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Obama : "It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody that

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posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by llpoolej

Do you have workers who are not insured at all?
What's the percentage?


posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 03:41 PM
We have no one that works for us that does not have insurance through their spouse. There are 4 of us who own it(two couples) of which we pay our own insurance. There are 2-3 employees at the moment. It is a new business and Obama will hurt it badly. The increase in the minimum wage, the increase in taxes, even just paying for 50% of insurance is quite a expenditure. I am sure we would have to offer it to spouses and children too.

If you have ever been self employed, you will know how hard it is. Even when you LOOK like you are making a fortune, the amount of capital to start, the amount of money it takes just to have your doors open is huge.

We have done incredibly well as a start up. American is built on a capitalist society. I do not want to see it go to a socialist one. YES, I believe in social programs. I also believe in charity(of which I do a ton!) I also do not trust the government(no matter the party) to give a crap about anyone but their own power.

Ever gone to a VA hospital? You ought to and see how they run. That would be our socialized medicine. Like the taxes in Canada and the UK? Great, I am sure Obama would love to raise them and do his programs just like that.

How many politicians do what they say they will? The say what you want to hear and do what they want when they get into office. Obama was(is) a member of the New Democrat socialist party.

Case in point on the raising the expenditures for small business

The whole article

[edit on 10/16/2008 by llpoolej]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 03:53 PM
How does raising taxes on high income people and lowering taxes on low income people equal socialism?

So you told you 8 year old and she was horrified... SO WHAT? Let me find someone who has no knowledge whatsoever on a particular topic and explain my point of view to them, and I'm sure they'll agree with my viewpoint too.

These cries of socialism obviously come from those who stand to lose, hence make over 250K a year.

Guess what? I don't care that your whining about it. 1/4 of every paycheck I have ever received has gone to taxes. I make 60K a year and 15K a year I don't see.

If its so painful for you to pay a slightly larger tax rate, then close up your business and go back to middle class so you can enjoy our tax rates. You won't though.

I'm so sorry that we have a presidential nominee that wants to make life easier for the middle class. I see that this issue greatly offends some.

Too bad, the middle class has had enough and if you don't like it LEAVE. We CAN exist without you... can you exist without us?

I have absolutely no compassion for someone who makes 5x (or more) what I make and them complains that they are going to be taxed more than me.

This is why people liked Robin Hood, cause he took from the rich and gave to the poor... and the poor didn't have to listen to rich cry about it.

[edit on 16-10-2008 by XTexan]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

You have already rendered yourself irrelevant in numerous threads.

Your knowledge of economic policy is not up to par with whats needed for intellectual debate.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by XTexan

So, if policy was put in place to tax people who make 60K per year just to make it easier on those who make 15K per year, you'd be fine with that because you can afford to pay more because you make more than the person who makes 15K does?

I don't think so....

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by skeptic1
reply to post by XTexan

So, if policy was put in place to tax people who make 60K per year just to make it easier on those who make 15K per year, you'd be fine with that because you can afford to pay more because you make more than the person who makes 15K does?

I don't think so....

Considering I already get taxed at a higher % than the person making 15K/yr I think its a moot point since that policy is already in place.

That being said, no I don't have a problem paying a higher % than the 15K/yr guy.

You might sway me to say that I would be for a flat tax rate across the board though.

I'm not saying we should all be taxed to the point we all make the same amount, but those who make more should pay at least the same % as others.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by Constitutional Scholar
reply to post by chickenshoes

Do either you or your husband have a cell phone? Cable TV?

Obviously you have internet access, so thats what, an extra 30 or 40 per month right there?

Couldnt that 30 or 40 bucks per month be put to better use?

20 bucks.

BTW, no cable, prepaid cell phones.
And what insurance policy do you know of for people over 40 that costs that little?

[edit on 16-10-2008 by chickenshoes]

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by jerico65

Your tax dollars are already going to someone's "ever-expanding ass". The only difference is that instead of your money (and your kid's money, and your grandkid's money) going to the "ever-expanding ass" of someone who already has money and has probably never worked a real job in his life, it will go to someone who didn't have the benefit of "silver spoon" education, and is actually willing to work, he just needs the same kind of opportunity.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 03:21 AM
This has become downright silly... Here's what it boils down to. Unrampant capitalism with unpaid-for tax cuts have driven us into the sewer. Bridges are collapsing, rodds generally suck, the corporations pay nothing to do business, while the small businesses barely get by. I have nothing against small business, that is the backbone of America. It's the major corporations that have not paid their fair share, and in fact have accepted "welfare" money for years. All of the social programs in the U.S. don't add up to half of what Exxon got paid last year in incentives. Don't get me wrong, the Congress is liable, and they need to be held accountable for this travesty. Global corporate welfare, insurance and mortgage companies, and excessive defense spending have all driven us to the point of bankruptcy. The solution: until this country actually manufactures goods at a profit again, we are screwed. Trade Surplus is the key to prosperity, just ask the Chinese. The only problem is that tariffs are a thing of the past, and there is no way we can produce goods as cheaply as they can. The Chinese use prison and slave labor to flood our markets with inexpensive and dangerous crap. There is no way in hell we can compete with that without imposing tariffs, and as long as they hold 1/3 of our debt, that is not going to happen. Basically, we have gotten ourselves into this mess, and there aren't many ways out. Actually, everyone should pay higher taxes. We have been borrowing money to fund our endeavors, robbing "Peter" to pay "Paul" for years. The national debt currently stands at $10 Trillion dollars, and that is the figure that is officially on the books. Due to clever accounting, the true figure is closer to $50 Trillion. Frankly, there is no way in hell we can dig ourselves out of this hole. If you think we got here by accident, think again. We were put here on purpose as part of a larger plan to completely devaluate the US Dollar. Thank the Fed for that.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 04:20 AM
Yes! People like I said it before that Corporate Welfare gets more money in a year then all other welfare combined has for a decade. Just Exxon got more then welfare people do. But the GOP SCREAMS about that poor black evil liberal scumbag who's job was sent overseas to some Chinese 7 year old going on unemployment while ignoring they just gave the guy they went to college with fifty billion dollars to send more jobs overseas. And 250,000 say pays 25k, that means they got 225,000 for that year. I couldn't spend that much in five years. Heck with the way I live I could probably go ten years. A millionaire paying 100,000? For a million I could probably retire and never have to work again just live off the interest on the CDs I'd get. But then again I don't have to give money to the GOP to get more tax loopholes. I don't have to pay 100,000 to a GOP Senator to get a 700,000,000,000 dollar bill passed so I get 10,000,000,000 back for that 100,000 investment in a GOP Senator.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by buddhasystem

