posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:04 PM
I've just been reading the news and came across this article on the UK Newspaper web site
So, they loose the vote on keeping terrorist suspects for 42 days so they then say that they are going to keep an eye on everyone.
Dont get me wrong, i think that terrorism is truely horrible and i think everything should be done to prevent it but lets face it, the Government are
slowly eating away at our freedom.
So far there have been reports of:-
- using CCTV under the anti-terrorism laws to catch people who are cheating the benefits system
- using CCTV to catch people who have their girlfriends | boyfriends to stay the night and charge them more council tax because they are not the only
person living at an address.
- Forcing everyone in the UK to buy an identity card which will do nothing other than cost everyone £60+ and will be no use to anyone because they
can 'apparently' be easily copied.
How far are they going to take this. Why dont they just implant us with a chip and get it over and done with ......
anyone got any comments on this !
i'm a little two angry to comment further.
[edit on 15/10/2008 by scepticsRus]