posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 06:50 PM
William One Sac,
Thank you for the reply. I agree that personally identifying information about other people should be removed. Libelous type posts are also not what
the article discussions are for, obviously.
In this case I hadn't read that poster's rant so much as those types of things, but more saw it as ciriticism as such. The person surely seemed to
not have tried to seem very diplomatic and so on, but whatever was the motivation, I, like I say, mostly read the post as criticism against the ATS
forums as such.
As an encyclopedia, I think tinWiki needs to take special considerations in maintaining neutrality, which also means giving special attention to
anyone who would challenge the notion of tinWiki's neutrality. Otherwise it's like that poster I think I saw in a photo somewhere that read
something like, "Behead those who say muslims are violent!" lol You know?
A special policy could maybe be good to have that relates specifically to criticism of tinWiki and ATS. It's a given that there'll be conspiracy
theories about a conspiracy theory website, I would think, and those accusations should be afforded light of day just out of self interest. This seems
to be of particular importance, and will only become a bigger and more important issue as tinWiki grows, as it seems to me.
Instead of removing the whole post, I suggest considering removing the offending portions, so to say, and replace them with an explanation of why they
were removed. That would be similar to how deleted posts in ATS are replaced with a message as to why the deletion happened.