posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 11:41 AM
I've been running SETI since 2001, but have only recently been assigned an ASTROPULSE unit to process.
The first thing I noticed, of course, was the sheer size of the thingy. This unit is supposed to take 85 hours (as opposed to the five or six with the
ordinary SETI units).
I have been running it for the past two days, and processing seems to go VERY slowly.
(It has nothing to with my PC.)
But the thing I want to know - and I hope this doesn't sound TOO ridiculous - is this: how come the CPU time left is
increasing instead of
(It was 81 hours three hours ago - now it's 82 + hours...
And yet, the CPU time
spent is increasing.)
P.S. Beware of going "esoteric" on me regarding this one!
[edit on 15-10-2008 by Vanitas]