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Obama : "It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody that

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posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by wonkamaniac

The question you pose is irrelevant. Both parties agreed to spend 800,000,000,000 tax dollars, Both parties are creating more government to solve problems the free market should solve, Both parties want a continued presence in the middle east. I can twist statistics around all day long to show you which candidate is going to tax you less but the fact still remains that ALL of us who pay taxes will fork it over somehow.

Corporation: "ok they raised our taxes, charge the consumer more for the product so we can cut our losses."

McCain: "We will protect the world from Terroism" = Tax money.

These are just a few examples. Either way we lose.

[edit on 15-10-2008 by ExistenceUnknown]

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by ExistenceUnknown

Very good point, sir... You are correct. Under the current two party system, we don't have much of a choice here. Both candidates were vetted by the corporations before they were allowed to run.
That being said, I'll toss my hat in the ring with the guy who has started a grass-roots campaign long before the guy with lobbyist campaign advisors who can't seem to make up their mind what he believes in. The McCain campaign has truly been a comedy of errors. Let's see, which way are the winds blowing today??? I think I'll vote that way!
P.S. McCain gets a D on a report card put out by veteran's organizations. Obama ranked a B. Think about that next time someone tells you Obama is "against the troops"... Tis to laugh...

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:14 AM
Distribute the wealth?
This is extremely dangerous, what Robin Obama Hood wants to do.

Can you say trickle-down taxation?

Taxing the big guys will obviously mean they will raise their prices, which means everybody will pay more.
Big corporations may no longer donate to scholarship funds and may have to start laying people off.

How is this a good thing?

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:16 AM
Mecheng's tax plan...

Take the record profits from the oil companies, who have been stealing from the public during the last 10 years...

Take the golden parachutes and insanely extravagant salaries from the CEO's of failed banks, which the public is now forced to bail out...

Take the profits from the contractors like Halliburton, who received no-bid contracts for work related to the illegal war in Iraq...

Take the equivalent profits from the 2/3 of the corporations, who are not paying any taxes...

Take the equivalent profits from the beyond-wealthy, the top 0.5% who own 95% of the country's wealth, who also are not paying any taxes...

And distribute that money equitably among the public, who have had to scratch and claw just to remain in their homes, pay for heat & electricity, and try to put food on their tables while having to watch time and time again, the ultra-wealthy criminals continue to steal from the poor without CONSEQUENCE, all the while living a life of unimaginable luxury...

And put these criminals BEHIND BARS, once and for all, where they belong...

And re-write the tax law completely and from scratch to make it FAIR and EQUITABLE, eliminating the refunds, rebates, etc, and the loop holes that only the privileged & the rich know about.

That's my tax plan... To allow EVERYONE to actually have a chance in this country... not just the criminal corporations and CEOs and the ultra-rich. The reason taxes are the way they are, and the reason nobody wants REAL change, is because the ultra-wealthy don't want anyone else to have a piece of their pie. So they say this is a redistribution of wealth, and it's unamerican, blah, blah, blah...

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by Alxandro

In case you haven't noticed, they've already redistributed the wealth. Does the word "bailout" ring a bell? Too late to worry about that, sir, as your taxes, your children's taxes, and your grandchildren's taxes are already "earmarked" to pay for the next CEO junket for AIG. You want to talk about socialism??? There it is, in a nutshell.
We're nationalizing banks, paying for stupid investments, etc, etc, ad infinitum.
Obama voted for this stupid legislation, just as McCain did... The ONLY difference is Obama promised once it's all over, someone will be held accountable. Not a word on that from McCain, because most of the future prisoners are riding on his "Straight Talk Express" with him right now.
I really hate "lesser of two evil" scenarios, but really, we're faced with one as we speak.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:23 AM

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by mecheng

But that is Anti American. America was built on the super Wealthy owning slaves and everyone else being a farmer to raise their own food or hunt for the food. Hmm, Super Wealthy owning slaves... Why does that sound like what the Republicans are trying to do? Make it so we have to rely on their best friends and owners for food and shelter or else starve to death? Maybe that's why McCain plans to tax small businesses while cutting them for the top billionaires.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by wonkamaniac

But it shouldn't be a matter of picking the lesser of two evils. We shouldn't be forced to pick from TWO parties when there are many more to choose from. There are a few other people running for president that the MSM will never show. Ron Paul is man of integrity and principle that would do this country alot of good if he was still running for office, but he is not. I will vote for the man he supports, Chuck Baldwin, despite the cries from people who say that my vote won't count. It is this thought pattern that keeps us under the current lock and key of a two party system fed to us by the MSM.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by Constitutional Scholar

It is a redistribution of wealth. It is not only unconstitutional, it is a head-up-ass line of thinking. Everyone has a chance to succeed. Life isnt fair, and it isnt the governments job to make it that way.

What in the heck do you call the BailOut. They redistributed the Tax Payers wealth to these companies that couldn't hold thier own!

This is a joke you say

Why not just admit you are a lower than pond scum socialist?

The government makes Private debt public and public money private what do we call that? ROBBERY!!

