posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 11:18 AM
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - "U.S. economist Paul Krugman, a fierce critic of the Bush administration for policies that he argues led to the current
financial crisis, won the 2008 Nobel prize for economics on Monday.
The Nobel committee said the award was for Krugman's work that helps explain why some countries dominate international trade, starting with research
published nearly 30 years ago."
I have read Paul Krugman's articles in the NY Times for several years now and must say, not only is he a good read, he is smart. I hope this is in
the right section, as it is more general news, but considering he's been warning us for many years it was coming...
Lastly, I know Bill O is a punching bag, but wow, to call out a Nobel winning economist? Krugman is almost incredulous with his looks, but it's nice
that he called Bill a LIAR to his FACE. HA! Anyway, have a laugh in tough times. You may have to scroll down - the link says page 1 but it's on 2
midway down.