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Edgar Casey (a REAL 20th century prophet) and the new age for humanity

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posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 05:06 PM
I just saw his documentary on the history channel this guy was a true prophet of his time (died 1945) hes done over 14,000 readings (with many high up people) throughout his life and gave detailed information on everything he knew knowledge about everything past future and present. anyway I was looking on around the site and found his take on what is happening now.. the new age of humanity
"Edgar Cayce’s View

When asked what the New Age means to humanity, Edgar Cayce replied: “the full consciousness of the ability to communicate with the Creative Forces and be aware of the relationships to the Creative Forces and the uses of same in material environs. This awareness during the era or age in the Age of Atlantis and Lemuria or Mu brought what? Destruction to man, and his beginning of the needs of the journey up through that of selfishness.” (1602-3)

Cayce is informing us that in a previous time cycle, humanity had a level of consciousness and relationship with the Creative Forces that allowed us to live at higher levels of material, mental, and spiritual activity in the Earth and beyond. Unfortunately, we misused this consciousness and the power that came with the close relationship to the Forces. This misuse brought on the destruction of our great cultures and a long, karmic soul journey through the pain and confusion that resulted from our selfishness and self-centered focus on our will without regard for the will of the Creator and others. Now, as the cycles come around again, we are nearing a time when the level of consciousness and relationship with the Creative Forces will allow us once again to regain these powers."


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[edit on 24/10/08 by Jbird]

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by rider0268

The term "New Age" did not start until the early 1970s. The trend started in the 1960s and the 70s saw Cayce, pyramid power, channeling and all that stuff really take off. There were many programs and TV series with an ancient astronaut bend to them (original Battlestar Galactica anyone?).

There are many thoughts on Cayce, and I am one who thinks he was a good actor. While he did not charge a fee, he did receive donations, and I would think his wealthy clients were generous in that regard. His actual medical readings threw in everything including the kitchen sink to make sure he was "accurate" and his predictions have been totally wrong.

If you like his message, that is fine and he may have actually believed he had a gift. There are many here who believe he was a prophet, but I am not one of them.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by rider0268

Regain the powers of a possible bronze age society, a theory of a continent with a lemurs on it and an exact copy of previously mentioned bronze age society?

Awesome! It's gonna beat the snot out of our modern age!

[edit on 13-10-2008 by merka]

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 04:20 PM
Video about Edgar Cayce

The "Other" Nostradamus

Edgar Cayce was known as the "Sleeping Prophet" because he could go into a trance and have access to universal knowledge, even things he couldn't have known. When he came out of his trance he did not remember being in trance. Basically he could answer any question asked. Thousands of his trance readings were completely recorded and are kept in Virginia beach. He is the most documented Psychic in american history

He was known for predicting the beginning and the end of World War 2, he predicted an alliance between Germany Italy and Japan that would affect the whole world, the onset of the Great Depression 4 years prior, the assasination of JFK, the civil rights movements for racial equality, the earth changes of today and melting and shifting of the poles, the discovery of a chamber by seismographs underneath the Sphinx, the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, he knew that the Nile had at one time flowed the other direction before scienctists knew it, and many other things.

Edgar Cayce also speaks of this time period and events, He predicted the arrival af an important spiritual teacher named Jon Peniel. In 1998 the prophecy came true when The then living Grandmaster of the Atlantean lineage made public the teachings of Atlantis-


This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. T. Mitchell Hastings, 410 Park Avenue, New York
City, this 19th day of January, 1934, in accordance with
request made by those present.


Edgar Cayce; Hugh Lynn Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.
Carolyn B. Hastings, Josephine L. B. Macsherry, T. Mitchell
Hastings. (Mrs. Hastings led in meditation, before Mr. Cayce
went to sleep.)


Time of Reading
11:40 to 12:40 A. M.

1. HLC: We seek at this time such information as will be of
value and interest to those present, including T. Mitchell
Hastings, Jr. in the next room, regarding the spiritual,
mental and physical changes which are coming to the earth.
You will tell us what part we may play in meeting and helping
others to understand these changes. At the end of each
fifteen minute period you will pause, until I tell you to
continue, while the recording instrument is being arranged.
You will speak distinctly at a normal rate of speech, and you
will answer the questions which we will ask.

2. EC: Yes; as each of you gathered here have your own
individual development, yet as each seeks to be a channel of
blessings to the fellow man, each attunes self to the Throne
of universal information. And there may be accorded you that
which may be beneficial, not only in thine own experience,
but that which will prove helpful, hopeful, in the
experience of others.

