posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 07:05 AM
I've been saying for ages that people will agree to disagree is every aspect of life, everyone is right in their own mind. Everyone IS the most
important person in the world and evryone ELSE comes second. That on this site Oct 14th is proving to be a bit of a sticky situation is an
Will something happen?
Won't anything happen?
Who knows, people are saying yes , people are saying no, people are even saying hope so or hope not..
There are always at least two sides to every story and Oct 14th will be another page in the story of Mankind, it will either be remembered forever or
simply forgotten by future generations. This particular day on the ATS website has brought out more than one side to this story. there are the , the
yes please's, the no thanks, the I'm scared's , the I'm hopeful's, the I'm welcoming and the I'm laughing at you's.
There have been disagreements every single day and Oct 14th will be exactly the same as every other day, only Oct 15th will tell.
There will ALWAYS be people who predict that the events hoped for on Oct 14th will occur, and you know what? One day they'll be right.
But the thing I find really annoying/ upsetting about human nature is that people will make funny comments about those that believe in something or
try to make a mockery because they are scared to believe in something 'unusual' , something that could shake their moral or social cores to the
foundations, People don't like change from the comfortable they have got used to , and any change is dangerous and frightening. They therefore try to
point and laugh to say "look at them, aren't they silly?" because it takes the eyes off of them and their fears.
So whatever happens Oct 14th just remember one thing people , on OCt 15th look back at the day before and say to yourself " even though I hoped, I
feared, I mocked , I disbelieved ( delete as applicable) , Oct 14th brought a lot of us together in one form or another and the day itself was grand.
The sun rose, the birds sang ,the day went on, people were born, people died, people loved and lost but Oct 14th will be forever ingrained in memory
of a lot of people and I was part of that day".