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Glenn Beck Highlights Threat Of Martial Law Following Economic Crisis

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posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 12:39 PM

Glenn Beck Highlights Threat Of Martial Law Following Economic Crisis

Steve Watson
Tuesday, Oct 14, 2008

Like him or loathe him, last night CNN’s Glenn Beck became the only mainstream media source thus far to address on national TV the reality of the situation Americans are facing with the manufactured financial implosion - the direct threat of domestic martial law and a global financial dictatorship.

Beck’s guest, Peter Schiff, respected author of “Crash Proof” and president of the brokerage firm Euro Pacific Capital, joined him in outlining that martial law, the use of armed troops on the streets to quell dissent, is a real possibility should the economic crisis not improve or worsen to the point where civil unrest is fomented.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 12:39 PM
I havent made a post in awhile but I didnt see this anywhere and thought it was noteworthy... I am not a huge Glen Beck fan but I have to give him credit on this... in the past few weeks he has talked about issues that other news outlets or other anchors for that matter wont dare touch on... in the mainstream media, only he and Keith Olberman get my respect for having the B@lls to stand up and let the people know the truth... at least some of it. No other media outlet has touched on the fact that some people in congress were threatened with martial law if they didnt pass the bailout bill. Though I think it will be at least a year before we see any type of martial law, props to Glen Beck for having the gall to stand up and let the Amercian people know the truth.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 12:49 PM
I have grown to really like and respect Glen Beck quite a bit over the last few months. He seems to be one of the only tv persona's that is actually interested in reporting any truth whatsoever.

That being said...with every day that passes I honestly fear for his career and maybe even his life. It wouldnt suprise me if he suddenly disappears from the air soon.

But I give the guy all the credit in the world.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 12:54 PM
I give him all the credit in the world as well... he seems to really care about what happens to this country and he is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in. I respect the fact that he tells it like it is... and though I dont always agree with him, I realize how real of a person he is. Its nice to know that our government hasnt infiltrated 'all' of the news agencies and anchors abroad(ie: Fox News, Fox News and Fox News)...

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