posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 09:30 AM
NEWS RELEASE: 30th January 2009.
The US based Mutual UFO Network has dismissed from its membership/consultancy the so-called Dr Ronnie Milione. In 2008 Milione was found to faking lab
reports from the Brookhaven National Laboratory which were written on behalf of Dr Ronald Rau. Dr Rau nor the Brookhaven had anything to do with this
and the lab reports in question (full report at: and they were fraudulently manufactured by Ronnie Milione. Milione has also
been unable to provide any proof of his doctorate. UK based researcher Philip Mantle also reported Milione to the US authorities and police to advise
them of his fraudulent activities. Mantle has also contacted a wide variety of UFO and paranormal organisations in many different parts on the world,
but mainly in the USA, to warn them to beware of Milione and his activities.