Those who use more taxpayer funded services should be required to reimburse the taxpayer for said services.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 06:58 AM
We need to change the corrupt and wasteful government and stop giving them more power and more money to make them more powerful and corrupt.

The people who make more pay more at an already higher rate. Why raise that even more?

We ALL can go to college. Quit crying about life being unfair. Life is never equal nor is it fair. It isn't supposed to be fair! In the US you can go to college if you want to go to college period. I have had tons of friends with no silver spoons that made it through doctorates. One was from a welfare family and paid for it herself, with minimal student loans and is a veterinarian now. The other, also a veterinarian paid for it with student loans with no help from her family.

If you want to go to college, you CAN. It doesn't depend on the government giving you the money. You can figure it out.

After college, or even if you don't go, you can be successful if you work hard, work smart and are better than your peers. If you are not bright, or lazy, or a combo, you won't be as successful. Should you be?

I listened to a speaker last night from Uganda. He was a photojournalist and Indian. He was run out of the country and ended up a refugee in Leicester England. He couldn't get a job as a photojournalist as he was not in the union. He sold a couple of photos of Idi Amin he had taken which got him through a couple of months. He then went to work as a sales person at a camera store. Quite humbling after being a front page PJ. He was passed over for promotions because he was Indian.

He started his own Photography business on very little money. He now makes 7 figures(yes 7, not 6) No one gave him that. No one came and handed him money to make himself into a success beyond his peers. HE did it. It was because he is extremely talented, a good businessman and HARD WORK.

You can realize any amount of success you want to without the government helping you to do so. You just have to be exceptional. There is always the jealousy of those who have less of those who have earned more.

I want to be one of those success stories one day. I don't want an Obamian tax policy to penalize that. I don't want my wealth redistributed(that is socialism and that is what he proposes)

The government wasn't founded on the principles that you will make the same money as your neighbor.

Fix the government, it is broken, wasteful, indulgent and I do not believe they give a crap about any of us.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by wonkamaniac

Specifically how much did Exxon get in incentives last year?


posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 09:04 AM
Raising taxes is the absolute worst idea possible.

Taxes could be raised to 95% and we would still never get out of debt.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by Constitutional Scholar

We need to cut all Corporate welfare. What does Exxon need even more billions for? Especially when they pay very little taxes due to all the loopholes they bought through GOP and child slave labor after shipping jobs over seas.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by GamerGal

very little in taxes?

Um, they paid 30 billion in taxes last year.

Thats very little to you?

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by GamerGal

Pay very little taxes....

How much in taxes did Exxon pay last year? $30 billion; that's more than the bottom 50% of taxpayers in this country combined (more than 65 million people who filed their taxes)

How much money does the government get per second from Exxon compared to what Exxon makes in profits per second? The government gets $4,000 per second from Exxon while Exxon earns $1,400 per second.


[edit on 10/17/2008 by skeptic1]

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by skeptic1

And how much did they make? A LOT more then 30billion. You realize how stupid you sound when you say that right? "Someone who made hundreds of billions of dollars paid like 6% of what they made in taxes!" Also, Exxon got BILLIONS in Corporate Welfare. Hmm, if I pay what they do, then get more back in Corporate Welfare, I'll take that deal. And in case you still can't figure it out. A person makes ten dollars and pays three dollars in taxes, that's 30%. A Billionaire pays a million dollars, or less then 1% in taxes. The billionaire paid more then the person who only paid three dollars, but the person who paid three dollars paid a lot more then the billionaire statistically. And the billionaire then gets one hundred million in Corporate Welfare, he's coming out well ahead of the guy who paid three dollars.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by GamerGal

Please don't call me stupid. I could have done that to you long ago in this thread, rightfully, but I refrained.

They did not make hundreds of billions in profits. In 2007, Exxon had taxable income of $70 billion and paid $30 billion in in taxes. Their tax rate is 41%. Their profit margin is 7-9%. It always helps to research the numbers before you start spouting off.

So, how much should they pay? And, how much should companies with greater profit margins pay in taxes? How much is enough for you? And, hell, the government has a higher profit margin off Exxon than Exxon has itself....I take it that is fair to you, too. Because God knows, the government is an expert at managing money.

[edit on 10/17/2008 by skeptic1]

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by Constitutional Scholar
reply to post by buddhasystem

You have already rendered yourself irrelevant in numerous threads.

I did? You proudly described yourself as un-patriotic, and called for destruction of Washington DC, so it's pretty rich of you to judge my relevance, sir.

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