3. Many an one may question you as to the sources, as to the
channel through such information that may be given you at
this time has come. Know it has reached that which is as
high for each of you in your respective development as you
have merited, and do merit; and has accorded and does accord
to the realm of light that which may be aidful and helpful in
thine own experience, and in the experience of those that ye
in your service to thy fellow man may give unto others.

4. Hence, in giving the interpretation, MANY are present;
many of those whose names alone would bring to others awe -
discredit, yet - even a wonderment. For, not only then must
the information be instructive but enlightening; yet it must
also be so given that it may be a PRACTICAL thing in the
experience of thine own self and in the experience of life of
thine fellow man. Not only must it be informative in nature,
but it must also be that which is constructive; though
[pause] that which is informative and that which may be
enlightening and constructive must at times overlap one

[edit on 13-10-2008 by Hollywood11]

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 04:22 PM

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 04:23 PM

11. I have declared this, that has been delivered unto me to
give unto you, ye that sit here and that hear and that see a
light breaking in the east, and have heard, have seen thine
weaknesses and thine faultfindings, and know that He will
make thy paths straight if ye will but live that YE KNOW this
day - then may the next step, the next word, be declared unto
thee. For ye in your weakness [pause] have known the way,
through that as ye have made manifest of the SPIRIT of truth
and light that has been proclaimed into this earth, that has
been committed unto the keeping of Him that made of Himself
no estate but who brought into being all that ye see manifest
in the earth, and has declared this message unto thee: "Love
the Lord thy God with all thine heart," and the second is
like unto it, "Love thy neighbor as thyself." Who is thine
neighbor? Him that ye may aid in whatsoever way that he, thy
neighbor, thy brother, has been troubled. Help him to stand
on his own feet. For such may only know the acceptable way.
The weakling, the unsteady, must enter into the crucible and
become as naught, even as He, that they may know the way. I,
Halaliel, have spoken."
Cayce was also speaking of the year 1999, and then beyond too

" Cayce predicted that the so-called "Battle of Armageddon" described symbolically in the Bible would begin in 1999. Cayce foresaw that this "battle" will not be a war fought on earth. Rather, it will be a spiritual struggle between the "higher forces of light" and "lower forces of darkness" for 1000 years of earth time. The reason for this struggle is to prevent souls from lower afterlife realms from reincarnating to earth. By preventing souls from the lower afterlife realms from reincarnating to earth, only enlightened souls will be permitted to reincarnate. The result will be 1000 years of building a world of peace and enlightenment. After 1000 years, souls from lower afterlife realms will be permitted once again to reincarnate to earth. By this time, the so-called "kingdom of heaven" will have been established on earth."
^^^ And this ties in exactly with Nostradamus' 1999 prediction

Edgar Cayce on Illnesses

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 10:19 PM
Edgar Cayce is also known as the "Father of Holistic Medicine".
I grew up in Virginia Beach 3 blocks away from the Association for Research & Enlightenment - Edgar Cayce Foundation.
I first learned about Cayce when I was 12 years old as my Grandmother had gotten a reading from him in 1921...she exposed us to his books, readings and teachings.
He was an extraordinary man...He prescribed natural foods and herbal medicines 40 years ahead of Medical Science. Amazingly, he would send people to Doctors for treatment of illnesses and the Doctors would call or write Cayce and ask why he sent patients their way. They had no clue what was wrong with them or how to help heal them. In many cases these Doctors ended up coming up with the 'cures' for these patients.
Most of his readings were remote viewing, he never met most of the patients that he helped to cure. He merely read their letters and went into a trance state.
He cured his wife of Tuberculosis and saved one of his Sons from blindness after a bad flash photography accident.

Look up Cayce via edgarcaycetv on youtube, the foundation has posted numerous vidz up...

I visit Virginia Beach every summer and now take my daughter to listen to lectures, turns out she's an Indigo Child.
I also met an incredible staff lecturer, psychic & author there last summer by chance, Robert J. Grant. He revealed some incredible things to myself and my daughter...I would highly recommend any of his books, fascinating stuff.

Cayce built his hospital at that specific location in Virginia Beach as it's a special place and there's more than meets the eye. At one time the sands were filled with barium and gold and people would bury themselves in the sand and remove toxins from their bodies.

Skeptics can nay-say all they want, Cayce's legacy is astounding once you study all the info and evidence for yourself. I believe he was one of the first in modern times to cross the line and combine Science with Spirituality... He said that we CAN change the future. We are in the midst of a new consciousness and shift in awareness of reality as we know it.

