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New message from Blossom Goodchild OCT 11TH

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posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 12:44 PM
It's the apathy and dissapointment in people afterwards and it's behavioural effect i'm more interested in seeing that's why i'm hoping the 14th is a hoax. I'm not saying i enjoy seeing people suffer these feelings before someone misqoutes me i'm merely saying theirs a golden opportunity to study here.

Refine a few theories on NLP and the system of belief.

I want to monitor the aftermath to be honest.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 12:50 PM
I hope to the fullest the Aliens come but I doubt it.
Will be interesting either way this turns out

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by SR

I am afraid of the after math.

People are crazy enough as it is already.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 12:55 PM
I too would like to beleive Oct 14th will pass as Blossom predicts but there are just too many 'what-ifs' to think it will turn out anything but for the worse of mankind. Our respective governments have their own hidden agenda's that does not include loss of control.

Sorry folks but if we are visited Oct 14th you can bet they will be met by covert hostile action by our governments to make them appear the bad guys. Our controlled media will back this up and without definite proof to the contrary, we will have no choice but to believe in what our Governments tells us. The world media in general, is still ultimately, in the hands of a few that dish out whatever slant of the real news they care to release.


posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by 12.21.12
reply to post by SR

I am afraid of the after math.

People are crazy enough as it is already.

Ditto in a way on that.

I also noticed your post on Project blue beam my friend, I wonder if you are thinking along the same lines as me here that this could be just a little test run/experiment expanding on PBB and ironing out how soon it could be put into action maybe?

I'm sure some seriously heavy and rich behind the scenes people will also be monitoring the feedback and data.

[edit on 11-10-2008 by SR]

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by SR

Well it's gotta be blue beam it's just got to be.

I don't trust anybody that comes to earth by the way of a giant spaceship to save humanity. Galactic Federation of Light? Come on! At least they could have thought of a better name.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Freelancer
I too would like to beleive Oct 14th will pass as Blossom predicts but there are just too many 'what-ifs' to think it will turn out anything but for the worse of mankind. Our respective governments have their own hidden agenda's that does not include loss of control.

Sorry folks but if we are visited Oct 14th you can bet they will be met by covert hostile action by our governments to make them appear the bad guys. Our controlled media will back this up and without definite proof to the contrary, we will have no choice but to believe in what our Governments tells us. The world media in general, is still ultimately, in the hands of a few that dish out whatever slant of the real news they care to release.

Thatss a rediculous thing to say, " We'll have no choice but to believe our government", Put it this way if our governments and the media try to portray them as evil, then we know its the complete opposite.. You dont have to believe any government, they will tell you nothing but lies, lies, and more lies..

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by Truther

If anything they will use it as disclosure and in any case it will definitely be the wrong kind of disclosure.

I hope that all of you GFLers do some research over the weekend, you are being lied to.

BTW I hope I don't seem rude or anything, I just think we need to all come together about this. Alot of you people believe that this is going to be some journey into higher awareness, but if you guys do some research about this, you might find that it is quite the opposite.

[edit on 11-10-2008 by 12.21.12]

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by 12.21.12

I just feel that you are basing your fears on physical experience and thoughts in earth, what makes you even think they would want to be evil and overthrow our earth, they have the whole galaxy, wait the whole universe, what makes you think we are so special "or not" that they would come with evil motives etc.....also do you think they would have warned someone to give out these messages , and then when we are waiting for them they just come and f**k us up? i doubt it , if they wanted to control us or come here withevil motives , dont you think they would just arrive? without warning and swoop down and bring all hell!!! Im sorry man i too have no evidence but it shows me your mind set when you are leaning towards the negative aspect. i dont i lean towards the positive, thats the diff between you and me. i think you are thinking bad and all that because of the world we live in and the life you probably live. ME ....IM ALL LOVE BROTHER i dont need to think negative!!


posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 01:10 PM
Im sane, Im reasonable, Im level headed, My gut reaction has stood me well for many many years and my "fight or flight" sense is usually spot on and early to appear. So with that I say this. I have a huge for-boding about this and Im ultra anxious to the extent that Im now starting to believe something is about to happen on the 14th. Is it going to be something good? NO WAY.......this is going to be evil for want of a better word. When is the best time to offer salvation? when we need it most. If this happens I firmly beleive it isnt a rapture or new era. Its more like a modern day gas chamber. Dont be fooled by the absurdness of my statement, is it any more absurd than Blossoms take on the event if it happens.

