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Multiple Selves and Multiple Consciousness, Being and Knowing...

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posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 08:12 PM
This is a hypothetical of mine...

This is way out there but I will put it forward anyway.

When we consider the Trinity... God is singular and plural... this has always been confusing to people...but I relate on a personal traumatic level.

I will expand:

When I was a child of 5 yrs I experienced something I did not understand. My consciousness was left there, trapped until I could understand and know what it was I experienced. I was trapped in a dark place and stayed there because I did not know what the thing that happened was called.

It is like, if you are raped and you don't know what rape or sex is, how can you tell or know what it is? You will say 'this is a bad thing'... a child does not know and so cannot process it/explain it.

When as an adult, I kept seeing a ghost, that ghost was me. The ghost took me back to the dark place where I lay as a child confused, terrified and lost. Once I understood what sex and rape was, once I learnt that the darkplace was me sitting outside of my body, then I could leave the dark place... because I had the knowledge.

If a child is abused, the child can leave the body. It is referred to as a separation of the self/splitting. It is also accepted that trauma at a young age can cause multiiple personalities or selves. I generally, (and please don't be nasty and think I am a looney) I am completely in touch with who I, we is, are.

Now, that is an extreme example...but in life we experience many

things, a child might experience a feeling and will not understand what the

feeling is, the consciousness of that 'not knowing' separates from our

consciousness that is being. Then you have a ghost. If you separate

from yourself, then you will have a ghost. The ghost will

remain until you go back to the point of separation and become one with

yourself. The ghost is there to remind you of something that caused you

to separate from being.

That is what I think the trinity illustrates.

All peoples - Human Beings do this, we exist in a state of being and we can separate from being so we can 'know'.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by Thurisaz
Me, I actually think some ghosts are actually painbodies or had their origins from energy patterns of painbodies.

That's why they show up where there are troubled people especially adolescents. They get activated by negative emotions.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 08:27 PM
I have heard described that when any person is in such agonizing pain, they can disconnect from their physical self and go somewhere else. a feeling of falling backwards, into a warm fluffy embrace. You know you are being mutilated, but it does not register. In extreme cases you disconnect so completely that you are no longer the same person, if you come back. A disconnection that is the midway point between this world and something else. Flashes of light and tunnel vision, along with life flashes are among some of the other things. We as human beings are only now re learning that there are many states to our reality.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by Thurisaz

I can identify with what you're talking about. At a certain point in my life, my mind "fractured" and I developed a second internal voice. One that manifested my anger and pain, but it didn't manifest in a physical way. As a child I considered it a demon.

For most of my life I "caged" it to keep the anger at bay. When it "broke out", I spent the next ten years of my life trying to find ways to fit it all together again. This is what I've called being "crazy". Recently I've found a lot of success through recovering and analyzing memories, and simple acceptance.

While it didn't happen with me, I believe what you say about it being a ghost. It might have been easier had I been able to make that much of a separation. As it was, I lived with it inside me.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:34 AM
Your thoughts on the trinity are profound and give me insight, thank you. I'd never thought of it like that before and will have to bring that one up to my minister friend. I'm from a non judeo/christian background, but love religious mysteries. Also, I share MP, but in my culture it is known as having a village within you (doesn't translate very well) Through trauma one spirit hides or only comes out when the time is comfortable. Other spirits help out or use the body as well. Sometimes this works fine and at others it is a mess. Just like a village. Getting back to the trinity; your insight explains it better than any priest I've asked. It makes more sense and brings it closer to my own world/sense.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by reticledc
I have heard described that when any person is in such agonizing pain, they can disconnect from their physical self and go somewhere else.

Yes it is amazing what the body can do or perhaps it is the mind.

The more I understand, the more I appreciate my mind... I would not have survived the intensity of the trauma if my mind or body did not separate from it.

I also wonder if this is something like 'shifting your consciousness?'

Originally posted by TravelerintheDark
I can identify with what you're talking about. At a certain point in my life, my mind "fractured" and I developed a second internal voice. One that manifested my anger and pain, but it didn't manifest in a physical way. As a child I considered it a demon.

Thank you for sharing, at times I had that 'internal voice' too. How many people hear voices and rather than regressing and trying to work through them, end up being on medication?

I find it interesting the anger and pain (inner voice) you referred to as a demon, I am starting to feel that demons, ghosts, shadow people, are all in our mind. It is not to say they don't exist, they do, they are very real in peoples minds... even hallucinating....

Well done for getting through it and it is a wonderful feeling when you can explain why and how you feel, think, hear what you do.

So really happy for you... many people never get through it

Originally posted by deepvoid
Your thoughts on the trinity are profound and give me insight, thank you.

thanks, it is just my thoughts on my experiences...and when I answered someone once, "yes, we are great thanks"
and then read Bible, I thought, hmmm maybe it has something to do with it? I refer to myself as I, we etc so seemed quite similar.

Through trauma one spirit hides or only comes out when the time is comfortable. Other spirits help out or use the body as well. Sometimes this works fine and at others it is a mess. Just like a village. Getting back to the trinity; your insight explains it better than any priest I've asked. It makes more sense and brings it closer to my own world/sense.

