posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 10:45 AM
Ok so these aliens may have 'advanced' us. Given us technology, improved our resources... SET limits on us! (I.E we cannot use our brains too well,
and especially with mainstream TV and etc telling us what to do, if thats what happening).
But maybe the fact is that we are 'owned' by these aliens that we never see or hear from. We maybe are some kind of farm, or field where to us
humans, these we are outrightly owned by them.
If I was some incredibly advanced alien, and I tended my crop (Earth), and made them grow and prosper... Would I own those growing corn(reference to
us) which cant talk to me (We cannot obviously communicate with our masters), nor can we try to revolt or etc since we as with corn, are just here and
unable to do anything.
While I do not really think im a stalk of corn, the fact remains that we are at their mercy. Maybe at one stage we were genetically engineered from
chimpanzees or other monkeys into what we are in the space of a few years.
The actual fact remains that anyone that creates or 'causes' something such as life, is the obvious master. If some entity(s) created, and directed
us in a prosperous direction, then maybe we are 'their slaves' without even knowing.
A pet shop over, who has all their bunnies, snakes or etc in cages is obviously in control... Are we like that? 'thinking' we are in control, but
yet maybe its a huge experiment on a obviously global scale?
EDIT: Edited for spelling lol.
Sure, I have absolutely NO facts or info whether im some entities property but the fact remains, that even if you think your 'free', maybe your
inside a glass cage just like that pet snake that some guy has.
[edit on 13-10-2008 by MereMugglePop]