Take care and may your own chosen god go with you all.

[edit on 11-10-2008 by captiva]

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by SUMDUMONKEY

I don't think that seeing both sides of the coin is a negative thing sorry. There are two sides to every coin, thats just the way it goes. Again please read through the thread I posted earlier, it will make sense I promise you.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by Truther

I agree totally with you, if the goverments came up and said they are hostile ETC............ i wouldnt buy it, people will see after them cruising around that they are not firing missiles blowing up cities and so on, i think the goverment will be at a loss if this happens, if they try cover this up i will laugh in their faces and anyone who follows them.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by 12.21.12

And i beleive you have probably never had any sort of spritual experience either, that is the case with many like you, because if you did i think you would be more open to this, i have many friends like you, who choose to take the other path, we have lived different lives , and we are all different people for me to try explain something spiritual to you wouldnt make sense as you would probably want to see the mechanics. i for one have been a tai chi and qi gong teacher for ages and i tell energy and higher forces do exist, i have felt it its my profession, but for others its gibberish

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 01:19 PM

I have a growing excitement about this event,but i am still undecided as to it' s validity,but i know in my heart that i really want this to happen!

Is this event going to be big enough so that the whole planet can be in no doubt as to what is happening?

What about time of arrival?

Will i be able to see it? I live in Scotland and as you may know,we are not exactly blessed with beautiful clear skies!

Just some questions.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by Truther

Not everyone visits places like ATS for alternative news and open debates, there are still BILLIONS of people that are reliant on their local news-sellers to tell them what is going off around the world.

People require PROOF that their news-sellers are NOT telling them the truth, if no such truth is forth coming, they will naturally go along with the state run news-sellers.

My wife, son and daughter and many of my work colleges whole heartily believe in what the tv, papers tells them, they are kept in the dark and would believe without question, whatever was printed or said via the state run media.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 01:24 PM
i really want it to happen..for good or for bad..atleast life will get a little more interesting...however the love and stuff does sounds a lot like theyr coming to makes us slaves but i dunno,they can be good also...
but if it dosnt happen ill be VERY MAD,especialy if the escuse was that it was a test to see how would the public react....

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by SUMDUMONKEY

Just please do some more research before you go jumping to conclusions, there is a lot of useful information out there, it is available, timing is critical.

I am not trying to prove anyone wrong about October the 14th. I am trying to make people more aware of the intentions behind it. I do believe something will happen on the 14th. I do not believe it is a good thing, I do believe it will divide society firther and lead to civil unrest and chaos.

So if I am wrong, please tell me later I told you so. There will not be any piece on earth right now. It's just not in the stars.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by 12.21.12

I read your previous ost , and i must say that is sooooo open to various interpretation that i could write 10 different stories bassed on each passage, also sorry if you are a religious one, but i dont really find quoting scripture ideal in this situation, sorry but i havent really put much faith in the words of the bible...good luck with your views though man what ever floats your boat, right?



posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by 12.21.12

I agree with that if anything by chance does happen, It's gonna be bad news.

It'll divide the world into the age old classic 'believers' & 'non believers' and as history can testament for humanity it's done nothing but bring abject misery and conflict on us all.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Freelancer

MMMMMMmmm i think thats the problem to the average person who sees this enormous craft flying over they will be in complete shock and be scared, and obviously will believe what the goverment tells them. but in saying that, unless something like this does happen, i guess people will be sleeping forever and will never wake up, atleast this is a start, so if it does take place the can ponder on the reality of life after the event and hopefully this will awaken more!

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