Thanks, I find it interesting that what you refer to as one, different spirits, perhaps your terminology is different but we mean the same thing?


[edit on 15-10-2008 by Thurisaz]

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 10:51 AM
I think multiples arrive at their state in different ways. From all I've read there are those who seem to have a fracturing or compartmentalizing of their mind or personality. One mind, many parts. Others may be "possessed" by either bad or good spirits. As with all mental conditions what is seen on the surface may seem the same but can have other beginnings. Terms of definition are hard to pin down considering this and cultural upbringing without going into deep conversation. However, I think the classical psychological definition is about one mind fracturing into compartmented personalities, each of the whole but dealing with a certain set of life situations.
Spiritually, there is alot to consider; demons, souls, spirits, all being separate from the "person" but inhabiting the same form.
I believe in my case there is one original meant to be as other people are. Somewhere in the past other spirits (actual entities separate from the original child) inhabited my form to help me through my difficulties. They are all separate from me but with such an arrangement, we share an incredibly intimate relationship. Unlike classical mpd there is no chance of integration because we are separate not compartments of one. However, we did need to go through a period of learning to work together as a team instead of completely independently.
On the surface its not evident, except by two of my closest friends who have keen insight into people. The few others I've told never suspected. Such is the strength of the mind that something like this could be so hidden.
On a greater level, I think personality is not a definitive thing, rather a collection of everything a person is. Whether that is one entity living in the usual manner and experiencing life, culminating in a single mind and a single history, or, many entities living in commune and adjusting to each other, sharing an outward personality to outside observers but having many separate minds internally.
Hope this adds insight and understanding.
Getting back to your original point about the trinity; perhaps God is all. The ultimate multiple being all things, all experiences and all people at the same time. It would seem likely considering the many religious texts I've read concerning the idea of God. At such a level of being could God be anything but multiple?

[edit on 11/6/2008 by deepvoid]

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by deepvoid
One mind, many parts. Others may be "possessed" by either bad or good spirits. As with all mental conditions what is seen on the surface may seem the same but can have other beginnings.

I am not sure I believe in possession by bad or good spirits. I tend now to think that the mind develops persona's based on good or bad experiences.

Someone might have had a bad experience with someone, then that bad feeling may manifest into a bad spirit... in the 'spirit of things' context.

I remember one incident when I was a child during an event, there was a definite shift in my personality... walking from one room to another and not wanting to do things, by the time I go to the other room, I spoke in an angry defiant voice. I used to think I picked up a demon walking through the hallway. But now, I feel it was my own personality attempting to deal with a difficult situation.

Spiritually, there is alot to consider; demons, souls, spirits, all being separate from the "person" but inhabiting the same form.
I believe in my case there is one original meant to be as other people are. Somewhere in the past other spirits (actual entities separate from the original child) inhabited my form to help me through my difficulties.

Absolutely! However, I don't believe they are external to the person now, it is not a matter of an energy or spirit stepping in. It manifests within the person when needed. The energy, spirit, demon present comes from the person. Trying to get my head around that is quite difficult and rather disappointing.

Yanno, I had lots of friends LOL and now, well, they have all gone away. I could summons a powerful demon to protect myself. It was all in my head, but it is a protective measure. Unfortunately, you can believe in lots of things but it still doesn't protect you from harm...

In my mind, I was powerful etc... now I am just a human being with a brain trying to survive like everyone else with an imagination that has a default survival mechanism built in.

They are all separate from me but with such an arrangement, we share an incredibly intimate relationship. Unlike classical mpd there is no chance of integration because we are separate not compartments of one. However, we did need to go through a period of learning to work together as a team instead of completely independently.

Yes, I understand what you share. My personalities were my friends, we argued at times because when you deal and learn the truth, the personalities fade away... you don't need them anymore.

So then its a case of "I am in the driver seat now" and it was as though the truth killed many of my mp's. Rather sad. The truth is terrible. I actually prefer to go back to being dysfunctional. I was happy in my little world but the truth comes in and bursts the bubble. Bugga!

On a greater level, I think personality is not a definitive thing, rather a collection of everything a person is. Whether that is one entity living in the usual manner and experiencing life, culminating in a single mind and a single history, or, many entities living in commune and adjusting to each other, sharing an outward personality to outside observers but having many separate minds internally.

I read Rita (forgot last name) 'Multiplicity' - it is really a fantastic book. I would recommend it. As for keeping DID or MPD a secret or trying to keep it secret, it is hard. Farout, then I would have to create another personality to cope with the disclosure.... LMAO
I am coping with life, I avoid certain triggers so I can be one living personality... so it isn't anyones business.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 06:21 PM
You have your humour so you are dealing with this well. :-) I believe that the condition known generally as MPD can actually have different sources. However, in the end, it is how we manage to live and the quality of our satisfaction with life that is important. Whether singly, in commune or transformed into one, as long as we are satisfied and content with our experience then we are OK.
Sometimes I think western culture is so intent on fixing things or obtaining an outcome they fail to see the worth and beauty of the journey, or the value of experience.

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