posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 05:46 PM
About three years ago, I was watching the history channel and they had a program on the subject of remote viewing, which is essentially clairvoyance
made methodical. Apparently, it was developed by the CIA to counter the esp programs of the USSR.
Anyway, I was skeptical of this matter, and like any good skeptic, I needed to find out more. Thus, I went to google.
One of the results was of a website that claimed to teach remote viewing to you for free (however, I am not been able to find this website now), so
since there was nothing to lose, I clicked on it.
The methodology was not complex, and are as follows:
1. formulate a question in which you want answered. It cannot be a multiple choice or yes/no question. It must be open ended (to prevent bias)
2. clear mind (hard part)
3. meditate on the question with a cleared mind
4. the random stuff that pops up (visuals, auditory, ideas, etc..) are pieces of the answer
5. write them down.
The website also contained a "test" page, for you to test out remote viewing.
The test page was just a regular webpage with hundreds of links on it, each entitled "picture 1", "picture 2", etc.. all the way to 200 something
I think. The goal was the predict the picture before you clicked on the link. Which picture to try to predict was completely up to the user.
It looked something like this:
picture 1 picture 51 picture 101
picture 2 picture 52 picture 102
picture 3 picture 53 picture 103
... ... ...
So I sat at the test page, and attempted this method twice, but to no avail. However, the third attempt was different. I remember very clearly as it
has changed my life.
I was focusing on the sound of my computer humming until it was the only thing that I was thinking about. And then I stopped thinking about it. I
focused on the question "what is picture #___" for a second and let that thought go. As my mind was clear, I started to see flashes of red and green
and a shape that looked like a sillhouette of a person with one arm back ending in a spherical shape. I thought it was someone playing basketball.
After this, I immediately wrote down the words red and green on a piece of paper and drew out the shape that I saw. I then clicked on the link, and I
was shocked.
It wasn't a picture of someone playing basketball but rather a woman playing tennis with her arm back about to swing. The racket was what made the
spherical shape. What's more was that she was playing on a red and green tennis court!
So I immediately tried to do this again. This time I saw mushroom shapes, so I drew out a mushroom shape on the paper. When I clicked on the link, it
was a picture of a pile of glass mushrooms on the floor! There was no way that it was coincidence, especially twice in a row.
After some reflection, the way I think this works is that there is indeed a collective consciousness of some sort and that we are all connected to it.
Everything that is already known is all out there, and our minds are actually constantly receiving. However, because we are constantly thinking as
well, we cannot tell the difference between what we think up and what we receive, and so that is why the clearing of the mind is very important. That
means that everything from that point on are received.
I also think this ties into our right brain's function of intuition, or what we call intuition, which is essentially the act of knowing without the
means of knowing.
Anyway, in conclusion, Remote Viewing is real and is credible. It does not produce the conclusive answer to your open-ended question, but it will
produce bits and pieces which can be pieced together into the full answer.