[edit on 13-10-2008 by Synthesist]

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 11:00 PM
Synthesist, you seem to have a decent amount of knowledge on Cayce. What is your opinion of David Wilcock and his claim to be the incarnate of Cayce?

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 05:14 PM
I personally don't believe Edgar Cayce has reincarnated or returned yet. I mean I can't say for sure, but it sounds wrong to me.

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by maxweljames
Synthesist, you seem to have a decent amount of knowledge on Cayce. What is your opinion of David Wilcock and his claim to be the incarnate of Cayce?

Honestly when I heard that I thought it was a bold statement. Although Wilcock has some interesting pictures of himself & friends that do resemble Cayce and Company, I find it hard to buy but can't say for sure...who really knows ???

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 12:55 AM
I remember reading about one of Cayce's prediction about Vampires and how they would come out of hiding and what not. Can anyone find an article to this prediction? I've searched everywhere I can think of but can't find. That prediction really intrigued me.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 11:53 AM
The vast majority of Cayce's predictions cannot be accessed by such lowly folks as you or I, Megabears.

You have to pay money and join A R E before you can have access, and even then you'll have to go to Virginia for most of it.

I already know why they do this. Can you figure out why?


posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 11:51 PM
I remember reading one of his books a long time ago. I wasn't impressed then, and I'm not impressed now.

If Edgar was truly speaking for the Divine, he would have stuck to the physical healing, and steered clear of prophesy of future events. Remember, no man shall know the future, unless you happen to be planning it.

I believe Edgar was being flim flammed by "John Pineal, Gland".

End of reading.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 01:15 PM
He was in a trance, the subconcious mind answers the questions it is asked without discrimination. He couldn't just reject a question he would be asked, because he wasn't concious.

The subconcious mind is much more advanced than the concious human mind, but sometimes it can work alot like a computer, it can process many things the concious mind cannot, but it does not always have the same type of reasoning or discrimination that the concious mind does.

[edit on 23-10-2008 by Hollywood11]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by Hollywood11
He was in a trance, the subconcious mind answers the questions it is asked without discrimination. He couldn't just reject a question he would be asked, because he wasn't concious.

The subconcious mind is much more advanced than the concious human mind, but sometimes it can work alot like a computer, it can process many things the concious mind cannot, but it does not always have the same type of reasoning or discrimination that the concious mind does.

[edit on 23-10-2008 by Hollywood11]
I would have no problem with that, but please don't throw off the table other possibilities. You may be aware that the human mind is like a radio receiver in ways.

The telecommunications industry is presently researching the Pineal gland because of the crystals within it, and the effects of microwaves on them. New technology? I suspect it isn't. Would you like to buy a copy of the research? 1349.30$

Fisherman for years found what they thought was sand in the brains of the fish. No one could figure that out until it was revealed that it wasn't sand, it was crystals. And that lead to a possible way in which they were able to navigate to their spawning grounds.

So, "speaking" "Whispering" to the animals or anything else that has a pineal gland is very possible.

Was Edgar Cayce a victim of this? Or for that matter any one in the past who claimed god, satan, or aliens told them so.........

We limit ourselves when we decide something isn't possible.

I believe Edgar was a very decent, loving human being, who was being used....

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by Harte
I didn't know that.......this changes my perception a little.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:14 PM
However Edgar Cayce knew what he knew, and however he was able to go into trance, I don't see anything bad or wrong in his readings. Why does there have to be some sinister side to it? Because the bible said something you took a certain way?

Edgar Cayce's readings seem very righteous and good to me, so it makes little sense that the info would have come from somewhere bad.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Hollywood11
However Edgar Cayce knew what he knew, and however he was able to go into trance, I don't see anything bad or wrong in his readings. Why does there have to be some sinister side to it? Because the bible said something you took a certain way?

Edgar Cayce's readings seem very righteous and good to me, so it makes little sense that the info would have come from somewhere bad.
The bible has nothing to do with it. Yes, the bible is a great place to read about a warped and disjointed history of mankind, but it has no license over me.

If you researched Edgar a little deeper you will find that when he was young, in the woods as I remember, a voice came to him "Edgar, Edgar". Correct me if I am wrong but it had something to do with a blindness he suffered with. If someone has information about this, please post it.

Was Edgar a true prophet, and for whom? If you compare this debate with the current elections, you are given two choices and these choices are offered to the public, but in reality there are many other choices that can be made. In this case the question is, did Edgar have contact with unknown forces. The answer does appear to be yes, but is it the only option?

