LUBBOCK, Texas - Authorities on Wednesday were looking into the disappearance of samples of bubonic plague from the Texas Tech University Health
Sciences Center.
A statement from the university said vials of bubonic plague, being used to improve treatment of plague victims, were reported missing to campus
police on Tuesday.
Rest of the story is here
they say they found them, that's assuming they were missing at all. i'm sure someone said hey lets move these and see how long it takes for someone
to miss them.
The FBI said Wednesday that vials containing samples of lethal plague reported missing from Texas Tech University had been located. "We have
accounted for all those missing vials and we have determined that there is no danger to public safety whatsoever," FBI Agent Lupe Gonzalez said. He
said the vials, about 30 in all, were recovered Wednesday but gave few details. He wouldn't disclose whether they were stolen or merely misplaced,
but said a criminal investigation was continuing.
How can Bubonic plague not be a danger to people?A report in the UK stated that these vials could only have killed one person each and could not have
been used as a WMD.Is it possible this strain of Bubonic Plague is not infectious.
It can,at the very least,be described as an irony that the two cases in which laboratory enhanced biological weapons,that we know of,which could or
have got into the wrong hands(Anthrax and now Bubonic Plague)have not originated from a crumbling Russian Federation or an evil despotic Middle
Eastern dictator but from the USA.
I find it odd, that a disease that with no help from human tampering, killed in a few decades if even that long, 1/4 of Europes entire population, can
be considered, harmless....
But if you really want some bubonic plague you only need to get armadillos from New Mexico and Arizona, they are riddled with them.