Anyone seen one of these? I have no idea what it is, at first i thought it was a toy, but i am unsure. My second Guess would be an Unusually large
So i Brought it here. the vid Isn't mine, and i just saw it today, pretty cool.
Wow, that is a weird looking creature. Seeing how there are no other objects in the video to give any indication of its size, I assume this is some
sort of caterpillar that looks deceptively large.
Those kinds of caterpillars...have poisonous spines which are sometimes very severe in result. So I can understand if someone said "don't touch
it", they're considered dangerous.
It's on a tile floor... and with the grout line there I'd say it's probably around a inch or so long, maybe a little more.
Definetly looks like a type of catipillar, dunno what type though.
Wow that thing is cool, it doesnt look like any of the other pics of the puss catepillars posted though, and it does seem like the legs are not being
used for movement, that looks like it comes from underneath. If it is a catepillar id love to see what it turns into. Not sure my first thought was a
giant moth. Nice find