!!!*Applause* !!!
I have to say here.. You guys had your hands full yesterday!!
And you did yet another wonderful job!!
The time you take out of your own personal lives to help run and make this site a better place for all of us is well worth my post here..
I thank you all, and you know me.. I will keep on doing what I do to try to make your jobs that much easier!!!
By pulling together and working together we can keep up the good work.
As just a regular member I found myself over stepping my bounds often and trying to moderate where it was not needed..
There is an alert button for this.. And I understand now, and I am man enough to say hey.. I over stepped my bounds a few times on here, as a member.
But it was only with good intentions and thanks for offering a plat form where the members can help the mods in their constant job of making this a
place where members can feel comfortable, and safe in posting their thoughts!!!
Again you have my thanks.. And keep up the great work guys!!
And just a thought.. These mods get alot of flak for doing their jobs.
Why not just randomly send one of these mods a good U2 saying how much you think highly of them.
Over my time here I have taken the time to give them something postive.
You know there has to be a balance.. And sometimes its better to say something nice presay the negtive!!
These guys and gals do alot out of their personal lives for you!
This is the least I could do!!
My offer is still open for when you come to tampa!! I buy you guys a beer and dinner on me!
(Wipes the brown off my nose.. Is it off yet?) hehe
[edit on 15-10-2008 by zysin5]