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What if they Nuked Yellowstone?

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posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 08:21 PM
yes yes, you run along and build your bomb shelters,
the rest of us will fight it out trance,
i have reason to believe that hiding will not really solve all your problems, whether you may be relating to a nuke, or life in general


posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 08:27 PM
There's no need to build a bomb shelter, here are a few fine ones for sale.

[Edited on 26-3-2004 by Star Eagle]

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 04:46 AM
dude so thats where those guys in james bond films get thier bases
we could buy 1 just for ATS and be safe ........................ok well semi safe

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by Cyrus
yes yes, you run along and build your bomb shelters,
the rest of us will fight it out trance,
i have reason to believe that hiding will not really solve all your problems, whether you may be relating to a nuke, or life in general


I respect 99% of members opinions, but Cyrus you are
"rather annoying"

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 09:12 AM
Jeesh, folks, settle down. The Cloak of Death blanket of dust, blocking out the sun and freezing us into tasty little popsycles is overblown eco-freak speculation! Relax, you know as well as anyone, that the must important things we were asked to do in the opening post of this thread was to assume!
Now, you may stop assuming!

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 03:43 PM
geological surveys in the last few years have shown an increasing rate of ground tilt due to the massive pressure caused by the very hot lava and superheated gases.if nothing is done the eruption is inevitable with the resulting grave consequences exceeding that of a nuclear conflict.

the technology to stop volcanos is very simple and before i tell you i assert exclusive owenership of this particular idea to stop volcanos exploding.

The primary measures to be taken to delay or stop the explosion would be to use an analogy and literally "lance the boil" to relieve the pressure.

By using standard oil drilling techniques to insert pipelines to relieve the pressure or releasing the superheated lava the eruption can be delayed or stopped depending on much of either is released and the rate at which it is released.

there are other methods as well but the above is the simplest and most direct.

to allow significant delay or stopping of the eruption i calculate that between 30 to 100 drill holes would be required at various equidistant points around the volcano.

the resulting high pressure molton lave would the be transported using using pipelines and would be used to fll underground cavities or fill in the troughs between hill, hummocks, or mountains.

also very importantly the hot lava flow can be used as a vast source of energy for steam turbine power stations.

steam turbine power stations are relatively easy to construct and again upto 30 to 100 would be set up along each pipeline thus solving america energy needs for millenia.

the molton lava can also be used as a construction material by ,mass producing houses using molds into which the molton lava would be poured.these houses would be very strong and earthquake proof as no bricks and morter would be used and would be essentially be a single construction and could be exported to japan.

you see i have solved 3 of the worlds problems in a few need for any fancy expensive advanced technology.

Again i assert exclusive owenership of these ideas.

now lets start organising a campaign to notify Bush/Blair as these people are totally unaware and obsessed with A-Rabs who are totally insignificant compared to the danger posed by this super volcano.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by Star Eagle

I think the real question is how to cause a planetary desaster at Yellowstone. If I only had one try I would let it go off on the ground of the deepest lake there, because water reacts like a massive object to huge impacts. If the geological stability of Yellowstone depend on a delicate balance of heat and pressure, the shockwave of a nuclear bomb might destroy it.


posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 10:50 PM
A 2K bomb is little more than a firecracker when you are dealing with nuclear bombs, in fact, I don't think they even make a 2K nuclear bomb. It would take something a good bit larger to set it off.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 01:58 PM
There are no Them, What terrorists? the "US Government"? dont fall into the propaganda trap!

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 02:05 PM
Terrorist is another word for scare folks into accepting crazy laws and officials.

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