Your claim basically is what's the harm if good comes from it. If there is any good to have been found it was with the people who were cured. I remember one reading where "Oil of Smoke" was prescribed. It drove them all nuts trying to find it, finally they did, applied it, and the condition was cured. Today Oil of Smoke is illegal, how can it help us now?

What harm? Let me take you to a "honest" court room. The witness comes in and is asked a series of questions. Did you see the crime, yes or no. Did you see who committed what ever. The witness is there to give testimony, not to talk about rumors or play the he said she said game. Who told you what, when. That is all the court is interested in, the facts. If a witness came in and said "Well, I wasn't there, but I did hear a voice in my head that said Joe Blow did it, they would be escorted out of the room, without lunch. If a witness can not come into the court room or make arrangements to let their identity be known, it then only becomes hear say and can be ignored.

Who or what told Edgar what he knows, let them stand in courage in front of the court of public opinion, and state their, it's, case.

Edgar Cayce's readings seem very righteous and good to me, so it makes little sense that the info would have come from somewhere bad.
How in Gods green earth can you come to this conclusion, honestly? How? Because it sounds good? In all honesty, "sounds good" doesn't cut it in a court of law. Yes, but people were helped. Sure they were, but how many have been lead down a rosy path, with no end in sight, putting money out to read a passage with a unknown and uncheckable genesis? Lets all read a book by an author with no name, and no way to check him, lets believe everything in this book, and question nothing. The author must be good because there are things in the book that are good and true, so everything else must be true too.

I honestly and humbly mean no disrespect for anyone who cares to research Edgar Cayce, but please be honest with yourself, don't come to conclusions based on assumptions that may be wrong. Always allow for "assumptions", but don't build too much on them at any one time. If the assumption turns out to be correct, fine, but if it turns out to be faulty, everything you have built upon them will come crashing down.

Assumptions are only place holders for "Fact's", until the fact is found, or dismissed.
Assumptions, are not facts.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 04:05 PM
What i am saying is fist of all, that I can't say for sure exactly how Edgar Cayce did what he did.

However, the results of his readings were always good and helped alot of people...... So if the results were good, the information must also come from a good place. Good things cannot come from a bad source.

If we want to know if the source of the information is good, all we have to do is analyze if the results and effects of knowing the information are also good.

If it came from a bad source, then the results would have been bad and hurt people.

The same principle applies to determining what is true and not true. If an idea will have good effects in the world, we can know the idea itself is good and comes form a good place, and is therefore true. If the effects of an idea will be bad, we can then know that the source of the idea is also bad and the idea itself is therefore wrong.

[edit on 24-10-2008 by Hollywood11]

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Hollywood11

What i am saying is fist of all, that I can't say for sure exactly how Edgar Cayce did what he did.This is being honest with yourself, good for you.

However, the results of his readings were always good and helped alot of people...... So if the results were good, the information must also come from a good place. Good things cannot come from a bad source.
Can you attest to this in a court of law? Or do you base your opinion on hearsay? Ford Motor Company is a good Company, they have never shipped a "Lemon". Is that true?

If we want to know if the source of the information is good, all we have to do is analyze if the results and effects of knowing the information are also good.
What is good and what isn't? Who is to say that maybe some of those people he cured were suppose to go home. By the way, not all the people were saved. A doctor prescribes a medication, you take it on faith, later that month it is discovered that the medication causes deadly side effects. Bad came from good! It doesn't mean the doctor should be blamed but rather the creators of the medication. We can go after the creators of this, but in Edgar's case, we can't.

If it came from a bad source, then the results would have been bad and hurt people.
We really don't know who may have been hurt. Obviously, it appears people were helped, but in the long run, after it comes out, there were side effects, who do we blame? A voice?

The same principle applies to determining what is true and not true. If an idea will have good effects in the world, we can know the idea itself is good and comes form a good place, and is therefore true. If the effects of an idea will be bad, we can then know that the source of the idea is also bad and the idea itself is therefore wrong.
Have you ever heard of sugar coated candy? Trojan Horse? Apple with a razor blade in it? Sometimes bad things take a long time to be seen, other times the truth is just one bite away. One thing for certain, the truth no matter where it is or what type, will last forever. The truth of Edgar Cayce will be known, in time.

By the way Hollywood, this is a awesome post, more people should read up on old Edgar. Do you have access to the story of his childhood?

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