posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 09:29 AM
The strongest argument for you Americans to read this post is that I'm not an American. So sorry for my crappy English.
I have been on ATS for 10 months and what strikes ,is that most posts here are about consperacy or doomscenario's. This single post from one weird
european dude obviously not going to change the way you think about the future of the USA. I'm no expert on whatever political/economical issues. So
don't ask me about facts, prove, scientific models.
It's just that I have faith (not religious one) that the US nation is to overcome whatever will happen. Off course there is a possibility that this
is going to be a difficult road. But still I believe that USA will remain the worlds strongest nation. I use the word "remain" because I don't
think it isn't anymore at this point.
Maybe bad decissions have been made, be sure there are much to follow. This happens worldwide; than one learns and takes a better decission next
I respect all the critical/sceptic people, because without them, people in charge would get lost in their freedom. But if one can only state US is
going down, he/she only adds to that believe.
Where one stockbroker quits his job, or "hides" under his desk to the crisis to pass over, the brave and smart one takes advantage of this time to
buy important stocks at cheap bargains
I believe in USA and its inhabitants. There is is nothing in it for me, but if I only reach one, to see the future more positively I have reached my
I salute to all you Americans, wishing you strength and wisdom for times to come, remember the american dream is still very much ALIVE!
[edit on 11/10/2008 by saturnus1962]