definitely one of the more interesting threads. I was barely paying attention to how many candidates are actually running, and I must say I am surprised at the spread difference with Five Smaller-Party Candidates considered. If you take away all of these "Five Extras", and place their Points into Senator Obama's column, you nearly get what the majority of Non-Media affiliated Polls have been showing for a while now.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 03:07 AM
Yeah People say whatever they want in polls, but get the heck out and vote is something else entirely...

Motivation will mean alot in the coming days, a strong showing in the Black community will matter for Obama, and that will probably happen...

But, there are alot of old white retired people that are normally not out to answer any polls that may very well get u off the rocker and actually leave the house that day too given the election...

Really hard to predict any of this accurately...

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 03:32 AM
i don't know how much stock to place in that poll Marg. Most polls have Obama leading here in missouri. but the poll has Mccain leading in MO.

i'm 31 and tonight was the first time i've been on that site so i'd say its a pretty good reflection of the people that visit that site regularly.

Over the last 100 years whoever wins missouri between the dem and repub canidates has won the white house. So on nov. 4th i'll be watching to see who wims in MO and if they win the white house to see if the streak continues.

The demographics in Mo are all screwed up. The 2 largest cities here have a Dem majority, But the rest of the state has a repub majority and most polls are taken in the 2 larger cities here. very rarely do us in the mid sized cities get a call to take part in a poll. and if they call my house they always hang up when i say i'm not voting for Obama. ( they never stay on long enough to hear i'm not voting for McCain either

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 12:08 PM
Well either congress org. hits are mostly middle income adults conservatives after all.

In my case I am middle income adult no young adult by conservative I am not.


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