posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 10:10 PM
Here in Vegas, if you ask almost anyone on the West side if they know about the huge open pits in the area, they will most likely reply "yea, those
are just flood basins", and that would be the end of the conversation.
Now this would seem to be a perfectly legitamate explanation for there presence due to the annual heavy flooding that occurs in Vegas. Yet these
enormous pits were more than deep enough to accomodate the flood waters almost 5 years ago! To this day, they are still digging deeper and deeper into
the 2 major pits, and currently it is not possible to see the bottom of the largest without trespassing or using an aircraft!
I did some research into these pits and found that they are using the abbundance of gravel coming out as their reason for still digging. But these
pits supposedly were designed as water traps, not pay dirt. A few months ago we had our heaviest rains of the year so far, and drove by these pits
multiple times to see if they were anywere close to capacity, yet I saw no water in either of the 2 largest pits. So I am no longer convinced that
these were ever really designed to be flood basins.
Due too the depth and scale of these pits, I'd presume they were mining some sort of precious material. But when I think of the area and the overall
lack of any substancial mineral deposits, I come to the conlusion that they must be being used as cover for something larger. The conditions are
ideal for this scenario, and due to the depths, I'm guessing it involves some sort of underground structure.
I'd love to hear some other possible theories, also heres the coordinates so you can see for yourself---> 36° 6'20.15"N, 115°16'37.88"W and
36° 7'26.38"N, 115°15'15.51"W
(Goole Earth's Images show the pits when they were much much smaller btw).
I am also going to be taking some photos of these pits as they are now in the next few days, and I will post them on here as soon as I have them.