posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 09:29 PM
Something I wrote for a uni assignment, thought you guys might like to comment.
The Realist Manifesto, a study in Centrism
Without doubt, we live in a world that is getting increasingly worse, as well as less able to sustain us. Corporatism has become as much of a threat
to the planet, and therefore humanity as has religious fundamental extremism. Extremism should rightly be labeled the new terror, extremism in all
it's forms, including that of state sponsored, corporatist extremism. As the idea's of the 20th century give way to those of the 21st, a new
doctrine, based on logic and science is required to replace the old ways of religious fundamentalism and capatalistic globalism, the inevitable
clashing of which will more than likely destroy our world.
"I do not know with what weapons World War 3 will be fought, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones." Albert Einstein
For too long, humanity has elected the wrong leaders, instead of electing men of science, logic and reason, indowed with a strong sense of moral
purpose to better the human race, we have elected moral sell outs, most of whom have been dangled into power on their puppet like strings of
corruption, propped up by the corrupt, bloated hands of their corporate masters. It is high time that humanity recognised that government is merely a
tool of the financial elite, captains of industry, and the international banking cartels which represent the biggest criminal conspiracy in the
history of our world. It is by no mere coincidence that throughout the past 300 years, 2% of the Earth's population have accumulated 40% of the
worlds wealth. The richest 10% of Earth's population now own 85% of the worlds wealth. Interestingly, if you take 50% of the worlds adult population
as a whole, they only represent 1% of the wealth of planet Earth. (Figures according to the World Institute for Development Economics Research of the
United Nations University.)
If money begets power, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, is it not a fair statement then that the corrupt financial elite of this world could be
compared to a parasitic organism feeding off the host population? And of what benefit is this to the majority of the population? The answer of course,
is no benefit at all. Corporatism is nothing more than the international financial elites attempt to create a modern version of feudalism by merging
the "corporate" interests with those of the state, and there is another term for this.
"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." Benito Mussolini
"The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes
stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism—ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other
controlling private power." Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Does this sound familiar?
Along with the doctrine of capatalist gain at the expense of anything standing in the way we have seen the ecological destruction of our planet. Not
only has corporatism created the new world of financial extremes, with a steadily eroding middle class, the seperation of those in poverty and those
in extreme wealth grows at a compounding rate. As if this wasn't bad enough, with the expansion of the global capitalist order, we see the
destruction of the very environment in which we exist. What does this say about our intelligence as a species if we destroy the very place that we
With this in mind, we announce the Realist Manifesto. Realism is based in centrism. We do not advocate extremes of any political or religious
doctrine. As Dwight Eisenhower stated "The middle of the road is all of the usable surface. The extremes, right and left, are in the gutters."
And with this we agree.
Realism and Centrism represent -
1) The notion that logic and reason are superior to political fearmongering or delusion based religious extremism in every case. Therefore, only
people of sound countenance and strong moral compass should be elected to public office, fundamental extremism of any vein is no longer acceptable, as
this will only ever lead to exploitation.
2) The idea that all men and women of every nation are entitled to the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Therefore,
the time of the benefit of the few over the many has come to an end, and we must throw off our chains of debt slavery, and begin the systematic
dismantling of the international federal banking criminal regime, as well as that of the military industrial complex.
3) The planet we live on is the only home we have and for too long industrialism has pillaged it's natural resources. Therefore, as well as
dismantling the globalist corporate regime, we must target the root problems of materialism and greed. We declare that materialism is not a social
virtue, in fact, materialism should be despised as a moral illness.
4) An ecologically sustainable future is our only hope to survive the next century in any manner that could be considered successful whatsoever.
Therefore, all current research into development of the technology of war shall instead be converted to researching ecologically friendly and long
term sustainable technology. This shall be mandatory, and all political officials connected in any way, shape, or form to the finance, oil and war
industries shall be exposed as the traitors to the human race that they are.
5) A free, fair and balanced media no longer exists, and without a fair and balanced media, the population of the planet is too susceptible to undue
influence that is to the benefit of the few over the many. Therefore, corporate media will be dismantled, and freedom of speech and freedom of the
press shall be reinstated, as well as the populace being educated to the ways of media and corporate bias in order that freedom of thought shall also
be restored. No longer shall we tolerate media hegemony the likes of which coporations such as Newscorp represent.