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Protesting NUNS branded terrorists

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posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by ashamedamerican

As I stated this is CLASSIC "boiling frog syndrome" and if we let them get away with this kind of fascist dictatorship behavior where will it end?

Where will what end? Do you mean where will putting people who have broken into military installations and messed with missle silos and stand up and shout down with the USA and have the potential to act again or do worse, being put on a list end?

I hope it doesnt end. Alot of protestors, me included dont want our government to go down. We want it to change. We want certain policies to change. But we do not want it gone.

What these two ladies want is for our government to be destroyed and they have even broken inot a military base and tampered with a missle silo.

By putting these two on a list they are ensuring that they, with the potential to do it again or worse, dont have a chance to.

Thats all there is too it.

Protesting does not make you a terrorist. What these two ladies have done does though.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 05:11 PM
Before you shoot your mouth off any more...
Go to google or any search engine and type in "protesters labeled terrorists"
Then you tell me that...
"Protesting does not make you a terrorist. What these two ladies have done does though."
Stop running off at the mouth because you THINK that you are right.
Educate yourself and you will see that almost everything you are basing your assumptions is 110% wrong...

Stop supporting YOUR government so blindly.
Learn to question authority.
If the founding fathers wanted you to be such a flag waving psycho sheep, they would have reduced the constitution to one sentence.
It would have said
'Do what your government tells you to, without question.'

We would not have our right to free speech, our right to bear arms, or our right to establish a new government if the founding fathers thought like you do and trusted government without question.

People like you are the reason why the rest of us are doomed to live in a fascist state, because unfortunately you and your fellow sheep outnumber those of us who are capable of unique intelligent thought.


Removed off topic insults

[edit on 13-10-2008 by dbates]

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by ashamedamerican
Before you shoot your mouth off any more...
Go to google or any search engine and type in "protesters labeled terrorists"
Then you tell me that...
"Protesting does not make you a terrorist. What these two ladies have done does though."
Stop running off at the mouth because you THINK that you are right.
Educate yourself and you will see that almost everything you are basing your assumptions is 110% wrong...

Stop supporting YOUR government so blindly.
Learn to question authority.
If the founding fathers wanted you to be such a flag waving psycho sheep, they would have reduced the constitution to one sentence.
It would have said
'Do what your government tells you to, without question.'

We would not have our right to free speech, our right to bear arms, or our right to establish a new government if the founding fathers thought like you do and trusted government without question.

People like you are the reason why the rest of us are doomed to live in a fascist state, because unfortunately you and your fellow sheep outnumber those of us who are capable of unique intelligent thought.

Just go back to watching dancing with the stars, or survivor and let the people with an I.Q. over 5 have a conversation ok?

First off you need to stop with the insults and personal attacks as that is against this websites T&C and will get you banned.

besides, Have I not said that I my self have protested? and you have the nerve to say im following my government blindly? have you even read anything I have said?

You dont seem to be thinking rationally. You seem to be under the impression that anyone who ever protests will be placed on a terror watch list. that is not so. I am not on one, no body else that I know who has protested is on one.

I love how you think that I dont want people to be free simply because I feel that it is not okay to break into military installations.

You say everything I say is 110% wrong yet you are the one jumping to wild conclusions saying that every one and everything will be considered a terrorist and we are all doomed. Yeah that makes alot of sence. I havent been speculating and assuming the worst like you have. I have been applying rationality, common sence and logic yet I am the crazy one. How funny. Thanks for the good laugh

people like me are the reason the rest of you are doomed? Really? You dont even know me. Ive been to so many protests standing up for my rights and fighting against so many injustices.

Perhaps if you had read my posts more carfully you would have known that I myslef am not a supporter of George Bush or his war. I am not a supporter of the many wrongs that have happened during the last 8 years.

You sit there throwing insults at me and I find that to be a shame. I was hoping to have a rational and intelligent conversation. Im dissapointed as it seems you were just looking for an argument.

If at anytime you choose to continue this in a civil manner befitting of ATS, and you decide to talk maturely without feeling so desperate that you have to throw insults out. feel free to let me know.

Insults and attacks are the last resort of a despereate person. It seems you have run out of logical arguments for your debate, so you have resorted to name calling. How sad.

I wish you have better luck in the future so you dont have to stoop to such a low level. I want to assure you right now thought that I will NOT stoop to name calling and insulting. Thats just not me.

[edit on 13-10-2008 by gimme_some_truth]

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 08:38 AM
You want me to throw flowers at your feet and tell you how bright you are because you STILL refuse to understand that alot more people are being put on these lists who have probably never been within a few miles of a missile silo?

"Insults and attacks are the last resort of a despereate person. It seems you have run out of logical arguments for your debate, so you have resorted to name calling."
My frustration is because you actually believe what these psycho's spoon-feed you, you would RATHER believe their lies than the truth.

Please by all means believe that this was about the missile silo's...
Don't bother to actually attempt to verify this, it makes my job proving you wrong easier when you assume.
A simple search should prove to you (unless you are too brainwashed to be helped) that what you are saying is wrong.

If you still believe this has nothing to do with the fact that they were put on this list for being anti-war protesters than you are beyond help (from me anyway)
Because a simple search on any search engine would do this for you.

Yet you obviously refuse to, because then you would be wrong.
Sorry but this is much bigger than you or any one individual, and I don't have the time or energy to waste, to try to convince someone who obviously refuses to do one simple search...

The FACT of the matter is that they ARE labeling protesters as terrorists.
Forget about the nuns, what about the FIFTY other people at that same protest who are now "terrorists?"

Believe what you want I really don't care.
I understand whats happening.
If you feel better with your head in the sand stay there.
Even if some of these people broke a law or two, that is NOT terrorism, and if you believe that it is than you are too lost to ever be helped.

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