Oh but it's what the economy needs to survive pfft what BS.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by ATruGod

You wont find me supporting the bailout in any thread. I don't support it.

But do 2 wrongs make a right?

Technically the bailout wasnt a distribution of wealth, it was adding a burden of future debt.

[edit on 15-10-2008 by Constitutional Scholar]

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by Constitutional Scholar
It is a redistribution of wealth. It is not only unconstitutional, it is a head-up-ass line of thinking.

Man, if I have to hear about "redistribution of wealth" one more time, I'm going to blow a gasket! The redistribution has already been done right in front of our noses with the "bailout". It has already happened. The funny thing is, it is the middle class that gets bent over every time. They have already taxed the middle class to oblivion to pay for the excessive vices of the very elite and wealthy. So, one redistribution is okay, but another that might actually help the common man on the streets isn't? Wow...

Everyone has a chance to succeed. Life isnt fair, and it isnt the governments job to make it that way.

I agree with you up to a point... some people have a much better chance of success than others. Depends on which neighborhood you are from, and who you know. If you are a friend of the neocons, you have a much better chance of success than the average Joe trying to pay his mortgage and send his kids to college. The government's job is to keep us safe and maintain the "commons". Surely as a Constitutional Scholar, you should know this.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by Constitutional Scholar
reply to post by ATruGod

You wont find me supporting the bailout in any thread. I don't support it.

But do 2 wrongs make a right?

You know what you are so right, 2 wrongs don't make a right, so screw the poor guiy because theres already been fleecing done and 2 wrongs dont make a right.

How about this...It was wrong to let this happen in the first place (the financial melt down), then it was wrong to bail them out, maybe 3 wrongs will make it right so yes lets start fleecing the corporations that have been fleecing us all these years.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:45 AM
Why is it supporters of Obamas policy always bring up the bailout when Obamas socialist proposals are mentioned? Is sticking to the topic at hand too much to ask?

Want to talk about the bailout? Start another thread. You are defending socialism with more of the same.

Why cant you Obama supporters just defend the merits of his policy?

Oops, because there are none.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by ATruGod

Don't you like that? According to them we need to sell everything we have, give it to the top 1%, and hope they make us house slaves and not field slaves. Socialism? The GOP has pulled off the greatest act of Socialism in history, not the Democrats. "But the bailout helps the friends of the GOP to destroy America before Obama can be elected and fix it!"

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by ATruGod

How much of the blame for the economic meltdown rests on the shoulders of people who bought houses they couldnt afford?

Sure the big banks are responsible. But so are the people who didn't or couldnt pay their mortgage.

Reading an entire contract is something that seems a waste of time to most people.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by GamerGal

Actually it was a democrat who passed the New Deal, the biggest piece of socialist legislation this country has ever been burdened by.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:50 AM
in my opinion it is not that people who are poor don't do anything for themselves... it is terribly hard to escape the paycheck to paycheck lifestyle.
my family has been poor/ middle class for as long as i can remember. yes we pay our taxes. and this became worse when we left my dad and moved out and had nothing but a bag of clothes and a apartment. sleeping on the floor. 6 years later we have a well furnished town home, new car and all the other good things, because me and my mother work fulltime jobs. but we are in debit so almost all the money out of the next pay check is already spent (bills, debt and food)

I'm just bringing this to your attention. not everyone just doesnt do for themselves it is very hard be wealthy. especially when you have a mother and a ill grandmother who live with you who rely on your income.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by lushyslushy

Allow me to be the ahole here.

Why dont you get a 2nd job?

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Constitutional Scholar
reply to post by ATruGod

How much of the blame for the economic meltdown rests on the shoulders of people who bought houses they couldnt afford?

Sure the big banks are responsible. But so are the people who didn't or couldnt pay their mortgage.

Reading an entire contract is something that seems a waste of time to most people.

No..its the Big Banks fault, it was thier responsibility to do credit checks and make sure these people could afford thier payments.

Banks are crooked and out for nothing more than our money


I got a new house at the end of the year (last) they ran all my numbers and said oh you can afford about $900 a month in payments so you can afford this house.

Ok house is put in I wait to sign the paperwork, and wait, and wait. Come the end of the month (3 weeks after the house is done) they finally bring me in to sign paperwork...and your payments will be $1150. Now we can try and rewrite this (but they've already said its the best they can do) or they can sell it to someone else.

Ok this is fair, so now I sign the contract and try and suck up the payments or I walk away and try and sell it in this economy, so I have to suck up the payments because I have kids.

I've barely been managing but now I was laid off due to the economy.

Anyways my point is the banks dont care if anyone can make the payments because they'll just sell it over and over.

They are the cause they are the cure....fleece them do death.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Constitutional Scholar

I'm not a socialist. I believe in America, democracy, and capitalism. I'm just sick of being screwed by the corrupt... its gone on for too long and it needs to stop or capitalism will fail.

Now to clarify... for those people, wealthy, middle class, or poor, who make an honest living and pay their share in taxes... I have not a single problem with them. Its the crooks, liars, & cheaters who I have a problem with. Like many have said they have redistributed my wealth into their pockets... and I want my money back!

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