posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 08:37 AM
I have been reluctant for a few days now of whether or not to write about this for the fear of being laughed at but after experimenting with this I
have come to the conclusion that it would be foolish of me not to speak of this. I think I have figured it out and it is really quite easy to do. Hear
me out.
We all have the ability to time-travel but not with our physical bodies, only our energy as a whole at the quantum level (our soul; or consciousness).
The vibrational range that physical matter exists to us in our dimension is too low to allow for instant travel, hense our physical bodies can not do
this. But, we know that our consciousness can seperate itself from our physical bodies because of things like remote viewing, near death experiences
and most importantly; when we dream. When the soul leaves the body and piece of it always has to stay behind to keep the physical body alive, except
when a person actually dies. Remote viewers are able to remote view because they can send a piece of their awareness (the soul) to the location they
want to view and that piece or fraction of the remote-viewer's soul in turn communicates back to the physical body in the form of the viewer seeing
the location.
Now here's the key. When we dream the same thing happens. A portion of our soul remains with the physical body that is sleeping and using only a
small amount of energy to keep the body alive; the rest of the person's soul and consciousness connects to one of an infinite amount of dimensions
that we also live in (the dream itself) and so the person has a dream. For a small period of time the consciousness of the individual from this
dimension gets to experience the consciousness of themselves in a different dimension that they normally have no control over and so they have to go
with the flow of the dream.
HERE'S WHAT TO DO. I've been teaching myself a technique so that I can lucid dream more often and therefore HAVE CONTROL of my dreams. The technique
involves this. Everyday, about 3 or 4 times when I open a door I think to myself the words 'I'm awake, I'm awake'. Now when I go to sleep at
night, if there is a door in the dream and I open it the words 'I'm awake, I'm awake' pop into my awareness and am able to begin lucid dreaming.
From here it's simply a matter of where or when you want to go. It would take me forever to write about some of the places I have been able to go
just by wanting to go there in my dream. The thing is that you can only go to places that another piece of you soul (as a whole) is existing in, in
that I mean you cannot say to yourself 'right I want to fly about the sky' and then you do that. If another you in another dimension is flying about
in the sky then you will connect with that piece of soul. Imagine the soul as a bunch of grapes; each grape is a different expereince but they are all
part of the same bunch and the bunch in connect to the vine that feeds the grapes into existence (The Creator that all our souls are connected to and
are a piece of; each soul like a droplet of water seperated from the ocean of consciousness).
Try my experiment let me know if you can do it too.